We find Reiko Ike once again cast as a tough schoolgirl who has to band together with her enemies to upset the reign of their private Catholic high school administration where institutionalized sexual abuse is endemic. The tables are turned on the principal and sanctimonious teachers as well as an American priest when the adult evildoers are publicly humiliated and exposed before the entire student body.
A nasty schoolgirl does what she pleases, under the protection of her father, who is the school principal. Another girl is not so nasty, but she is determined and tough enough to contest the girl's gang in a democratic vote - and win. That causes her trouble in school, just when her own father, who owns a truck transport company, is murdered in a fake car accident by an American mobster. Before the girl can react, her naive mother has signed over the company to the mobster, and accepted him as her lover. Repentant, the mother starts drinking, and the good schoolgirl ties up with a halfbreed young man, who also has a grudge against Americans. He starts spying on the gangsters, discovers they are dealing in drugs, but is killed before he can report it. The good girl will lead her team in a desperation assault on the mobsters - and the police will eventually arrive just in time for the showdown.
Ochô, una muchacha de la era Meiji, presencia el asesinato de su padre, y años después lleva a cabo su venganza, teniendo tres cartas ensangrentadas como única pista para encontrar a los culpables. Ese mismo año se rodó la secuela, "Female Yakuza Tale".
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Kasai's Subordinate
A working-class housewife is sexually unsatisfied by her husband. When she seeks extramarital relationships, her affairs are discovered by a brothel-owner who then blackmails the woman into working as a prostitute for her.
Edward Crocker - US Embassy First Secretary (uncredited)
Tora! Tora! Tora! es la señal japonesa para atacar. La película reproduce de manera meticulosa el ataque a Pearl Harbor y todos los hechos que le precedieron. Las primeras escenas nos muestran las diferencias entre ambas posturas: por una parte los imperialistas japoneses deciden realizar un ataque por etapas, por otro lado los altos mandos del ejército americano ignoran esta posibilidad. A pesar de que algunos mensajes interceptados a los japoneses advertían de este peligro, éstos nunca llegaron a las manos de la alta comandancia del ejército americano. Los avisos de los radares son ignorados, incluso la caza de un submarino japonés en Pearl Harbor antes del ataque no se reporta.
Ken, son of a former samurai settles with his family in the west from Japan. Soon his family is killed in front of him by stagecoach robbers, making him aim to get revenge. Marvin an experienced gunman befriends Ken and becomes his mentor.
The last film in the series brings the tale to the doorstep of Pacific War, with the planning of the bombing of Pearl Harbor dominant in Nakano Spy School.
The sad story of Toshiko Ono, an innocent woman who turned into a prostitute after being sexually assaulted by American soldiers.
Petty Officer
Una expedición al océano Pacífico aterriza en una isla tropical donde los nativos adoran a una deidad misteriosa llamada Gappa. Un terremoto abre una caverna subterránea y un reptil que acaba de nacer es descubierto en su interior. Los indígenas advierten a los extranjeros para que no toquen al animal, sin embargo desoyen las indicaciones y se lo llevan de regreso a un zoológico en Japón. Poco después, aparecen dos monstruos gigantes, padres del animal, atacando furiosamente a la cuiudad de Tokio.
A su regreso del planeta Marte, una astronave es portadora de un virus que al contacto con nuestro planeta engendra al monstruo Gilala, un ser gigante que pesa 15.000 toneladas y pretende destrozar todas las ciudades que se le pongan en su camino.
In late 1940 the Japanese were anxious to conclude peace in China and to that end sent Colonel Hidaka to inaugurate negotiations. He was mysteriously assassinated, however, when his car was blown up. The General Staff Headquarters in Japan, sends Lieutenant Shiina, a graduate of the famed Nakano School of Spies inaugurated by Colonel Kusanagi, to investigate the matter. Arriving in Shanghai, he disguises himself as a Chinese coolie and sets out to watch for developments, the only clue being a silver dollar found beside what was left of the victim.
Dr. Josef Heim
While covering a test of guided torpedoes, two reporters believe they see what appears to be a strange-looking swimming creature. They investigate the matter further and discover that there is a race of fish-men living under the sea. The fish-men capture the pair and keep them prisoner in their underwater city.
After being mistaken for an Interpol agent, a man who was just supposed to go on vacation gets mixed up in a war between two gangs intent on winning the favor of a notorious arms dealer.
Nitani is an undercover drug enforcement agent in Kobe who not only busts two rival drug gangs but also helps one of the more decent hoodlums find the killer of the hood's brother.
A 1961 crime film.
Okinawan correspondent (uncredited)
Animales gigantes mutantes y pterosaurios prehistóricos emergen de una mina japonesa, aterrorizando a toda la población.