Yuen Siu-Tien

Yuen Siu-Tien

Nacimiento : 1912-11-27, Hong Kong, China

Muerte : 1980-12-17


Yuen Siu-tin (27 November 1912 – 8 January 1979) (also known as Yuan Xiaotian, Simon Yuen, Sam Seed or "Ol' Dirty") was a Chinese martial arts film actor in the late 1970s. Yuen is perhaps best known as Beggar So in three films: Drunken Master, Story of Drunken Master and his final film Dance of the Drunk Mantis. He starred in films with film actors like Jackie Chan and under the direction of his real life son Yuen Woo-ping. Yuen died having a heart attack in 1979. Description above from the Wikipedia article Yuen Siu-tien, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia. Leader of the Yuen Clan and father of: Peace Yuen Wo-Ping; Charlie Yuen Cheung-Yan; Sunny Yuen Shun-Yi; Simon Yuen Yat-Choh; Brandy Yuen Jan-Yeung and Yuen Lung-Kui.


Yuen Siu-Tien


Jackie Chan - Invincible Fighter
Invincible Fighter is a documentary on Jackie Chan
Little Mad Guy
Slapstick humor and over the top martial arts action highlight this madcap adventure tale of a simpleton who fights for the people.
Los puños de la muerte
Sleeping monk
Barbero aspirante y con experiencia en kung-fu luchador Shang se entera de que su amiga de la infancia, Siu Ming, se le ha acusado de asesinato por un villano desconocido. Cuando Shang comienza a buscar en el crimen, pronto se encuentra en el blanco de un intento de asesinato. ¿Quién está detrás de todos estos crímenes, y puede dejar de Shang ellos?
Loco Loco Kung Fu
Vara de Bambú, un famoso maestro de artes marciales, encuentra en el campo a un hombre apunto de suicidarse. El hombre le cuenta que su hija va a tener que casarse a la fuerza con el descerebrado hijo de un poderoso terrateniente experto en kung fu...
El aprendiz del mono borracho
Un joven apodado Big Man Tou es expulsado por su familia adoptiva por haber perdido una oveja, que le robaron Fung Hu y Chi Hsiuing, al descubrirlo les reta a una pelea, siendo herido, pero es rescatado por Liu Chia, que pasaba por alli con sus vasijas de vino, entablando amistad decide enseñarle su técnica de kung fu. Big Man Tou, encuentra trabajo en el restaurante de Yu Lai, donde hace amistad con Hsiao Hun, su novio She Ven Chi y el hermano de este Ven Pen. Dolidos por la derrota que le infringió Liu Chia, Fung Hu y Chi Hsiuing, asaltan el restaurante de Yu Lai dispuestos a vengarse, pero Liu Chia corre en su ayuda, Big Man Tou logra acabar con el malvado.
El mono borracho ataca otra vez
El capitán de la policía local tiene que hacer frente a una poderosa banda que se dedica al tráfico de armas, pero durante el proceso tendrá que enfrentarse a numerosas dificultades. Únicamente podrá confiar plenamente en su prometida y en su futuro suegro.
El puño ciego de Bruce
The Blind Master
Para proteger su banco y a su familia, Tien Lung tiene contratados a 2 maestros para que le enseñen artes marciales, pero ambos son unos farsantes que lo único que pretenden es sacarle todo el dinero a cambio de lecciones de kung fu un tanto estúpidas. Todo cambiará cuando Ho Fu Wai y sus secuaces le arrebaten su banco y comiencen a extorsionar a las gentes del pueblo. Tien Lung se da cuenta de que sus técnicas son inútiles y acudirá a un anciano ciego para que le enseñe kung fu y poder así saldar cuentas con Ho Fu Wai.
The Story of the Drunken Master
Beggar So
Beggar So is trying to keep his two star students, brother and sister team Cheong and Gam Fa, in line and well-trained. But So's old enemy Grasshopper Bill Chan and his brother Cougar cause trouble. Bill helps young Kai to be pledged in marriage to Gam Fa against her wishes, but actually plans to have her for himself.
La danza de la Pantera Borracha
Sam the Seed / Beggar Su
Un maestro del norte ha desarrollado un nuevo estilo de kung fu combinando el kung fu borracho con la técnica de la mantis, ahora viaja con su alumno al sur para enfrentarse al famoso So Hai, el maestro borracho.
