James Tien Chuen

James Tien Chuen

Nacimiento : 1942-05-28, China


James Tien-chun (Chinese: 田俊; born 28 May 1942) is a Hong Kong actor from Guangdong, China. He appeared in almost 70 films, primarily in Hong Kong action cinema, including roles in the films of martial arts stars including Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung. He often played villains or supporting roles. He retired from the Hong Kong film industry in 1996.


James Tien Chuen
James Tien Chuen


A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
Game of Death Redux
Mr. Tien, the Second Fighter
An edit of Game of Death using unreleased footage. Hai Tien, a retired martial artist, is confronted by a underground Korean gang to retrieve an item in a five-level pagoda under the guard of skilled martial artists. When he refuses, his sister and brother are kidnapped. Now, Hai Tien and a group of other martial artists fight their way up the pagoda.
Bruce Lee in G.O.D.
Charlie Wang
Bruce Lee in G.O.D. is a "docudrama" about the filming of Game of Death. The first 40 minutes of the film is a dramitisation of events before Lee dropped filming for GOD to do Enter the Dragon, interspersed with interviews with people associated with the film. The remainder of the movie is an alternate cut of the found Game of Death footage.
Bruce Lee: A Warrior's Journey
(archive footage)
Documental centrado en la figura del artista marcial Bruce Lee, que incluye entre otras cosas algunas escenas inéditas de sus películas, descartes de "Juego Con la Muerte" y el montaje de 34 minutos de las escenas rodadas tal y como Bruce las había pensado.
Blade of Fury
Bandit Leader
Wang Wu, A kung-fu expert, is depressed about the dismal state of the political affairs of China. But, when he meets another famous kung-fu master, they together decide to bring about a revolution.
Daddy, Father and Papa
Brother Ho
When a boy disappears from home his mother enlists the aid of two ex-lovers by telling each that he is the boy's father.
Lee Rock
The film chronicles the rise and fall of a corrupt police force that Lee Rock becomes a part of.
Slickers vs. Killers
Assistant Director
Success Hung, an ace cell phone salesman who his feeling the heat from young, up and comer Miss Cheng. One day, Hung witnesses a mob hit. Though the panic-stricken salesman tries to tell his friends about the incident, Hung's gift for exaggeration in the past makes everyone suspicion of his claims except for a relative the deceased who comes to believe that Hung pulled the trigger.
Money Maker
When expert gambler Sandra Ng is killed by a rival, her ghost enlists Wong Jing and Ng Man-Tat, two screw-up disciples of Taoist Lam Ching-Ying, to help her extract her revenge. This premise allows Wong Jing to have fun with the ghost, taoist, and gambling movie genres at the same time, providing the kind of entertainment you would expect from a movie produced, directed, and starring Wong Jing ... be that good or bad
The Gambling Ghost
Sammo Hung plays three different characters: Fatty, Fatty's father and Fatty's grandfather, Hung Kau. Fatty is a hotel worker, yearning for sudden wealth. Therefore, he, and his co-worker, enter the gambling world, to the dismay of his father. When Fatty hits rock bottom, the ghost of his grandfather resurrects to help him. However, Fatty learns that his grandfather was murdered, therefore, he will stop at nothing to avenge his death.
Pantyhose Hero
Two policemen must pretend to be a gay couple in order to investigate the murders of homosexuals in Hong Kong.
Burning Sensation
Fire Dept Commander
A firefighter salvages a spiritual shrine from an old burning building, which releases the gentle ghost of a Chinese opera singer, killed in a stage fire 30 years before. Grateful for saving her, the ghost falls for the firefighter and will stop at nothing to ensure his safety from the evils that lurk ahead. At the same time, the firefighter doesn't realize he is dating a ghost.
Hero of Tomorrow
When Lee Sam, a ten-year veteran of the Hong Kong underworld, is released from prison, he dispatches two enemies and goes into hiding in Taipei where his old friend Billy is a boss. Billy is a hothead whose rivalries with other gangs put Sam at risk. After bailing Billy out a couple of times, Sam tries to get out of the Mob life. He retires to the coastal town of Tainam, works as a fishmonger, and falls in love with the sister of Crow, a 20-year-old who wants to work for Billy. Can Sam quit violence for good, start a family, and protect Crow?
