Semen Svashenko

Semen Svashenko

Nacimiento : 1904-09-13, Derhachi, Ukraine

Muerte : 1969-11-23


Semen Svashenko


Voyna i mir I: Andrey Bolkonskiy
Russian Soldier
La primera película de una adaptación en cuatro partes de la novela de Leo Tolstoy de 1869. En San Petersburgo de 1805, Pierre Bezukhov, el hijo ilegítimo de un rico noble, es presentado a la alta sociedad. Su amigo, el príncipe Andrei Bolkonsky, se une al Ejército Imperial Ruso como ayudante de campo del general Mikhail Kutuzov en la Guerra de la Tercera Coalición contra Napoleón.
Guerra y paz
Russian Soldier
Campaña napoleónica de 1812. Rusia contempla el implacable avance de las tropas napoleónicas hacia sus fronteras. La idílica vida de los miembros de la alta sociedad (el príncipe Andréi Bolkonsky, el soñador e idealista Pierre Bezukhov o la joven Natacha Rostova) sufrirá un dramático cambio. Antes, los aristócratas, la gente corriente y los siervos vivían en mundos completamente diferentes. Ahora, la necesidad de defender la patria los ha convertido en compañeros de armas.
An Optimistic Tragedy
1918 year. A woman commissar has been appointed from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party to the Russian warship Gromoboi, which is ruled by anarchist sailors. The leader of the ship is the anarchist Vozhak. The Commissioner was instructed to reorganize the naval detachment into the First Sailor Regiment. She faces a difficult task: to win the authority of the sailors and eradicate anarchy. Of the remaining officers on the ship — lieutenant Bering, who served in the tsarist fleet on the battleship "Emperor Paul I". He must become the commander and, together with the sent commissar, lead the regiment to the front in the Black Sea region.
La balada del soldado
Old Ukrainian
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el joven Alyosha, un soldado de apenas 19 años, gana una medalla como recompensa por su heroísmo en el frente de batalla. En lugar de la condecoración, Alyosha pide unos días de permiso para poder visitar a su madre. De camino a casa, en el tren conoce a una chica de la que se enamora.
Gloomy Morning
The third film in the trilogy ("The Sisters", "The Eighteenth Year", "The Gloomy Morning") based on the novel by Aleksei Tolstoy "The Road to Calvary". About the fate of the Russian intelligentsia against the background of the collapse of the Russian Empire and the civil war, which turned the lives of all the heroes of the film narration. Defending Tsaritsyn, the red commander Telegin was seriously wounded. At the hospital, he meets Dasha. After his recovery, the young spouses go together to the Red Army.
Страницы былого
Quiet Flows the Don
Garandzha (uncredited)
Based on the novel of the same name by Mikhail Sholokhov, about the fate of people broken by the First World War, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia (1917-1922), about the collapse of the foundations and ideals of the Don Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century, about the personal tragedy of the protagonist — Grigoriy Melekhov.
By the Bluest of Seas
Fishing kolkhoz chaiman
Yussuf and Aliosha are two shipwrecked sailors on an island in the Caspian Sea. They start working as sailor and mechanic for the fishing boats of the "Lights of the Communism" kolkhoz. Here the two friends will fall in love with the beautiful Masha.
The screen adaptation of the novel by Tadjik writer Sadriddine Aini, telling the story of a tramp who falls in love with a rich girl, was supposed to become the first full-length feature film in Central Asian film history. But the unfinished Dokhunda was banned by the Soviet authorities when film production was already in full swing. No footage survived. This is why Izvolov had to rely on Lev Kuleshov’s draft to study and appreciate the maestro’s vision and the unique aesthetic concept, which was never to be realised during Kuleshov’s lifetime.
Night Assault
A peasant visits the DneproGES construction.
This revolutionary epic likens the push for industrialization of Soviet Ukraine with the battle for Perekop during the Civil War. A missing plow blade is presented as a symbol of the country's backward peasant economy that needs to be transformed in the course of the industrial construction. In an onslaught of rapidly changing images, Ukrainian village with its peasants suspicious of everything new, dramatically collides with the frenzy of working factories, plants, and mines.
Blown Up Days
Satirical film about Ukranian collectivization.
Un viejo campesino ucraniano se dispone a morir sobre la tierra en la que ha trabajado toda su vida. Su nieto, Vasil, decide entonces que el consejo de la villa debe comprar un tractor para compartirlo entre los granjeros, que unidos vencerán a las dificultades de la naturaleza y a la opresión de los ricos terratenientes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dve zhenshchiny
Tymish, the Ukrainian
A soldier returns to Kyiv after surviving a train crash and encounters clashes between nationalists and collectivists.
Tymish, first grandson
The momentous film stars Mykola Nademskyi as the grandfather of Tymish (Semen Svashenko), whom he alerts to secret treasure buried in the mountains of Zvenygora – Treasure that rightfully belongs to his homeland. The film wonderfully blends both lyricism and politics and uses its central construct to build a montage praising Ukrainian industrialization, attacking the bourgeoisie, celebrating the beauty of the Ukrainian steppe and retelling ancient folklore. Said Sergei Eisenstein of the film, "As the lights went on, we felt that we had just witnessed a memorable event in the development of the cinema".
House in the Snow-Drifts
Andrei Burmash
An adaptation of Evgenii Zamiatin’s short story “The Cave,” about a musician dying of hunger in his large, unheated Petersburg apartment because he was not needed in the revolutionary city.