La sombra de la garra de cristal
Cook / Teacher
Un joven jura venganza contra los asesinos de su padre. Para ello, se debe entrenar con el maestro de su padre que le enseña "la sombra de la garra", una combinación mortal de dos golpes: la garra del águila y el puño de sombra.
El Dios dormilón y el cachorro despierto
Old Fox
Un policía de civil, Chin Tai Ba (Leung Ka-Yan), cae gravemente herido en una pelea con unos rufianes, pero lo salva un joven llamado Cub. Junto al maestro Chung Yiu, él lo perfecciona en el aprendizaje de las artes marciales, en especial la técnica del puño dormido. El trío marcha hacia el Shang Wei, la escuela de artes marciales, para vengarse de los matones.
Iron Bridge Kung-Fu
Iron Bridge Monkey is 10th generation of O Mei section, in order to protect the national treasure – Jade Watermelon, he lives at Tien Ho town secretly and disguises as a time announcer. General Chang intends to find it and sell to a foreigner. When his real identity is exposed, he has to run away. Who will finally get the Jade Watermelon remains a puzzle…
Mad Mad Kung Fu
Bamboo Stick
This old school martial arts comedy involves the search for the elusive “Bamboo Stick,” an aged kung fu master played by Simon Yuen, who kills a local crime boss’s son after taking the place of the son’s forced bride on the wedding night.
El mundo del mono borracho
Chang es el dueño de una bodega y maestro del Boxeo Borracho, técnica de kung fu mortal. Su vida relativamente pacífica es interrumpida cuando coge a dos muchachos (Li Yi Ming y Jack Long) robando uvas de sus viñedos y los pone a trabajar para él. Con el tiempo, él les enseña el arte del Boxeo Borracho. Cuando los dos muchachos entran en una lucha con algunos delincuentes locales, ellos provocan la ira de Yeh Hu, el enemigo de Chang. Enfadado por los discípulos de su rival, Yeh Hu y sus hombres asaltan la bodega y comienzan la lucha.
Artes borrachas, puños rotos
Yuen Hsiao-Tien
Ho, esforzándose por mantener el ancestral templo de HO, envía a su hijo Cubby a la Montaña Grass para aprender kung fu. A su vuelta y para desilusión de sus padres, rehúsa pelear, diciendo que es un experto y que puede dañar o matar a alguien. El padre, indignado, echa a Cubby de casa por el honor de la familia HO. Cuando Cubby camina al encuentro de su viejo maestro le salen al paso Li y Dedo de Muerte Wang, con quienes rehúsan pelear, pero a quienes accidentalmente derrota.
La leyenda del gran luchador
Old cook
Un estudiante de kung fu busca venganza después de que su padre es asesinado. Conoce a un maestro de ajedrez que le enseña a luchar combinando el ajedrez en la lucha. Así consigue una destreza asombrosa y se encuentra preparado para poder vengarse del asesino fantasma que mató a su padre.
Tormenta de kung fu en el paraíso
Ho To's sifu
El matrimonio que hace tiempo concertaron los padres de Yumiko Kuda y Ho-Tao dista mucho de ser un matrimonio feliz, no dejan de pelearse y siempre están discutiendo sobre que arte marcial, si la china o la japonesa, es mejor. Tras sentirse ofendida durante una pelea con su marido, Kuda regresa a su Japón natal mientras que Ho-Tao le escribe una carta retándola a un duelo para saldar definitivamente sus disputas. Sin embargo, la carta cae en manos de Takeno, antiguo novio de Kuda, el cual la toma como un duelo contra todo Japón, por lo que comienza a reclutar a los mejores luchadores de las distintas disciplinas japonesas para viajar a China a enfrentarse a Ho-Tao.
El gato borracho maestro de kung fu
Película ambientada en la época actual, donde cuenta la historia de un chico fanático de las películas de Kung Fu. Él es autodidacta, es decir, practica y se enseña de lo que ve en las películas. Su mayor ilusión seria trabajar en una película de estas. Por este afán de ser actor se pondrá a prueba en cualquier situación, haciendo demostraciones en publico y luchando contra la gente.