Los tres dragones
Boss Feng
Jackie es un brillante abogado encargado de defender a una planta química de una acusación judicial, por contaminar con sus vertidos una zona pesquera de Hong Kong. Pero su atracción por la principal testigo de la acusación le llevará a tomar una importante decisión: su papel está equivocado, ¡él debe estar en la oposición acusando a su cliente! Con la ayuda de un alocado escalador y un traficante de armas descubrirá que, en realidad, la fábrica es una tapadera para el tráfico de drogas. Unidos pretenderán desmantelar la banda y destruir la fábrica.
Lai Shi, China's Last Eunuch
General Lei
Comando infernal
Angry Customer
Un grupo de prisioneros tienen la misión de destruir todo un arsenal militar antes de que llegue a manos del Vietcong. Si logran su misión con éxito obtendrán la libertad y una jugosa recompensa.
My Cousin, the Ghost
Restaurant manager
Cousin Big (Richard Ng) returns home from the UK in order to find a wife and settle down. He has previously driven out his illegal immigrant friend Ma (Wu Ma) from the UK and the scores aren't settled. That is all cast aside when not only one, not two but three ghosts are to be dealt with and one is Cousin Big who has fallen in love with one of the ghosts (Wong Man-Si)...
Al borde de la ley
Johnny Kwong / Chou Ting-kuang
Yuen Biao interpreta a Jason chan, después de terminar sus estudios sobre leyes en Inglaterra vuelve a Hong Kong para hacerse abogado. Con un fuerte sentido de la justicia, el intento de Jason de condenar a algunos señores de la droga para sus crímenes no funcionan. Van siempre libremente ... y la ley apenas sirve de nada, la cólera se acumula en Jason hasta que decide tomarse la justicia por su mano. Asignan a Sandy (Cynthia Rothrock) una detective de Hong Kong para investigar un nuevo caso sobre el asesinato de varios señores de la droga.
Mr. Vampire II
Officer Tien
Modern grave robbing "archeologists" find perfectly preserved specimens from the past of a man, a woman, and their child. Unbeknownst to the scientist and his two bumbling assistants, these are vampires immobilized only by the paper spells pasted on their foreheads. While transporting the child to a buyer, its spell blows off and the vampire child escapes and befriends some local children. Eventually, the parent vampires are also awakened and escape, but by now the local herbalist is on their trail to destroy them.
Lucky Stars Go Places
Police Special Force Commander
Los Lucky Stars originales son sustituidos por un nuevo grupo reclutado por Sammo Hung de entre lo peor de la policía de Hong Kong.
Wang Ping Tang
Dos ambiciosos graduados de la academia de policía buscan resolver su primer caso.
El tren de los millonarios
Shi Yu
Un tren muy especial acaba de salir de Shangai. Sus pasajeros son ricos comerciantes que viajan con sus esposas, realmente, unos blancos muy jugosos para cualquier ladrón. Pero el robo no llega a producirse, sino que se produce una situación totalmente distinta. ¡Parada obligatoria! Un extraño pasajero sabotea el tren y todos deben bajarse… en su pueblo natal. Allí tendrán que gastar grandes cantidades de dinero para poder salir con bien de ésta. Como la situación apremia, se forman los inevitables grupos, y se ven envueltos en robos de bancos, pugnas entre samurais y peleas territoriales entre bandas callejeras.
Ultra Force 2
Henry Tin Wai Keung
Trás el asesinato de un diplomático británico, un microfilm con importante información va a parar a manos de una panda de ladronzuelos. Inmediatamente la triada intentará hacerse con él mientras que las inspectoras Ng y Carrie Morris (Michelle Yeoh y Cynthia Rothrock) tratarán de evitar que la triada lo consiga y poder así meter a su lider entre rejas.
Protección a un ser menor
Mr. Kim Tin Chun
Ted, un entregado agente de policía de Hong Kong que sueña con casarse con su novia y convertirse en marinero para navegar alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo, tiene que dejar de lado sus sueños para hacerse cargo de su hermano Danny, un retrasado mental que se está metiendo constantemente en líos. Las cosas se complican cuando Danny roba accidentalmente a un hombre mientras juega a policías y ladrones con sus amigos. Cuando comienza a ser perseguido por la policía como sospechoso de robo, Ted jura limpiar el nombre de su hermano y llevar a los verdaderos criminales ante la justicia aunque para ello deba actuar al margen de la ley.
El regreso de los supercamorristas
Boss Lau Yan Foo
Vuelven los supercamorristas o, lo que es lo mismo, «La banda del orfanato», que está formada por Fastbuck, Músculos, Sandy, Blockhead y Herb, acompañados de la bellísima Bárbara y Ricky. El grupo se está tomando un merecido descanso en Tailandia después de la misión anterior. Allí se meten en numerosos y cómicos líos intentando ligar con las nativas del lugar hasta que se tropiezan con un grupo de travestís que intentan matarlos, con lo cual surge su nueva misión que los devuelve a la ciudad de Hong Kong para intentar detener a un señor del crimen local.
