Gabriela Vránová

Gabriela Vránová

Nacimiento : 1939-07-27, Nové Mesto nad Váhom

Muerte : 2018-06-16


Gabriela Vránová
Gabriela Vránová


40 let s Chalupáři
Bastardi 2
Tři životy
Zakletá třináctka
O princi Truhlíkovi
Šťastlivec Sulla
Sedm bílých plášťů
Utopím si ho sám
Drahý Bedřichu
Cizí holka
A zlehka zazvoní
Monkey's Playtime
The fisherman Fuksa fishes in the creek an old bottle and he sells it to innkeeper Merta. When Merta opens it, a genie appears, who can fulfill all his wishes.
How to Pull Out a Whale's Tooth
Vasek, 8 years old boy is desperate to find a new "father" for his mother.
Ráno budeme moudřejší
Eva (voice)
Akce Býčí oko
Dům doni Bernardy
Tichý svědek
Román lásky a cti
Mata Hari
Trapasy II
Jak se dělá televizní soutěž
Jarní vody
Gemma Roselliová (voice)
Marketa Lazarová
Marketa Lazarová (voice)
Historia ambientada en el Reino Checo durante la Edad Media que trata sobre la rivalidad entre dos clanes familiares de hidalgos pobres. Basada en la novela homónima de Vladislav Vancura, escritor checo del siglo XX.
Poklad byzantského kupce
Death Behind a Curtain
průvodkyně zájezdů Alena Volná
Nahá pastýřka
Judita (voice)
At the Ronov castle, the archive-keeper professor Nykl (Milos Nedbal) is searching for the lost painting The Naked Shepherdess by the famous Fragonard. Nykl is just about to disassemble the mantelpiece in the knight's hall, convinced that the painting must be hidden somewhere inside. His efforts, however, meet the strong disapproval of the castle manager, Anna Juzová (Jirina Petrovická), who knows very well where The Naked Shepherdess is. She wants to get hold of the painting herself, to emigrate and smuggle it along. In fact, Anna deals with forgeries of the most distinguished old masters, selling them abroad. The copies are made for her by the painter and restorer Maudr (Martin Ruzek) and the certificates of authenticity are issued by Anna's companion - expert Laburda (Karel Höger). One day, Anna is found murdered in front of the castle's fireplace.
Den končí ráno
Místenka bez návratu
Tři veteráni
princezna Bosana
The Cry
Young Nurse (voice)
While a woman is in the hospital preparing to deliver her child, her husband has all day to reflect upon his wife and their relationship. As he tends to his job as a television repairman, Slavek fondly remembers how he first met Ivana and the days they spent getting to know one another. Slavek also grows increasingly aware of the environment that surrounds him and questions the society his new child will be entering. Loaded with a repeated plea for social change, this is the first feature from Czech writer/director Jaromil Jires.
Tři sestry
Hledá se táta!
zdravotním sestra Magda
Setkání s mládím
The Day the Tree Blooms
Based on a novel by Maria Majerova, this well-photographed but routine romantic drama is directed and co-scripted by Vaclav Krska. Set in a more old-fashioned time, the story centers around Lenka (Suzana Fisarskova), a young woman with a domineering, psychologically abusive father. When Lenka falls in love she suffers the ultimate injustice when her father and her family forbid her to marry the man. They see no advantage in such a union and want her to marry a wealthy local landowner instead, for obvious reasons. But Lenka is not as submissive as they think and she runs away to the city to look for the man she loves -- only to find a serious problem, though a surmountable one, is waiting for her.
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