El mono borracho en el ojo del tigre
Beggar So
Wong Fei Hung es hijo de un gran maestro de Kung Fu de la cuidad. Pero, aunque es bueno, en lugar de estudiar Kung Fu se pasa el día haciendo el payaso, hasta que por culpa de una gamberrada suya resulta herido el sobrino de un pez gordo de la zona. Entonces su padre decide recurrir a la ayuda de su tío para que le enseñe un poco de disciplina.
Pícaro y señor del Kung-Fu
Su Hua Chi / Beggar So / Sam Seed
Dos amigos participan en una pelea de gallos; durante el desarrollo de la misma es robado un reloj y se organiza una pelea en la cual se ven involucrados sin saber el motivo. Debido a sus escasos conocimientos de lucha reciben una paliza monumental. En su desolación, conocen a un gran maestro de lucha, el cual les enseña las artes del kung fu a cambio de su mantenimiento. Se producen multitud de situaciones cómicas en el aprendizaje de los dos alumnos, los cuales intentan con grandes sacrificios su aprendizaje. La moral de los alumnos se ve reforzada cuando el abuelo y la novia de uno de ellos, son cogidos por unos ladrones. Entonces entrenan duramente para vengarse de los asaltantes.
La serpiente a la sombra del águila
Beggar, Pai Chang Tien
Un anciano profesor de artes marciales conserva la tradición de la lucha de la cobra, y consigue formar un discípulo que además, observando la lucha entre una cobra y un gato, incorporará el estilo garra de gato.
Las 36 cámaras de Shaolin
Abbot in Charge of Boxing Chamber
Los patriotas anti-Ching, bajo las órdenes de Ho Kuang-han, se refugian en Cantón haciéndose pasar por maestros de escuela. Liu Yu-te, uno de los pupilos de Ho trabaja como mensajero y espía para los anti-Ching. Pero el general Manchurio Tien Ta descubre a los anti-Ching y ordena matar a Ho y al padre de Liu. Liu escapa al templo de Shaolin con la esperanza de aprender artes marciales y vengar la muerte de su padre. Liu es aceptado como alumno y es llamado San Te. Su progreso en las artes marciales es espectacular y por fin, con el consentimiento de los monjes, deja el templo para vengar a su padre y reclutar nuevos alumnos para Shaolin.
Caracol Peligroso contra los Asesinos del Kung Fu
Head Snake Demon
La épica batalla mágica entre hadas continúa mientras el joven artista marcial Cheung arriesga su vida para rescatar al Hada Mejillón del Cielo. Sin embargo, ninguna buena acción queda impune, y por sus atrevidas pero tontas payasadas, Cheung es expulsado del hogar seguro de su tío. Ahora, Cheung deambula por un peligroso mundo de dioses y demonios. Solo sus habilidades de lucha pueden mantenerlo a salvo en esta fantasía de kung fu de Ling Hsiang coprotagonizada por Ching Tien, Tony Wong y Candy Yu. - Yuan-Shen Huang, On-On Yu, Amy Chum
Karate from Shaolin Temple
Yuen Yun
The Japanese karate master Muhashi spent some time in Hong Kong studying various Shaolin martial arts styles. Soon the narcotics brigade calls in his help to combat a powerful drug and prostitution syndicate.
The Valiant Ones
Bald pirate monk with bow
A righteous husband-and-wife swordfighting duo struggle to protect China from the machinations of Japanese pirates and corrupt officials.
The Young Rebel
Rong's sifu
When Ti Lung and David Chiang left Shaw Brothers, they returned a year later after learning directing and defied their former studio heroics making films with social leanings. Directed by Ti, The Young Rebel is one such film. Fatherless as a child, Hsiang (Chiang) supports his mother. When gangsters kill his mother, he kills in revenge. Unlike his swordplay heroes, Hsiang admits guilt, expresses sorrow and is imprisoned
The Association
Plain-clothes detective Wang is the best in his trade. One day he stumbles across a young girl's body who apparently is died of abortion. Wang investigates the guilty abortionist who leads Wang to a secret organization called "The Welfare Association". Actually it is an international prostitution racket. Wang sneaks into the association. When he is about to arrest the association's organizer, a girl, Lei, whose sister's death cause by the secret society, saves Wang in certain death. Wang arrests the organizer but has set her free from headquarter. Wang and Lei get together in getting the commander dismissed.