La banda de los supercamorristas
Prison Warden
Ricky y su compañero, apodado 'Músculos', son dos policías que viajan hasta Tokio para coger a un peligroso criminal. Pero cuando llegan les tienden una trampa y se llevan a Ricky secuestrado, por lo que Músculos recibe la ayuda de la inspectora Barbara Woo y del gordinflón Fastbuck para llevar el caso. Los tres, gracias a su audacia y su conocimiento en artes marciales, lucharán para liberar a Ricky y cazar a los delincuentes.
The Owl vs Bombo
Au Gung / Au Gan
Dos ladrones retirados son chantajeados por Chung, un expolicía, para que den clases sobre respeto en un centro de menores. Sin embargo, su pasado como maleantes no tardará en resurgir.
Seung lung chut hoi
Insp. Tien
Los detectives de Hong Kong Chau y Beethoven regresan en esta secuela de "Pom Pom". Esta vez, unen fuerzas con su jefe, el inspector Chan, para encontrar a la famosa araña voladora, sospechosa de robar dinero del gobierno del que era responsable Chan. Mientras tanto, Beethoven se enamora de la hija de Flying Spider, Mimi.
Pom Pom
Inspector Tien
Chau and Beethoven, two Hong Kong police detectives, go through misadventures to protect a young girl from a ruthless crime lord, as she possesses a ledger that contains all of the gangster's activities. In the mix is a tough, no-nonsense policewoman, who falls for one of the detectives. Written by Oliver Chu
La leyenda de Bruce Lee
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Golden Harvest Productions, la productora de la serie de impactantes films de artes marciales de Bruce Lee, presenta un amplio documental para conmemorar la carrera y la labor del más grande héroe de kung-fu que jamás se haya conocido. En "La Leyenda de Bruce Lee" se hace un recorrido por la vida y la carrera del "Pequeño Dragón", desde sus días como estrella infantil en films cantoneses, pasando por su incursión en Estados Unidos en las series de televisión "The Green Hornet" y "Longstreet", hasta que se convirtió en una de las mayores estrellas de todo el mundo, logrando cambiar la opinión y renovando el estilo de los films de artes marciales. En el documental se incluyen fragmentos de todos los films de Bruce Lee, incluidos "Furia Oriental" y "Operación Dragón" así como anécdotas de rodaje de su obra maestra inacabada "Juego con la Muerte". También se incluyen una serie de entrevistas inéditas con aquellos que lo conocieron íntimamente e imágenes de su emotivo funeral.
Vencedores y vencidos
Chan Chiu
Tras cumplir condena, cinco delincuentes de baja estofa, unidos por su afición común a perseguir mujeres atractivas y ponerse en situaciones embarazosas, hacen todo lo posible por reformarse. De esta manera, deciden que la mejor manera de limpiar su reputación es poner en marcha una empresa de limpieza completamente legal. Por desgracia para ellos, uno de sus primeros clientes es un señor del crimen organizado y al realizar un servicio en su edificio se llevan con ellos por equivocación unas valiosas planchas de impresión. Casi sin darse cuenta se verán atrapados en una guerra entre bandas mafiosas rivales por el control del negocio del dinero falsificado en Hong Kong. Para equilibrar un poco las cosas, contarán con la ayuda de un joven agente de policía.
Hiena salvaje II
Old Chan
Dos maestros en kung-fu, llamados Cielo y Tierra, están arrasando los pueblos y matando a todos los miembros de la hermandad Yin-Yang. Una familia huirá para que años más tarde sus dos hijos puedan vengar esta matanza enfrentándose a Cielo y Tierra.
Carry on Pickpocket
Sgt Wu's Superior
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
El hijo pródigo
Broken Right Arm Fighter
El joven adinerado Leung Chan cree que es el luchador más fuerte de la ciudad pero lo que él no sabe es que su criado ha amañado todos los combates que ha tenido. Cuando se enfrenta por primera vez a un luchador real, un miembro de la Ópera de Pekín, la derrota es inevitable. Leung yee Tai acepta enseñarle sus técnicas, pero durante el entrenamiento los luchadores son amenazados por Lord Ngai. Leung Chan y Leung Yee Tai logran escapar con vida de las tropas de Lord Ngai y le piden ayuda a Wong Wah Bo, el hermano de Leung Yee Tai, que les mostrará una técnica que quizás les de una oportunidad para vencer a Lord Ngai, el estilo de lucha “Wing Chun”...
