Dos reporteros paparazzi exploran las relaciones sociales de la alta sociedad local en una fiesta.
A pseudo-documentary story about what happens behind dance school walls.
Andreas Büttner
Durante una reunión de vendedores, el Gerente General de la compañía le pide a su personal que comparta incidentes eróticos y divertidos durante sus promociones de ventas puerta a puerta.
Y varias veces al día los colchones rechinan.
An oft-naked male reporter decides to do an expose on "sexual widows", housewives who are neglected by their busy husbands. - This cheaper sex film is disguised as a report about green widows.
The starting point of the plot is a Men's club, which serves both as a meeting place as well as an alibi by unfaithful husbands. Interspersed between the sex scenes are reporters' questions on alleged passersby about marital fidelity and infidelity.