Shaolin Martial Arts
Master Liang Hong
Después de la destrucción del Templo Shaolin, los Chings estan en el control y envía a sus mejores estudiantes para borrar a todos los especialistas de Shaolin restantes. Ellos casi tienen lo logran, pero dos estudiantes se fugan (Fu Sheng y Chi Kuan Chung). Ellos aprenden varios estilos de Kung-Fu de profesores diferentes para combatir a los luchadores de Ching
Martial Arts
Street performer
Chen is forced by his father to leave their home as evil plotters plan his death. On his journey he kills a man in hand-to-hand combat and then decides to find and help the man's family. When Chen arrives, he meets the dead man's two pretty daughters, now under the control of an evil war lord and his cruel gang. One by one, Chen takes them down until the big tournament, when he is forced to fight several skilled killers in a variety of martial arts styles. After winning the tournament, Chen takes on the big war lord himself in a fight to the death!
Fist to Fist
Sleeping waiter
A young police cadet graduates from the academy, and is sent to a small town run by gangsters - one of whom betrayed the hero's father and left him to die.
The Kiss of Death
One night a textile worker is sexually assaulted by five deviants. The young lady tries to cope with the aftermath of this dramatic event but her life is ruined. Like a shattered vase, the pieces can be put back together but it'll never be the same. Cheng get's a job as a bar girl. She meets the club's owner who was a former kung-fu fighter until he was crippled. Cheng uses her position as a B-girl to go after the losers who raped her, She soon learns from a sleazy doctor that she has contracted a dark V.D. called Viet-Nam Rose. Crushed, she begs Lo Lieh to teach her kung-fu. At first he refuses until he learns her secret. Furious, Lo Lieh teaches her his deadly fight techniques (such as a groin crunching blow).
Wong Fei-Hung: Bravely Crushing the Fire Formation
Wong Fei-Hung: Bravely Crushing the Fire Formation is the last film of the long running Huang Fei-hong series starring Tak-Hing Kwan
The One-armed Magic Nun
1969 Kung-fu film featuring Suet Nei in the lead role.
Sword of Emei
Chiu's man
Sword of Emei is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung
Wong Fei-Hung's Combat with the Five Wolves
Wong Fei-Hung takes on the the five wolves gang.
Dragon Swamp
Ding Long (fisherman)
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
The Fragrant Sword
The Fragrant Sword is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Stanley Fung. Yu Lap-chung has been executed for the murders of martial alliance members when the black-clad assailant to blame is still roaming free. Apprehended by the murder threats to the helmsman of Emei and Xueshan, Golden-clad Ambassador of the alliance solicits help from the security escort master Wai To, Yu in disguise spared from execution by his master who had a rapist stand in his place. The fake scholar ingratiates himself with Ai Ching-yee, daughter of the Mulberry Pillar Fortress helmsman Ai Pak-chuen and exposes the father's conspiracy with his sworn brother to rule the martial world by dispatching Ching-yee's senior disciple Sze-hung Ying to commit atrocities against the martial alliance. Yu cajoles Ching-yee into assisting in Sze-hung's capture and with the culprit handed over to the alliance, the young lovers wander away.
Iron Bones
Iron Bones, about a young lad that learns a secret Tai Chi type of style called the Wind Palm, where you can kill with chi blows. Sure, it's a little crazy, but the acting is a big cut above most martial arts movies and the sword fights are pretty good. And Sam the Seed shows up, sans wig, as a dirtbag Shaolin monk after the book. Han Ying Chieh, the big boss, is one of the thugs in the background.
Wong Fei-Hung: Duel for the Championship
An adventurous tale featuring Wong Fei-Hung
The Sword and Knife (Conclusion)
Hong Kong martial arts movie.
The Chivalrous Whip
Martial Arts Choreographer
Doctor and whip-wielding Hero Chai Tin-sum travels to an isolated village where he finds the population dying of the plague while being oppressed by the Ku family and their fortress. The family has cutoff the supply of fresh water to the village causing calamity. Chai must find a way to defeat the Ku family and restore water or the village will die.
The Chivalrous Whip
Uncle 2
Doctor and whip-wielding Hero Chai Tin-sum travels to an isolated village where he finds the population dying of the plague while being oppressed by the Ku family and their fortress. The family has cutoff the supply of fresh water to the village causing calamity. Chai must find a way to defeat the Ku family and restore water or the village will die.