Chu Liu Hsiang and Hu Tieh Hua
1980 Taiwanese action packed Wuxia film directed by Lin Ying; written, produced and co-directed by Gu Long. The title characters are based on Gu Long's Chu Liu Xiang novel series set during the Sung dynasty.
El puño del dragón
Fang Kang
El joven Tang How-Yuen es discípulo de Chang San-Thye, un gran maestro de kung fu. San-Thye gana un torneo de artes marciales pero es asesinado por Chung Chien-Kuen, un maestro rival que le arrebata el símbolo del torneo. Entonces, Tang jura vengar a su maestro. Al cabo de tres años, junto a la viuda y la hija del desaparecido San-Thye, van en busca del asesino. Cuando lo encuentran, comprueban que su enemigo se ha cortado una pierna debido a la culpa que arrastra desde aquel fatídico día. La viuda del maestro cae enferma, así que Tang va a trabajar para otro clan rival para conseguir medicinas. Sin embargo, mientras está trabajando, le acusan de la muerte de un joven y la viuda de San-Thye es envenenada. Tang y el maestro cojo unen sus fuerzas para derrotar al señor que envenenó a la viuda de San-Thye.
Hiena salvaje
Shing Lung (Jackie Chan) pasó toda su niñez aprendiendo el estilo secreto de Kung Fu de su abuelo. Su abuelo siempre lo advirtió de mantener el secreto del arte, pero Lung nunca rechazaba una pelea, lo que originó desastrosos resultados.
The Bone Crushing Kid
A tale of a lowly slave in feudal China who wants nothing more than to become a Kung Fu Expert.
Spiritual Kung Fu
Lu Qing
Tras vencer a un joven estudiante, un ladrón roba el libro de Los Siete Puños del templo de Shaolin y lo cede a su hijo. Los Siete Puños es un estilo mortal de Kung fu y el conocedor de su técnica lo utiliza para instaurar el terror entre los clanes. El único modo de vencerles es con la técnica de Los Cinco Puños pero el libro donde se explica esta técnica ha estado perdido durante años. Cuando Jackie Chan consiga el libro de Los CInco Puños podrá enfrentarse con el ladrón en una pelea apasionante.
Immortal Warriors
Immortal Warriors is a Taiwanese Martial Arts movie.
El aprendiz de Kung Fu
Master Mao
Jiang (Jackie Chan) actúa como si fuese un novato en peleas pero interesado en aprender. Desesperado por conocer las técnicas de Kung fu, acepta vigilar un gran Tesoro de Jade como intercambio por las clases de Kung fu que le ofrece su maestro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los Super Guardaespaldas
Jackie Chan, es el líder de un grupo de guardaespaldas de élite que han sido contratados para escoltar la caravana de una mujer y su hermano moribundo a través de las montañas plagadas de bandidos en la China medieval. (FILMAFFINITY
Juego con la muerte (Game of Death)
Charlie Wang
Billy es un famoso artista marcial con una prometedora carrera por delante. El Dr. Lamb, el líder de un sindicato que explota a artistas quiere que Billy fiche para él. Pero Billy se niega a firmar el contrato y entonces empieza una guerra sin cuartel entre Billy y el sindicato para conseguir su libertad.
Naked Comes the Huntress
Three travellers in the snowy wastes of Mongolia are hunting for valuable ginseng. As they battle the elements and the threat of starvation they come across a woman lying naked (but very much alive) in the snow surrounded by the wild minks. The treasure-hunters approach her and fall into a trap which will ultimately tear them apart and lead to murder and betrayal.
Iron Fisted Monk
Shaolin Instructor (cameo)
Husker es llevado al templo Shaolin por el monje "Iron Fisted", luego de que éste le salvara la vida. Tras perfeccionarse en las artes marciales, huye del templo, sólo para enfrentarse a su maestro, quien lo obliga a pasar por cuatro pruebas. Mientras tanto, un agente manchú está violando a todas las mujeres de la zona, y acusan a Husker de ser el culpable. Husker vuelve a encontrarse con Iron Fisted, para convencerlo de la necesidad de enseñar las artes marciales a los lugareños, con el fin de que ellos puedan defenderse de los manchúes.
