Claudiu Bleonţ

Claudiu Bleonţ

Nacimiento : 1959-08-17, Bucharest, Romania


Claudiu Bleonț (Romanian pronunciation: [klaˈudju ˈble̯ont͡s]; born August 17, 1959, in Bucharest) is a Romanian film and theatre actor, comedian, television celebrity, and television presenter at TVR1, for the show Duminica în familie. He is known in Romania not only for acting, but also for his improvisation. Bleonț went to a German high school in Bucharest, and attended the National Bucharest Film Academy. Since then, he has played lead roles at many theatres in Romania, often preferring more classical productions. However, one of his most well-known theatre performances is as Romeo in a production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet with the balcony scene replaced with a bathtub. He has received several national awards for his theatre work. He has since appeared in seventeen films, under many of the Romanian directors. He had a lead role in the film Un été inoubliable under the direction of Lucian Pintilie; the film was nominated for the Golden Palm at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival. He married Beatrice Bleonț, a stage director, in 1995; they have since divorced and since 2001 he has been married to Andra Negulescu, an actress. In the 2003 film Boudica, Bleonţ played the role of Suetonius' ADC. In 2005 he acted in Femeia visurilor, a Romanian film directed by Dan Pița. He appeared in Eva which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2010. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Claudiu Bleonţ
Claudiu Bleonţ
Claudiu Bleonţ
Claudiu Bleonţ
Claudiu Bleonţ
Claudiu Bleonţ


Fault Condition
Melania, a 15 years old high school student gets pregnant with Emi, a classmate. Melania does not tell anyone she's pregnant, Not even to Emi, or to her parents. The situation is extremely complicated because Emi's mother is the director of the high school where the two lovers study, and Melania's mother is secretary at the same high school. In the fifth month of pregnancy, Melania faints during class hours. She is urgently taken to the hospital by her mother who finds her daughter is 5 months pregnant so it's too late for an abortion. Melanie's mother is forced to tell the truth to Emi's mother. Emi's mother forces Melania's mother to promise to keep the pregnancy secret to everyone, even to Emi. Minor's mothers separates the two lovers and decide to give the baby up for adoption to a family of Romanians living abroad who don't have the right to legally adopt a child from Romania.
Maten a Salazar
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Muy duro de matar
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Elegidos para ser héroes
Town Hall Official
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El mercenario: Absolución
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A Good Man
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The Bear
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Nacido para matar
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Gruber's Journey
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Anaconda 4: Rastro de sangre
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Cazadores de sangre
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Catalina la Grande
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El regreso de los muertos vivientes: Danza macabra
Aldo Serra
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Drácula III: Legado
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The Woman in the Dream
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Vlad La maldición de Drácula
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Vlad, príncipe de la oscuridad
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Un verano inolvidable
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The White Lace Dress
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Passo Doble
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Chained Justice
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Fatally Injured by Love of Life
N. Sarca
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An outdoors orientation contest turns into a journey to the participants' self and conscience.
Fata Morgana
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