Paragon of Sword and Knife
Paragon of Sword and Knife is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung
The Silent Swordsman
Sun Moon Clan member
A young swordsman is tasked to lead a patriotic secret society to fight a traitorous general who conspired with the enemy to invade their country. In due course, he meets two pretty sisters from a rural tribe and is caught between the affections of the two girls...
The Sword and the Lute
Red Lotus Clan member
The adventures of a young married swordfighting couple, Lianzhu and Gui Wu, and the swordfighting members of their different clans.
The Witch
Hong Kong martial arts / horror.
The Goddess of Mercy
Dancing soldier
With her elegant classic persona, Li Li-hua was the ideal performer for period aristocratic and imperial roles. The Goddess Of Mercy is a good example of her strong empathy and noble presence. The youngest daughter of a brutal king, the princess openly disapproves of the floggings and cruel treatment her royal family heaps on the peasants. As a result, the heartless king turns on his own daughter forcing her into exile. This humanistic tale will inspire and hearten even the most cynical viewer.
The Knight of Knights
Six heroes are killed while investigating rampant lawlessness at Zhaoqing Temple where villains are posing as monks. The dead heroes’ senior brother Su-chen and his two apprentices pose as scholars in order to infiltrate the temple. When the life of the Emperor’s Inspector and his daughter are threatened, the trio leaps into battle as government troops prepare to storm the temple.
Bebe conmigo
Jade Faced Tiger's Man (Throws Bench)
Una banda de salteadores atacan a un convoy del gobierno y secuestran al oficial al mando con la intención de intercambiarlo por su Jefe detenido. La Dorada Golondrina, un agente de la corte, es enviada por el gobernador para salvar al funcionario.
The All-powerful Flute: Part 2
Yuan Xiao is chased by the panther head monster, and starts a fierce fight. Wang Gunlong and Min Tianhu take the opportunity to capture the flute.
The All-powerful Flute: Part 2
Action Director
Yuan Xiao is chased by the panther head monster, and starts a fierce fight. Wang Gunlong and Min Tianhu take the opportunity to capture the flute.
Misión en Hong Kong
Un agente del FBI investiga en Hong Kong una red de contrabandistas de droga.
Sword of Swords
Sword of Swords is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung in a child role
Sword of Swords
Martial Arts Choreographer
Sword of Swords is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Sammo Hung in a child role
Spy No. 13
Agent A
During World War II, spy Wu Lai-sheung is instructed by her superior Fan Yeung-shan to murder spy number 13 Cheung Chi-ping. While Wu establishes a relationship with Sakei, the assistant general of the Japanese army, she also gets acquainted with Cheung. Cheung and Wu fall in love. Wu recommends Cheung to become Sakei's driver. Cheung pretends to court the Japanese spy Siu-kuen, but Siu-kuen arranges to kill the spies contacting with him. Cheung has seen through Kuen's identity for long. When Kuen is going to kill Wu, Cheung kills Kuen, Fan compels Wu to kill Cheung. Wu follows the instruction to murder Cheung. After the murder, Wu disappears. After the war, Fan discovers Wu ends up in asylum. When he visits Wu, he tells her of Cheung's innocence. This breaks Wu's heart. Cheung turns out to have seen through Wu's identity for a long time and pretended to have been killed to cover up his identity and facilitate his work. With the truth known and the war ended, Cheung and Wu married.
Magic Snowflake Sword
A Chinese action adventure film
Operation Hong Kong
A suave gangster tries to get away from his boss with a suitcase full of heroin. Two pilots and lots of beautiful women get involved in the affair. Soon blood begins to flow.
The White-Bone Sword
Wu Sheung-fung risks her life to save Wong Tin-ho with the help of the white bone sword. Meanwhile the three devils known as Heaven, Earth and Man return to the Devil Mountain with the coveted Swords. Chung Ching, who has divined the recovery of the White-bone Grass by Wu and others, dispatches Kam Yan-kit to abduct Wong to the Black Hair Cave. Luk Fong-fei, Wu and other rescuers are vanquished by Black Hair one by one. Old Devilish Eccentric hurries to their rescue and heals Wong's wound as Wong reconciles with Kam. Kam secretly returns to Chung Ching Cave to seek the precious swords when Wong and others raid the den and are again dispatched away with fakes.
The Killing Flag (Part 1)
The Killing Flag (Part 1) is a 1963 Hong Kong martial arts film direcred by Fung Chi-Kong.