The Shaolin Plot
Little Tiger
When a terrible kung fu master seeks various martial arts manuals from around China to make himself even more evil, he must come to blows with a Wu Tang student sent to stop him.
Shaolin Iron Finger
Martial arts superstar Carter Wong portrays a revolutionary who is an expert in the Iron Finger style of kung fu. When his mother is kidnapped, he is forced by his enemy James Tien to destroy a group of subversive warlords, including renegade monk Kam Kong and five element venom man Ricky Cheng. Non-stop, no-holds-barred fight action make this a must for any fan of the martial arts.
Hand of Death (La mano de la muerte)
Commander Shih
El Templo de Shaolin fue el centro de la lucha contra los Manchu en el siglo 17. Un renegado Shaolin, Shih, desertó para unirse a los Manchu y ha causado la muerte de un estudiante excepcional. Yung Fei, el mejor estudiante del templo, es enviado por el abad para conseguir justicia.
The Last Message
traffic policeman
Li (Sam Hui) works at a sanitarium as a male nurse, and Ah Tim (Michael Hui) is a handy man. One day, a bearded old man is sent into the sanitarium with a large bag. Ah Tim manages to steal the bag, and finds antique fragments inside. When the old man dies, the pair learn from his daughter that there is a sunken vessel that is loaded with much more than they already have, so they decide to go after the sunken treasure.
My Wacky, Wacky World
Fake villager
My Wacky, Wacky World is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Sammo Hung
The Seven Coffins
Hsiao Tsui is the most beautiful girl in a prosperous prostitution house in a North China town. But every client of hers is chased and scared by ghosts. She is thus very poorly treated by the owner. House madame Chiao takes pity in Tsui and hides her in an abandoned inn. There are seven coffins in the inn, all results of unnatural deaths...
The Dragon Tamers
Nan Kung
Carter Wong plays a young chinese martial arts student who travels to Korea to learn Taekwondo. Soon he comes up against a vicious gang who want all the local martial arts schools to join their evil association. But before he can defeat the bad guys, he has to learn to master his own strong desire to fight.
The Bedevilled
Tseng Chia Chu
In a small town found the only son of possession, the local, most influential family, dead and naked in vinbutiks hostess, Cheng Niang. His father insists that there is a murder committed by Chai-Tseng Chu, Cheng Niang husband. Tseng claims he is innocent. However, Cheng Niang has disappeared. Old Lin then tries to bribe Magistrate Tang judging Tseng to death and execute him immediately. Cheng Niang learns about her husband's death and freezing. Judge Tang is guilty and begins to see ghosts every night
Naughty! Naughty!
Boss Feng's thug
Wu Te-chuan is a young man trying to make a living in an easy way. But now he is penniless and will being thrown out of his Macau hotel. Kind- hearted hotel maid Hsiao Yen is the only one to help him in the world. One day, Wu plays a trick on the hotel owner. The scheme backfires and Wu has to flee to Hong Kong. Wu saves desperate painter Hsin. He convinces Hsin that his painting will sell if he is dead. After Hsin pretend to be dead, his paintings really can be sold well, but backfires finally. Then, Wu and Hsin team up and engage themselves full time in con games, gambling and sex inclusive. Finally, Wu is being chased by the ring enforcers but is saved. Finding himself in love with Hsiao Yen, Wu decides to turn a new leaf and live properly ever after.
The Shaolin Boxer
Lin Chi-Gang
Chuan Tai, master of the Shaolin School, hopes that if he can win the annual martial-arts tournament, he can help the villagers, who are under the tyranny of an evil security squad controlled by Ho Yung
The Tattooed Dragon
Jun Lee Kwan
Written and directed by Lo Wei for Golden Harvest, this feature stars Wang Yu as a guy known only as The Dragon – he’s got super sharp hearing! He’s also kind of a mysterious tough guy who wanders into a small town where the fine upstanding populace has a recurring problem with some gangsters who have decided to setup a casino in the area. Once the townsfolk start losing all of their money, and then all of their other belongings, and then even their homes it becomes obvious that there’s a scam going on here.
Chen Ying Chieh
The Fei Long Society, under the administration of chiefs Lung Lin, Pei Fen, Chen Ying-Chieh and Lung's sister Lung Chu, enjoys high prestige. One day a swordsman, Hung Wei, comes to join them. Hung later gets admitted after impressing the other chiefs with his fine fighting ability. The society's sub-branches soon come under the attack of the Black Tiger Gang. The chiefs of Fei Long Society head off to the branches in an attempt to save the situation. In their absence, the Society's stronghold falls to Hung's hands. Chen and Lung are attacked by Hung and his men. Lung swears to bring Chen back to justice...
