Interviews with students of the post-war Jewish I.L. Perec school in Łódź, Poland, who were mostly scattered around the world after anti-Semitic purges in 1968.
With magical love herbs Corinna wants to bring back momentum in their marriage, but the thing gets out of hand. Ironically, on her wedding day, Corinna realizes that her marriage is in a dead end: her once-romantic husband now prefers to look after other women and otherwise only thinks about business. How is she supposed to make Michael feel a little bit more emotional again? Corinna's Romanian cleaning lady Rosha knows her advice: she gives Corinna a magical love herb that is supposed to turn the stressed-out workaholic into a freshly in love romantic.
Zucker es un periodista que está al límite de la ley, y su vida esta a punto de fracasar. Una herencia parece ser la salvación de sus problemas, pero una cláusula, convertirá todo en una pesadilla.
Jacek, who is Jewish, miraculously manages to survive World War II in Nazi-occupied Poland. As a subplot to Jacek's story, which also involves a love affair with Haling ( Kyra Sedgwick ) and German soldiers' repeated attempts to kill him, is a tale of how young kids in the Warsaw ghetto devise their own method of fighting oppression.
La acción se desarrolla en una localidad al este del Imperio Austro-Húngaro en los primeros días de la I Guerra Mundial. En la austera (taberna) del viejo judío Tag se esconden judíos de varias capas sociales amenazados por las tropas cosacas...
Although members of the Hitler Youth chant anti-Semitic paroles in front of his house during the Purim festival, Rabbi Singer is still profoundly convinced that Germany will stay a safe country for him, his family, and his fellow believers. But several years later, his son David is banned from going to school because he is a Jew. Shortly after, Rabbi Singer and his wife are deported. Now, young David also fears for his life. In constant fear of being detected, he tries to find a way to leave Germany.
Joseph se dirige a visitar a su padre moribundo en un tren donde tanto el paisaje a través de las ventanas como los pasajeros, en aparente trance, y el propio estado del vehículo conforman un escenario que escapa a la razón. Sensación que se mantiene tras la llegada al sanatorio en el que está ingresado su padre, pues la curiosa estructura del edificio unida a su decadencia extrema no se ajusta a las expectativas concebidas sobre instalaciones dedicadas al cuidado de la salud. Tampoco le tranquiliza la conversación con el médico que atiende a su padre. Los métodos que dice emplear se asemejan a las fantasías de un lunático.