The Black Centipede
Enter the dragon villain, Shek Kin, is the Leader of the Black Centipede clan, a ruthless gang who terrorize the good people of Fuzhou, Walter Tso and Connie Chan are taught some tricks from---old Sam the Seed himself on how to bring down the Black Centipede clan.
The Birth of Yue Fei
The Birth of Yue Fei is a Hong Kong Drama starring Sammo Hung in a child role
Pledge of the Twin Blades (Part 1)
Lau Ching-yee sets out to investigate the raid on her uncle's consignment of silver when she stumbles upon two suspects, the stately Cheung Ting-yu and his attendant Mang Leung. Cheung makes the acquaintance of the knight-errant Poon Mo, who is recruiting allies to join the band of martial adepts against Tsak Sing-tau in the ring to win 20 chests of jewels for the poor. Failing to pressure Cheung to turn over the silver, Lau engages him in a fierce fight until the respected elder Moh Oh-ming intercepts and settles the dispute. Who is behind these strange events?
Hong Kong Hot Harbor
German journalist Peter Holberg arrives in Hong Kong and, by accident, he is carrying a microfilm that was destined to local gang lord, Marek. Peter is helped by another German journalist, Joan Kent, and falls in love with a night-club dancer, Colette. Colette is actually working for Marek, but betrays the gang for love - at the ultimate cost to her. The HK Police will intervene just in time to prevent Peter from further losses.
The Story of Wong Ang the Heroine
The Diamond Gang commits a robbery. The leader Chiu Yee-kong wants to keep the booty and this arouses the suspicion of gang member Tai-wai. The police does not have a clue and thus invite Wong Ngung, Heung Ad and Wu Ngar for help. Kong is in accomplice with his third concubine. They order someone to steal the diamond and leave Wong's symbol. Wai turns his attention on Wong. Wong, Ad and Wu are not afraid of Wai and they throw him out. They sneak in Kong's apartment to investigate. Kong's second concubine is mad at Kong for neglecting her. She tells Wong the truth but gets killed. Kong's people surround Wong, Ad and Wu. Each of the three faces their enemy. Ad is tortured by Wai. Wong and Wu arrive in time and save her. One of Kong's people tells Wai the truth. Wai immediately attacks Kong. Wong, Ad, Wu and the police arrive at Kong's headquarter to arrest the gangsters. Wai is arrested but Kong has escaped. The diamonds are found. The inspector makes Wong, Ad and Wu as partners.
How Oriole the Heroine Solved the Case of the Three Dead Bodies
The three heroines, Wong Ang, Wu Nga, and Heung At expose a murder case involving three dead bodies found in an old temple. Unbeknown to the trio, they've fallen in a trap laid by gangster Hui Pui-shing, who desires to avenge his brother's death by eliminating the women. With the cooperation of Hui's righteous subordinate, the police arrest Hui for smuggling tobacco and seizes their forged banknotes.
The White Crane Hero
Wong Fei-Hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan
Uncle Liu
Wong Fei-Hung Goes to a Birthday Party at Guanshan is a Wong Fei-Hung movie starring Kwan Tak-Hing.
The Murder Case at Club 99
Club 99 is not just a hideout for triad gangsters, but also a haven for smuggling jewelleries from robbery. When detective Law is investigating a jewellery heist, he is ambushed by the men from Dog Stone (Sek Yin-tsi) who is the owner of Club 99. Then, Law's daughter Fong (Law Yim-hing) helps her father to be undercover and disguises herself as a dancer in the club and gambler Lung (Lam Kau) is also an informant for the police force. While Dog Stone is cunning enough to discover their identities, there are in fact more undercover agents in the club...Influenced by Hollywood's semi-documentary style, the film has a detailed yet complex portrayal of human nature-undercover anxieties, domineering gangsters and moral ambiguity. With its realistic chasing and action sequences, the film is nonetheless a very entertaining piece of cinema.
Wong Fei-hung: The Whip That Smacks the Candle
Martial artist Wong is confronted by other masters. After he returns to his disciples, he vents his anger during a fierce fight.
How Liang Hongyu's War Drum Caused the Jin Army to Retreat
The Song Dynasty is in danger after being invaded by Jin soldiers. The geisha Liang Hongyu encourages her lover Han Shizhong to join the army and fight against Jin Zhong's superior, Wei Liangchen.