None But the Brave
Chinese revolutionary
Una mujer revolucionaria adquiere la identidad de la hermana perdida de un Capitán que está realmente muerta. Se las arregla para engañar al Capitán por un tiempo, pero el Capitán pronto se da cuenta de ella y del plan para detener las relaciones chino-japonesas.
Seaman No. 7
Golden Hair (Boss)
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
A Man Called Tiger
Liu Han Ming
A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.
Furia Oriental (Fist of Fury)
Fan Chun-hsia
Chen, un joven experto en artes marciales, regresa a su escuela en Shanghai al enterarse de que su amado maestro ha sido asesinado. Mientras investiga la muerte de su instructor, Chen descubre que ésta está relacionada con una organización dedicada al tráfico de drogas, con una escuela rival y con las tensiones raciales existentes entre los habitantes chinos y japoneses de la ciudad.
Vengeance of a Snowgirl
Prince's son/Palace Guard of Armour
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
The Chase
Shih Hai-lung
Shih Hai-tung a swordsman seeks revenge for his father's murder knowing that the Golden Gate Sect were responsible. He had killed two Heavenly Dragon Association gangsters creating a significant amount of hostility between the two groups before they meet each other head on.
Kárate a muerte en Bangkok
Hsiu Chien
Bruce Lee llega a Bangkok y encuentra trabajo en la fábrica del Sr. Mi. Pronto descubre que este negocio es en realidad una tapadera para encubrir un tráfico de drogas y la prostitución. Dos obreros desaparecen misteriosamente y los restantes trabajadores deciden ir a la huelga. La dirección envía a hombres armados contra ellos.
The Crimson Charm
Red-gowned Chief Au-Yang Kwun
A noble swordsman and a one-armed swordswoman go up against the vicious Crimson Charm gang of thieves and cutthroats. The lovely and lethal Ivy Ling Po teams with the amazing Chang I for a classic tale of good versus evil in which the best man and one-armed woman wins.
The Eunuch
Gui's men
This rare release is set in the cloistered halls of the imperial palace, the home to many ghostly stories of wrongful deaths and lonely spirits, amidst the quiet shuffles of the eunuchs. Pai Ying stars as the titular eunuch, a powerhungry official who is willing to go to any extent to achieve his nefarious goals.
The Blade Spares None
Chen Jo Yu
Ho Li-Chun, una espadachina bonita pero despiadada, y tres rivales participan en un torneo abierto en el Palacio del Príncipe Kuei. Un caballero, Chen Jo-Yu, es derrotado en el torneo. Él huye y más tarde regresa con el caballero Tang Ching-Yun, quien empuña una espada extraña. Se quedan atrapados, pero Ho los libera deliberadamente después de ver el arma de Tang, que ella reconoce como la misma arma que una vez usó Sun Tien-Chen, un enemigo de la familia Ho. Ella decide investigar. Ella descubre que Prince Kuei en realidad es Sun, quien mató al verdadero príncipe hace años y asumió su identidad. Ho une fuerzas con Chen y Tang. El trío mata a Sun en una desesperada confrontación en el palacio.
The Invincible Eight
Lei Kuei
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.
The Iron Buddha
After a notorious rapist kills his master and entire clan, the Iron Buddha sets out for revenge. He'll need a magic sword first though, naturally.
A Taste of Cold Steel
Taoist Sikong
It's a no-holds-barred battle to the death for possession of the invaluable Purple Sword. Assistant director Wang Po-yi also wrote this entertaining and exciting adventure which could have also been called "The Five Tigers" since there's no doubt that this quintet is the highlight of the action. Huang Tsung-shun is "Fierce Tiger," Hung Liu is "Drunk Tiger," Hsu Erh-niu is "Lame Tiger," award-winning actor Ku Feng is "One-eyed Tiger" and respected director/actor Wu Ma is "Sick Tiger" in a tangle of tussles and thrills
Brothers Five
The 5 Kao brothers, separated since childhood, are unaware that the master Teng Lung Manor, Lung Chen-feng has killed their father. All five, however, seek to defeat the vicious gangsters at the Manor.
The Eagle's Claw
Security guard
The Eagle's Claw is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung.
Dark Rendezvous
Private eye Chang Wen Chiang receives a telephone call from his girlfriend Li Lan Hsing. He rushes over and finds her dying in a pool of blood.
A Pearl in Command
Escort fighter
A Pearl in Command is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung