Lo Wei

Lo Wei

Nacimiento : 1918-12-12, 中国, 江苏

Muerte : 1996-01-20


Lo Wei (Chinese: 羅維, sometimes spelled Lo Wai, 12 December 1918 – 20 January 1996) was a Hong Kong film director and film actor best known for launching the martial arts film careers of both Bruce Lee, in The Big Boss and Fist of Fury, and Jackie Chan, in New Fist of Fury.


Lo Wei


Her Judgement Day
Tough, oversexed Ching Tse and her pubescent cousin possess acassette of triad boss' names -- and a rival gang wants to get their hands on it. All would be hopeless if not for studly Sam, whose appearance is hardly accidental. The movie's climax is its sole justification: Sam switches sides and fights the enemy in a huge garage aided by a gang of good guys on scooters, while Ching rescues her cousin.
A Chinese Legend
Ga Yat Lung is a young warrior who meets and falls in love with Mung Suet, the day of her sacrifice to the Ghost King. Without her sacrifice all those living in the local village will be destroyed. Ga Yat Lung is helped by Ching, a Fox Demon, to attempt to save Mung Suet and her people.
Life is Cheap... But Toilet Paper is Expensive
The Boss
A man is hired by a group of people he believes to be gangsters to escort a briefcase from America to Hong Kong. When he arrives, however, his contact is nowhere to be found. With no further instructions, he decides to take in the sights of Hong Kong, which consist of him taking part in a great deal of blood, sex and general weirdness, all while wearing a briefcase handcuffed to his arm.
Death Cage
It's the Wai Chai Gym versus the Hunter Gym. And the ring is a huge steel cage. No one gets out alive!
Edge of Darkness
Uncle Chat
A Hong Kong cop's first undercover assignment sends him on a psychological downward spiral, unable to separate his two identities after unearthing a connection between his supervisor and the crime syndicate he's investigating.
Split of the Spirit
A ghost takes over a dancer's body in order to find those who killed her, and thus her revenge.
The Young Taoism Fighter
The Progenitor, Cheng Yang, Cheng Jen and his brother, Chung Yin-Chiu tried all means to acquaint with the “Yin Yang Separate Body Style”, which was the most powerful Taoism Kung-fu of Yin Yang Tang. One day, Student, Ko Sheng practiced the style secretly. Since his basic Kung-fu training was not well-established, he made his soul separated from the body. At the most critical moment, he was saved by Yin-Chiu. The leader of Tien Wu Men, Master Fu Luen wanted to rule over the community by force, bitterly practiced the “Tzu Yin Wicked Style” kung fu. He controlled Kuan Shih-Chung by using poison and ordered him to get the urea of children and women's placenta for him to practice...
Dark Night
The young entrepreneur, Wong Shing-tak, has been married for ten year. He and his wife, Li Lin, lead a satisfying life together, until when some friends introduce Wong to a reporter called Yip Yuen. What starts out as purely a business relationship between the two turns into something much more than that. As Wong shows his trust towards Yip more and more, Li becomes increasingly. The marriage between Wong and Li begins to lose its grip...
Hong Kong Graffiti
Executive Producer
Yang Hsiu Shan was grown up in Hong Kong and her folks were emigrated to Canada. She felt in love with her boss, Chen Kai Ping, and in order to set up her business. So she decided to stay in Hong Kong. Yang's sister-in-law, Luk Ping Ting, was emigrated from China and was living in her house. Both Yang and her room-mate, Chan Pei Lien, an air hostess, were taken care of her. In the meantime, Chen's daughter, Fong, came from Taiwan to visit him. She realized that Yang was kind to others and helpful to her father's business so she got to like her more. Luk and Chen had developed a secret love affair. Yang was stunned by the news and became to hate Luk. Yang, Fong, Chan and Luk finally became reconcile.
Lucky Diamond
Executive Producer
Lucky Diamond is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan and starring Alex Man and Anita Mui.
Modern Detective
Ah Chaan and Fat Chug were good partners in the Police Force. Both of them had helped in solving many criminal and civil cases despite their silly behaviour. In order to persuade Ah Fong to marry him, he provide a living space for Ah Fong's aunt and her daughter named Ah Jane. Ah Chaan was attracted by Jane’s charm and lovely personality and tried everything to please her. A dominant criminal had made a plot were chased by the police. Joe, who was the criminal's assistant catch Jane and Fong and threatened that she would not release Ah Jane and Fong if both Ah Chaan and Fat Chug did not get the ransom for them. The gangster put on them a remote time bomb and a microphone to have a better control on them...
The Ghost Informer
Fire Unicom was killed by Tei Po under his violent fist. The spirit of Fire Unicorn discovered there would be illegal transaction between the gangsters. He informed inspector Tang this clue. After a fierce fight between he police and gangsters, the whole gang including Tei-po were being captured. Accidentally, Tang met Sally a model. She was so beautiful and charm that made Tang fell in love with her but she did not. Fire Unicorn being Tang's good friend decided to help him. Sally changed her mind and loved Tang. Unfortunately, Tei Po escaped from Jail and kidnapped Sally to an old castle. He vowed to take revenge on Tang. Would Tang Manage to save Sally from Tei Po's hand?
The Express
Production Supervisor
Cheng Chu and Cheng Lin are brothers, who grow up in a rather ill-off family. Chu later becomes a gang leader while Lin as a senior high student. Lin is under the pressure of college entrance exams and becomes restive. Ah-Chiang, Lin's boyhood friend deserts the army and runs away with military weapons. He hides in Lin's rented house, shoots a policeman to death by accident and flees with Lin. They kidnap a fashion model, Sophia...
Devil Fetus
After a couple purchases an antique vase at a market, the woman is possessed and killed by a demonic creature. Twelve years later, the demon returns to possess the woman's nephew and wreak more havoc.
Hiena salvaje II
Dos maestros en kung-fu, llamados Cielo y Tierra, están arrasando los pueblos y matando a todos los miembros de la hermandad Yin-Yang. Una familia huirá para que años más tarde sus dos hijos puedan vengar esta matanza enfrentándose a Cielo y Tierra.
Rebellious Reign
Top fighter leaves his sifu to join his new friend the 4th Prince, and supports him in his bid to gain the throne and eventually overthrow the Ching.
The Loot
David Chiang and Norman Chu play bounty hunters who both are going after a long-notorious criminal, the Spider. When Chiang is hired to protect a rich businessman who has been targeted by the Spider, he decides to work with Chu to solve a decades-old robbery.
A Wily Match
A martial arts expert trains the son of a wealthy man while dealing with various enemies.
Living and Loving
Production Supervisor
A stormy night, Chou Hung Yieh, a dress designer, saved a pregnant woman on the road. When he went to search for a doctor, he lost his life in a car accident. The woman soon gave birth to a baby girl, Ting Ting. Then she vanished leaving the baby to Chou's wife, Tang Ching Ju...
Big Boss of Shanghai
Chen and his brother travel to Shanghai in search of fame and fortune, but end up pitted against Chinese Mafia bosses - and can only fight their way out of the web of violence and betrayal they find themselves caught up in.
The Challenger
Two top class kung fu fighters challenge all the top kung fu masters in the land, one motivated by revenge, the other by greed. The two fighters team up to face their ultimate challenge in the form of Master Pao, played by Philip Ko.
El puño del dragón
El joven Tang How-Yuen es discípulo de Chang San-Thye, un gran maestro de kung fu. San-Thye gana un torneo de artes marciales pero es asesinado por Chung Chien-Kuen, un maestro rival que le arrebata el símbolo del torneo. Entonces, Tang jura vengar a su maestro. Al cabo de tres años, junto a la viuda y la hija del desaparecido San-Thye, van en busca del asesino. Cuando lo encuentran, comprueban que su enemigo se ha cortado una pierna debido a la culpa que arrastra desde aquel fatídico día. La viuda del maestro cae enferma, así que Tang va a trabajar para otro clan rival para conseguir medicinas. Sin embargo, mientras está trabajando, le acusan de la muerte de un joven y la viuda de San-Thye es envenenada. Tang y el maestro cojo unen sus fuerzas para derrotar al señor que envenenó a la viuda de San-Thye.
Hiena salvaje
Shing Lung (Jackie Chan) pasó toda su niñez aprendiendo el estilo secreto de Kung Fu de su abuelo. Su abuelo siempre lo advirtió de mantener el secreto del arte, pero Lung nunca rechazaba una pelea, lo que originó desastrosos resultados.
Maria Yi: My Recollection
Documentary about Maria Yi recalling her film work in the 1970s, particularly with Bruce Lee.
Spiritual Kung Fu
Tras vencer a un joven estudiante, un ladrón roba el libro de Los Siete Puños del templo de Shaolin y lo cede a su hijo. Los Siete Puños es un estilo mortal de Kung fu y el conocedor de su técnica lo utiliza para instaurar el terror entre los clanes. El único modo de vencerles es con la técnica de Los Cinco Puños pero el libro donde se explica esta técnica ha estado perdido durante años. Cuando Jackie Chan consiga el libro de Los CInco Puños podrá enfrentarse con el ladrón en una pelea apasionante.
Immortal Warriors
Immortal Warriors is a Taiwanese Martial Arts movie.
Los Super Guardaespaldas
Jackie Chan, es el líder de un grupo de guardaespaldas de élite que han sido contratados para escoltar la caravana de una mujer y su hermano moribundo a través de las montañas plagadas de bandidos en la China medieval. (FILMAFFINITY
El estilo de la serpiente y la grulla de shaolin
Executive Producer
Ocho maestros se reúnen para escribir el libro Los Ocho Pasos de la Serpiente y la Grulla, que combina lo mejor de sus estilos individuales. El libro, que contiene las técnicas más mortales del Kungfu, desaparece después del asesinato de los maestros. Acabará en manos de Jackie Chan, quien lo usa como cebo para desenmascarar al asesino de los maestros. Todos los clanes quieren el preciado libro pero Chan es casi invencible gracias al estilo de La Serpiente y la Grulla.
The Golden Key
Various distinguished members of Hong Kong high society were being blackmailed by mysterious and attractive lady Chang Siu Juen, who seems to know the secrets of their past and present illegal activities. Millionaire Cheng Yung Seng knew that it would be his turn next. He thus planned to eliminate Chang first but the plan did not work out and Chang was saved by private detective Fang Dai Kuen...
Matar a traicion
Una mujer planea matar a la familia del hombre que la desfiguró. Protegida con una máscara cumple su venganza excepto con el hijo, Hsiao (Jackie Chan), del que se enamora. Pero para su sorpresa, Hsiao la rechaza aunque ella no sabe que él lo hace para protegerla. Al mismo tiempo Hsiao descubre que su amigo es realmente el líder del Clan de la Lluvia Mortal quien ha matado a sus otros amigos. Hsiao para vengar la muerte de sus amigos se deberá enfrentar con su antiguo amigo. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Kung Fu Kid
The Kung Fu Kid is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man and Eric Tsang
The Kung Fu Kid
The Kung Fu Kid is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man and Eric Tsang
The Kung Fu Kid
The Kung Fu Kid is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man and Eric Tsang
La cámara de los 36 hombres de madera
Un joven mudo pierde a su padre durante un asalto. El asesino huye y el joven sólo encuentra un modo de vengar a su padre, aprendiendo Kung Fu. Pero el camino para llegar a ser un experto en este arte marcial es muy duro y, el aprendizaje, largo, algo que "Muñeco", que es como le llaman, no está dispuesto a aceptar. El templo Shaolin donde aprende Kung Fu le somete a las pruebas más duras para que demuestre su capacidad, entre ellas la de la cámara de los 36 hombres de madera, mecanismos que el luchador mudo deberá superar para lograr al fin, el reconocimiento. (FILMAFFINITY)
Meteoro inmortal
Jackie es un malvado guerrero llamado Meteoro Inmortal que tiene aterrorizada a la gente de los alrededores. En frente se encontrara con Arma Asesina, cuya mision es defender a la gente de los chantajes de su enemigo. Meteoro Inmortal se enfrentara a los cuatro guardianes que custodian el antidoto que necesita y que poseen una gran técnica en Kung Fu.
Furia oriental II
Executive Producer
Un hermano y una hermana escapan de la Shanghai ocupada por los japoneses a Taiwan (tambien invadida), para quedarse con su abuelo, quien dirige una escuela de Kung-Fu. Sin embargo, el maestro de una escuela japonesa de Kung-Fu en Taiwan tiene pensado tener todas las demás escuelas de la isla bajo su dominio, y parte de su plan consiste en el asesinato del abuelo de los hermanos.
Furia oriental II
Un hermano y una hermana escapan de la Shanghai ocupada por los japoneses a Taiwan (tambien invadida), para quedarse con su abuelo, quien dirige una escuela de Kung-Fu. Sin embargo, el maestro de una escuela japonesa de Kung-Fu en Taiwan tiene pensado tener todas las demás escuelas de la isla bajo su dominio, y parte de su plan consiste en el asesinato del abuelo de los hermanos.
Furia oriental II
Un hermano y una hermana escapan de la Shanghai ocupada por los japoneses a Taiwan (tambien invadida), para quedarse con su abuelo, quien dirige una escuela de Kung-Fu. Sin embargo, el maestro de una escuela japonesa de Kung-Fu en Taiwan tiene pensado tener todas las demás escuelas de la isla bajo su dominio, y parte de su plan consiste en el asesinato del abuelo de los hermanos.
Furia oriental II
Un hermano y una hermana escapan de la Shanghai ocupada por los japoneses a Taiwan (tambien invadida), para quedarse con su abuelo, quien dirige una escuela de Kung-Fu. Sin embargo, el maestro de una escuela japonesa de Kung-Fu en Taiwan tiene pensado tener todas las demás escuelas de la isla bajo su dominio, y parte de su plan consiste en el asesinato del abuelo de los hermanos.
Body for Sale
One day, due to carelessness. Ah Chung is fired from his job as a toilet attendant. Out of sympathy, Ah Lien, a waitress who he secretly admires, gives him financial help. When the much indebted Ah Chung found another job, he went to return the money to Ah Lien but was disappointed to learn that she had left and married. Years later, their paths cross again in a strip-tease joint.
Shantung Man in Hong Kong
When Shan Tung comes to Hong Kong for the first time, wanting to seek help from his countryman Lo San, however, Lo San refuses to give him a hand. Shan Tung has no choice but to sell amphetamine in the street for living. A honest guy like him with pronunciation problem often causes embarrassing situations. He is laughed at by others because of his queer ideas. In later days, he makes a lot of friends because he never hesitate to do what is righteous. Therefore he has a better life than before.....
The Girl with the Dexterous Touch
romantic comedy
The Girl with the Dexterous Touch
romantic comedy
The Girl with the Dexterous Touch
romantic comedy
The Girl with the Dexterous Touch
romantic comedy
The Bedevilled
In a small town found the only son of possession, the local, most influential family, dead and naked in vinbutiks hostess, Cheng Niang. His father insists that there is a murder committed by Chai-Tseng Chu, Cheng Niang husband. Tseng claims he is innocent. However, Cheng Niang has disappeared. Old Lin then tries to bribe Magistrate Tang judging Tseng to death and execute him immediately. Cheng Niang learns about her husband's death and freezing. Judge Tang is guilty and begins to see ghosts every night
The Bedevilled
In a small town found the only son of possession, the local, most influential family, dead and naked in vinbutiks hostess, Cheng Niang. His father insists that there is a murder committed by Chai-Tseng Chu, Cheng Niang husband. Tseng claims he is innocent. However, Cheng Niang has disappeared. Old Lin then tries to bribe Magistrate Tang judging Tseng to death and execute him immediately. Cheng Niang learns about her husband's death and freezing. Judge Tang is guilty and begins to see ghosts every night
Little Sister-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Ho are longing for a grandson. Their son, Ho Chieh and daughter-in-law, Wan Ping, come home from abroad. Wan Ching, the little sister-in-law, is a nurse and comes with Mrs. Ho to meet her sister. At the airport, old Mrs. Ho mistakenly hears that her daughter-in-law is pregnant. After that, Ho Chieh has to attend a business party. However, his wife is not free for it so he begs his little sister-in-law to go as his wife. Wan Ching turns out to be a hit with the guests. In order to please his mother, Chieh asks little sister-in-law to take Wan Ping to the hospital for a pregnancy test and get a false positive report. But through a mistake, Wan Ping gets the report of a sterile woman. She is saddened by it but everyone lies to the old people in order to spare them the disappointment...
El tigre de San Francisco
El jefe de la mafia de San Francisco ve peligrar su poder cuando un joven policía se propone acabar con el crimen organizado
El tigre de San Francisco
El jefe de la mafia de San Francisco ve peligrar su poder cuando un joven policía se propone acabar con el crimen organizado
El tigre de San Francisco
El jefe de la mafia de San Francisco ve peligrar su poder cuando un joven policía se propone acabar con el crimen organizado
Naughty! Naughty!
Nancy's godfather
Wu Te-chuan is a young man trying to make a living in an easy way. But now he is penniless and will being thrown out of his Macau hotel. Kind- hearted hotel maid Hsiao Yen is the only one to help him in the world. One day, Wu plays a trick on the hotel owner. The scheme backfires and Wu has to flee to Hong Kong. Wu saves desperate painter Hsin. He convinces Hsin that his painting will sell if he is dead. After Hsin pretend to be dead, his paintings really can be sold well, but backfires finally. Then, Wu and Hsin team up and engage themselves full time in con games, gambling and sex inclusive. Finally, Wu is being chased by the ring enforcers but is saved. Finding himself in love with Hsiao Yen, Wu decides to turn a new leaf and live properly ever after.
Naughty! Naughty!
Wu Te-chuan is a young man trying to make a living in an easy way. But now he is penniless and will being thrown out of his Macau hotel. Kind- hearted hotel maid Hsiao Yen is the only one to help him in the world. One day, Wu plays a trick on the hotel owner. The scheme backfires and Wu has to flee to Hong Kong. Wu saves desperate painter Hsin. He convinces Hsin that his painting will sell if he is dead. After Hsin pretend to be dead, his paintings really can be sold well, but backfires finally. Then, Wu and Hsin team up and engage themselves full time in con games, gambling and sex inclusive. Finally, Wu is being chased by the ring enforcers but is saved. Finding himself in love with Hsiao Yen, Wu decides to turn a new leaf and live properly ever after.
Naughty! Naughty!
Wu Te-chuan is a young man trying to make a living in an easy way. But now he is penniless and will being thrown out of his Macau hotel. Kind- hearted hotel maid Hsiao Yen is the only one to help him in the world. One day, Wu plays a trick on the hotel owner. The scheme backfires and Wu has to flee to Hong Kong. Wu saves desperate painter Hsin. He convinces Hsin that his painting will sell if he is dead. After Hsin pretend to be dead, his paintings really can be sold well, but backfires finally. Then, Wu and Hsin team up and engage themselves full time in con games, gambling and sex inclusive. Finally, Wu is being chased by the ring enforcers but is saved. Finding himself in love with Hsiao Yen, Wu decides to turn a new leaf and live properly ever after.
Chinatown Capers
Ever the pair of do-gooding drifters, Embroidered Pillow and Chili Boy always come to the aid of Hong Kong's downtrodden and oppressed - even if it means traveling all the way to America! This time the two friends are off to San Francisco's Chinatown in search of a millionaire's missing daughter (Sylvia Chang, who also appears in Slaughter in San Francisco), who has vanished under shady circumstances. Typical Backalley Princess shtick ensues, including the duo's disastrous stint waiting tables in a Chinese restaurant and run-ins with the local street gangs. But just when things are looking hopeless, Sam and Polly find the lead they need, and the chase is on!
Chinatown Capers
Ever the pair of do-gooding drifters, Embroidered Pillow and Chili Boy always come to the aid of Hong Kong's downtrodden and oppressed - even if it means traveling all the way to America! This time the two friends are off to San Francisco's Chinatown in search of a millionaire's missing daughter (Sylvia Chang, who also appears in Slaughter in San Francisco), who has vanished under shady circumstances. Typical Backalley Princess shtick ensues, including the duo's disastrous stint waiting tables in a Chinese restaurant and run-ins with the local street gangs. But just when things are looking hopeless, Sam and Polly find the lead they need, and the chase is on!
The Tattooed Dragon
Written and directed by Lo Wei for Golden Harvest, this feature stars Wang Yu as a guy known only as The Dragon – he’s got super sharp hearing! He’s also kind of a mysterious tough guy who wanders into a small town where the fine upstanding populace has a recurring problem with some gangsters who have decided to setup a casino in the area. Once the townsfolk start losing all of their money, and then all of their other belongings, and then even their homes it becomes obvious that there’s a scam going on here.
The Tattooed Dragon
Written and directed by Lo Wei for Golden Harvest, this feature stars Wang Yu as a guy known only as The Dragon – he’s got super sharp hearing! He’s also kind of a mysterious tough guy who wanders into a small town where the fine upstanding populace has a recurring problem with some gangsters who have decided to setup a casino in the area. Once the townsfolk start losing all of their money, and then all of their other belongings, and then even their homes it becomes obvious that there’s a scam going on here.
Bruce Lee. El hombre y la leyenda
Documental que narra la historia de Bruce Lee y sus esfuerzos sin éxito para comenzar una carrera de interpretación en los EEUU, su regreso a Hong Kong donde se convirtió en una estrella internacional, y su muerte a los 32 años
None But the Brave
Una mujer revolucionaria adquiere la identidad de la hermana perdida de un Capitán que está realmente muerta. Se las arregla para engañar al Capitán por un tiempo, pero el Capitán pronto se da cuenta de ella y del plan para detener las relaciones chino-japonesas.
None But the Brave
Una mujer revolucionaria adquiere la identidad de la hermana perdida de un Capitán que está realmente muerta. Se las arregla para engañar al Capitán por un tiempo, pero el Capitán pronto se da cuenta de ella y del plan para detener las relaciones chino-japonesas.
None But the Brave
Commissioner Wu
Una mujer revolucionaria adquiere la identidad de la hermana perdida de un Capitán que está realmente muerta. Se las arregla para engañar al Capitán por un tiempo, pero el Capitán pronto se da cuenta de ella y del plan para detener las relaciones chino-japonesas.
Seaman No. 7
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
Seaman No. 7
Noodle shop boss
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
Seaman No. 7
When a sailor accidentally kills a Japanese man in a bar room brawl, he tries to escape the law by hiding himself in a freighter heading for Japan only to find himself in the middle of a massive drug war.
The Unscrupulous General
One time soft-drink salesman Chang Chia-po, now a powerful warlord, courts the support and aid of the ammunition dealers Tu Mu-hsien, Robertson and Wilson. To impress them with his power and the strength of his army, Chang orders a parade. Much to his dismay, the parade ends in catastrophe giving the gun dealers a very bad impression...
Back Alley Princess
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
Back Alley Princess
Polly Shang Kwan and Sam Hui are con artists who befriend a family of street venders and entertainers. The group constantly faces financial problems as they are ripped off by thugs, their rent is raised and car breaks down. Polly Kuan (who portrays a man for the entire film) lies, cheats, and steals to come up with the cash that everyone needs. Things get more serious when triad thugs kidnap the daughter of the family, and sell her to a triad boss, killing Carter Wong in the process.
A Man Called Tiger
A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.
A Man Called Tiger
A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.
A Man Called Tiger
A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.
A Man Called Tiger
A young man suspects his father's suicide was actually a murder committed by gangsters. Using his expertise in martial arts, he gets himself hired by the gangsters who he suspects are responsible for his father's death.
Heiße Ware aus Hong Kong
(archive footage)
The Hurricane
An action film directed by Wei Lo.
The Hurricane
An action film directed by Wei Lo.
The Hurricane
An action film directed by Wei Lo.
Furia Oriental (Fist of Fury)
Production Design
Chen, un joven experto en artes marciales, regresa a su escuela en Shanghai al enterarse de que su amado maestro ha sido asesinado. Mientras investiga la muerte de su instructor, Chen descubre que ésta está relacionada con una organización dedicada al tráfico de drogas, con una escuela rival y con las tensiones raciales existentes entre los habitantes chinos y japoneses de la ciudad.
Furia Oriental (Fist of Fury)
Inspector Lo
Chen, un joven experto en artes marciales, regresa a su escuela en Shanghai al enterarse de que su amado maestro ha sido asesinado. Mientras investiga la muerte de su instructor, Chen descubre que ésta está relacionada con una organización dedicada al tráfico de drogas, con una escuela rival y con las tensiones raciales existentes entre los habitantes chinos y japoneses de la ciudad.
Furia Oriental (Fist of Fury)
Chen, un joven experto en artes marciales, regresa a su escuela en Shanghai al enterarse de que su amado maestro ha sido asesinado. Mientras investiga la muerte de su instructor, Chen descubre que ésta está relacionada con una organización dedicada al tráfico de drogas, con una escuela rival y con las tensiones raciales existentes entre los habitantes chinos y japoneses de la ciudad.
Furia Oriental (Fist of Fury)
Chen, un joven experto en artes marciales, regresa a su escuela en Shanghai al enterarse de que su amado maestro ha sido asesinado. Mientras investiga la muerte de su instructor, Chen descubre que ésta está relacionada con una organización dedicada al tráfico de drogas, con una escuela rival y con las tensiones raciales existentes entre los habitantes chinos y japoneses de la ciudad.
Vengeance of a Snowgirl
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Vengeance of a Snowgirl
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Vengeance of a Snowgirl
Master Shen
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Kárate a muerte en Bangkok
Bruce Lee llega a Bangkok y encuentra trabajo en la fábrica del Sr. Mi. Pronto descubre que este negocio es en realidad una tapadera para encubrir un tráfico de drogas y la prostitución. Dos obreros desaparecen misteriosamente y los restantes trabajadores deciden ir a la huelga. La dirección envía a hombres armados contra ellos.
Kárate a muerte en Bangkok
Bruce Lee llega a Bangkok y encuentra trabajo en la fábrica del Sr. Mi. Pronto descubre que este negocio es en realidad una tapadera para encubrir un tráfico de drogas y la prostitución. Dos obreros desaparecen misteriosamente y los restantes trabajadores deciden ir a la huelga. La dirección envía a hombres armados contra ellos.
The Comet Strikes
There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house. This old house was known as a haunted house; whoever lived in the house shall die for sure. Mr. and Mrs. Tse went to the haunted house but died in it. Their son Tse Tin Jun wanted to find out the truth of his parents’ death, so he went to the house. At the mean time, another minister knew the king's hiding in the house. He sent out a military force to kill the king. Actually Mr. and Mrs. Tse pretended to die to deceive the public. Tin Jun stood with his parents and the loyal ministers to fight against the rebels. After the blood battle, they eventually annihilated the rebels...
The Comet Strikes
Production Supervisor
There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house. This old house was known as a haunted house; whoever lived in the house shall die for sure. Mr. and Mrs. Tse went to the haunted house but died in it. Their son Tse Tin Jun wanted to find out the truth of his parents’ death, so he went to the house. At the mean time, another minister knew the king's hiding in the house. He sent out a military force to kill the king. Actually Mr. and Mrs. Tse pretended to die to deceive the public. Tin Jun stood with his parents and the loyal ministers to fight against the rebels. After the blood battle, they eventually annihilated the rebels...
The Comet Strikes
Big Boss
There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house. This old house was known as a haunted house; whoever lived in the house shall die for sure. Mr. and Mrs. Tse went to the haunted house but died in it. Their son Tse Tin Jun wanted to find out the truth of his parents’ death, so he went to the house. At the mean time, another minister knew the king's hiding in the house. He sent out a military force to kill the king. Actually Mr. and Mrs. Tse pretended to die to deceive the public. Tin Jun stood with his parents and the loyal ministers to fight against the rebels. After the blood battle, they eventually annihilated the rebels...
The Comet Strikes
There was a civil strife in the court. In order to protect the king, some loyal ministers and the king hid in an old house. This old house was known as a haunted house; whoever lived in the house shall die for sure. Mr. and Mrs. Tse went to the haunted house but died in it. Their son Tse Tin Jun wanted to find out the truth of his parents’ death, so he went to the house. At the mean time, another minister knew the king's hiding in the house. He sent out a military force to kill the king. Actually Mr. and Mrs. Tse pretended to die to deceive the public. Tin Jun stood with his parents and the loyal ministers to fight against the rebels. After the blood battle, they eventually annihilated the rebels...
The Shadow Whip
This top ten box office hit reunites the star duo from Come Drink With Me in another classic action adventure. Cheng Pei-pei radiates her trademark charm while wielding the deadly title weapon, which is implicated in multiple murders and a major heist. Whether single-handedly fighting sixteen bandits or avenging her father's brutal death, she demonstrates why she was Hong Kong's number one swordswoman and no slouch with the whip either!
The Shadow Whip
Chief Yang of Xuan Wu Security
This top ten box office hit reunites the star duo from Come Drink With Me in another classic action adventure. Cheng Pei-pei radiates her trademark charm while wielding the deadly title weapon, which is implicated in multiple murders and a major heist. Whether single-handedly fighting sixteen bandits or avenging her father's brutal death, she demonstrates why she was Hong Kong's number one swordswoman and no slouch with the whip either!
The Shadow Whip
This top ten box office hit reunites the star duo from Come Drink With Me in another classic action adventure. Cheng Pei-pei radiates her trademark charm while wielding the deadly title weapon, which is implicated in multiple murders and a major heist. Whether single-handedly fighting sixteen bandits or avenging her father's brutal death, she demonstrates why she was Hong Kong's number one swordswoman and no slouch with the whip either!
The Eunuch
This rare release is set in the cloistered halls of the imperial palace, the home to many ghostly stories of wrongful deaths and lonely spirits, amidst the quiet shuffles of the eunuchs. Pai Ying stars as the titular eunuch, a powerhungry official who is willing to go to any extent to achieve his nefarious goals.
The Eunuch
This rare release is set in the cloistered halls of the imperial palace, the home to many ghostly stories of wrongful deaths and lonely spirits, amidst the quiet shuffles of the eunuchs. Pai Ying stars as the titular eunuch, a powerhungry official who is willing to go to any extent to achieve his nefarious goals.
The Invincible Eight
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.
The Invincible Eight
Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.
Brothers Five
The 5 Kao brothers, separated since childhood, are unaware that the master Teng Lung Manor, Lung Chen-feng has killed their father. All five, however, seek to defeat the vicious gangsters at the Manor.
Brothers Five
The 5 Kao brothers, separated since childhood, are unaware that the master Teng Lung Manor, Lung Chen-feng has killed their father. All five, however, seek to defeat the vicious gangsters at the Manor.
The Golden Sword
Eight Arm Dragon Bai Chun-Tung
Lo Wei remains internationally famous for directing Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's first major movies. Cheng Pei-pei is now internationally famous for her superlative role in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But both were superstars in Hong Kong for decades prior, so any teaming of the superlative "swordswoman supreme" and the vaunted director/writer/actor is cause for celebration. Kao Yuen joins them as a noble swordsman, and watch, too, for award-winning actor Ku Feng as the "Frontier Terror" in the evocative and effective "Martial Art World" adventure.
The Golden Sword
Lo Wei remains internationally famous for directing Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's first major movies. Cheng Pei-pei is now internationally famous for her superlative role in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But both were superstars in Hong Kong for decades prior, so any teaming of the superlative "swordswoman supreme" and the vaunted director/writer/actor is cause for celebration. Kao Yuen joins them as a noble swordsman, and watch, too, for award-winning actor Ku Feng as the "Frontier Terror" in the evocative and effective "Martial Art World" adventure.
The Golden Sword
Lo Wei remains internationally famous for directing Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's first major movies. Cheng Pei-pei is now internationally famous for her superlative role in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But both were superstars in Hong Kong for decades prior, so any teaming of the superlative "swordswoman supreme" and the vaunted director/writer/actor is cause for celebration. Kao Yuen joins them as a noble swordsman, and watch, too, for award-winning actor Ku Feng as the "Frontier Terror" in the evocative and effective "Martial Art World" adventure.
Raw Courage
Shangguan Hou
After the Ming Emperor is overthrown and his infant son put in the care of the Black Dragon Society, a traitorous martial arts clan attacks the society and forces two inexperienced swordsmen to flee with the infant and begin a dangerous journey in search of allies.
Raw Courage
After the Ming Emperor is overthrown and his infant son put in the care of the Black Dragon Society, a traitorous martial arts clan attacks the society and forces two inexperienced swordsmen to flee with the infant and begin a dangerous journey in search of allies.
Raw Courage
After the Ming Emperor is overthrown and his infant son put in the care of the Black Dragon Society, a traitorous martial arts clan attacks the society and forces two inexperienced swordsmen to flee with the infant and begin a dangerous journey in search of allies.
Dragon Swamp
Master Fan Chung Yu
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
Dragon Swamp
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
Dragon Swamp
After being implicated in the theft of the Jade Dragon Sword, Fan Ying (Cheng Pei-pei) is banished to the Dragon Swamp for 20 years. Now, 20 years later, the sword has been stolen again, and the members of Lingshan Clan are sent out to find the culprit. Among those is Qing-Erh (Cheng Pei-pei again), who meets a wandering swordsman (Yueh Hua) searching for the long lost Fan Ying. Together they decide to enlist the help of the Dragon Swamp Master in their respective searches.
Death Valley
Master Chiu
A hired assassin unknowingly makes friends with the man he's been sent to murder.
Death Valley
A hired assassin unknowingly makes friends with the man he's been sent to murder.
Death Valley
A hired assassin unknowingly makes friends with the man he's been sent to murder.
The Angel Strikes Again
Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
The Angel Strikes Again
Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
The Angel Strikes Again
Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
Black Butterfly
Chief Gai Tian Lui
Black Butterfly, steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Trouble starts when a bandit gang, who the Black Butterfly has robbed, come to town looking for them. Eventually, the Black Butterfly and their new allies, will have to confront the bandit gang at their fortress.
Black Butterfly
Black Butterfly, steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Trouble starts when a bandit gang, who the Black Butterfly has robbed, come to town looking for them. Eventually, the Black Butterfly and their new allies, will have to confront the bandit gang at their fortress.
Black Butterfly
Black Butterfly, steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Trouble starts when a bandit gang, who the Black Butterfly has robbed, come to town looking for them. Eventually, the Black Butterfly and their new allies, will have to confront the bandit gang at their fortress.
Forever and Ever
In 1966, like in The Love Eterne, Ling Bo took up the male lead in Forever and Ever, despite Shaw Brothers' earlier plan of having her as the female lead. Facing opposition from fans, they finally arranged for her to star as a male student named Xiaowen. Wicked rich man Liu, portrayed by Lo Wei, the director of this film, wants Xiaowen to marry his daughter (Lin Yu) who is suffering from leprosy, thinking that marriage will take away her disease. Although Xiaowen discovers Liu's plan, he is still in love with her and hopes that a miracle will cure her disease...
Forever and Ever
Liu Yi-Ren
In 1966, like in The Love Eterne, Ling Bo took up the male lead in Forever and Ever, despite Shaw Brothers' earlier plan of having her as the female lead. Facing opposition from fans, they finally arranged for her to star as a male student named Xiaowen. Wicked rich man Liu, portrayed by Lo Wei, the director of this film, wants Xiaowen to marry his daughter (Lin Yu) who is suffering from leprosy, thinking that marriage will take away her disease. Although Xiaowen discovers Liu's plan, he is still in love with her and hopes that a miracle will cure her disease...
Jurang Bahaya
Jurang Bahaya film is a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1968. Jurang Bahaya issued in the form of black and white film without color .Jurang Bahaya film directed by director Low Wai in 1968 .
Jurang Bahaya
Jurang Bahaya film is a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1968. Jurang Bahaya issued in the form of black and white film without color .Jurang Bahaya film directed by director Low Wai in 1968 .
Jurang Bahaya
Mr. King
Jurang Bahaya film is a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1968. Jurang Bahaya issued in the form of black and white film without color .Jurang Bahaya film directed by director Low Wai in 1968 .
Summons to Death
A suave swinger and a cool chick have one half of a treasure map, the bad guys have the other half. Who will get the goods?
Summons to Death
A suave swinger and a cool chick have one half of a treasure map, the bad guys have the other half. Who will get the goods?
Summons to Death
Gin Te Biu
A suave swinger and a cool chick have one half of a treasure map, the bad guys have the other half. Who will get the goods?
Madam Slender Plum
Before director Lo Wei helped to discover Bruce Lee and the king of kung-fu comedy Jackie Chan, in Madam Slender Plum, Lo perpetuates the career of yet another Shaw's non-action, femme fatale starlet; the sleek and sexy, puppy-eyed Eurasian Jenny Hu. It's a melodrama with a touch of murder-mystery in the vein of an old Alfred Hitchcock movie where Diana Chang plays the mother with Jenny playing her oldest daughter.
Madam Slender Plum
Wang Xue Bin
Before director Lo Wei helped to discover Bruce Lee and the king of kung-fu comedy Jackie Chan, in Madam Slender Plum, Lo perpetuates the career of yet another Shaw's non-action, femme fatale starlet; the sleek and sexy, puppy-eyed Eurasian Jenny Hu. It's a melodrama with a touch of murder-mystery in the vein of an old Alfred Hitchcock movie where Diana Chang plays the mother with Jenny playing her oldest daughter.
Angel with the Iron Fists
Via an IMDb reviewer: "The plot involves a high-tech gang of thieves, a legit jeweler (Tang Ching) caught up in their racket, and a female jewel buyer who's actually a police agent..."
Angel with the Iron Fists
Chief Inspector
Via an IMDb reviewer: "The plot involves a high-tech gang of thieves, a legit jeweler (Tang Ching) caught up in their racket, and a female jewel buyer who's actually a police agent..."
Nora Zain Ajen Wanita 001
Nora Zain is a spy from Malaysia that been assigned to defeat diamond syndicate in Asia.
The Golden Buddha
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!
The Golden Buddha
Chan Chung Tai
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!
Squadron 77
Spy thriller set in occupied Shanghai. Li Lihua stars as the woman who is thrust into the role of nationalist freedom fighter when she discovers that her husband is a collaborator with the Japanese.
Crocodile River
Peng Hu
Crocodile River features Romeo And Juliet-flavored story. Families are against each other. Yodi is the Romeo and Lee Ting is his Juliet. The two students love each other from across a river that is filled with crocodiles.
Crocodile River
Crocodile River features Romeo And Juliet-flavored story. Families are against each other. Yodi is the Romeo and Lee Ting is his Juliet. The two students love each other from across a river that is filled with crocodiles.
The Crisis
The Crisis is a Hong Kong Action movie starring Sammo Hung in a child role
Romance of the Forbidden City
Hong Kong drama directed by Wong Tin-Lam.
The Magic Lamp
Prime Minister
Adapted from one of China's most well-known fairy tales, the Goddess of Mount Hua falls in love with a young mortal scholar Liu Yanchang and gives birth to a baby son, Chenxiang. When Chenxiang grows up, he seeks to unravel the mystery surrounding his mother whom he has never met.
The Magic Lamp
Adapted from one of China's most well-known fairy tales, the Goddess of Mount Hua falls in love with a young mortal scholar Liu Yanchang and gives birth to a baby son, Chenxiang. When Chenxiang grows up, he seeks to unravel the mystery surrounding his mother whom he has never met.
Empress Wu
Minister Pei Yan
The renowned Li Li Hua plays Wu Ze Tian, the most famous woman in China's four thousand year history.
The Pistol
Dai Heng
Long unemployed and stone-broke, Shen Jiaguang is dealt a further blow when his wife Lu Xiaoyin has fallen seriously ill and their son Xiaoguang has to quit school.
Black Butterfly
Lau Leung-wah plays the titled character, a Chinese Robin Hood who robs the rich to help the poor. She is an early Republican Era Mulan, who switches effortlessly between charming gentility and agile ferocity, and Lau personifies her character's duality with a balance of grace and vigour. Chang Cheh, on the verge of fostering seismic changes in cinema with his martial-arts machismo, pens a script that captures the spirit of changing Chinese womanhood, underscored by a conflict between Black Butterfly and her father, a veteran detective.
Black Butterfly
Liang Futing
Lau Leung-wah plays the titled character, a Chinese Robin Hood who robs the rich to help the poor. She is an early Republican Era Mulan, who switches effortlessly between charming gentility and agile ferocity, and Lau personifies her character's duality with a balance of grace and vigour. Chang Cheh, on the verge of fostering seismic changes in cinema with his martial-arts machismo, pens a script that captures the spirit of changing Chinese womanhood, underscored by a conflict between Black Butterfly and her father, a veteran detective.
The Tender Trap of Espionage
Spy films had always been popular in Chinese-language cinema, with stories set mostly in WWII or the warlord era. The Tender Trap of Espionage, made two years before Dr. No (1962) which kickstarted the Bond film craze, is a story of intrigue between spies and counterspies within the Japanese Occupation force. The film was shot in Taiwan, offering unique visages, with cat-and-mouse mind games set in motion against trust, betrayal and seduction. Based on the British film The Two-Headed Spy (1958), future action maestro Chang Cheh wrote the script while husband-and-wife team Lo Wei and Lau Leung-wah star together as agents, with Lo doubling as director.
The Tender Trap of Espionage
Spy films had always been popular in Chinese-language cinema, with stories set mostly in WWII or the warlord era. The Tender Trap of Espionage, made two years before Dr. No (1962) which kickstarted the Bond film craze, is a story of intrigue between spies and counterspies within the Japanese Occupation force. The film was shot in Taiwan, offering unique visages, with cat-and-mouse mind games set in motion against trust, betrayal and seduction. Based on the British film The Two-Headed Spy (1958), future action maestro Chang Cheh wrote the script while husband-and-wife team Lo Wei and Lau Leung-wah star together as agents, with Lo doubling as director.
Nobody's Child
Birth father
Melodramatic film about a child prodigy.
Calendar Girl
Sun Ping
Musician Sun Ping is estranged from his wife. Second daughter Yinzheng lives with Sun while eldest daughter Jinliu follows her mother. By coincidence, the sisters both enter the 'Calendar Girl' pageant but Jinliu deliberately lets her sister win the contest. Later, the sisters and Liu Bucheng perform in Sun's musical show. Though the show is a success, Yinzheng decides to quit in order to get married. Not wishing to disappoint their father, Jinliu devises a plan to make Yinzheng stay on, but the plan misfires. Yinzheng leaves angrily. She is at last brought back to the show due to Liu's mediation. The elders also reconcile as the sisters perform together on stage.
Love Letter Murder
Liu Zong-Ming
Early Shaw Brothers crime film
Diau Charn
Prime Minister Dong Zhuo
Based on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Diau Charn is a sublime retelling of a familiar tale with iconic actress Linda Lin Dai (Lam Doi) in the titular role of Diau Charn, one of the four storied beauties of ancient China.
A Mellow Spring
Feng JIn Cai
A Shaw Brothers production
A Mating Story
Xue Yi Sheng
A Shaw and Sons production.
The Chase
Yu Pu Yuan
Private Investigator, Wu Feng, is tasked in tracking down his wife, Zhang Xiu Juan, and collecting evidence of her infidelity. He plans to blackmail her into divorcing him while also getting a share of her inheritance from her father.
Beyond the Blue Horizon
A Shaw and Sons production
The Error
Rich girl, Wu Qiu, is jealous of the relationship between journalist, Xu Shao Tang and singer, Chen Feng Juan. Wu Qiu hatches a plan to separate the couple with disastrous results.
Blood in Snow
Jin Hu
A behind the scenes story of a small time folk opera troupe and other performers in Northern China in the 1930s.
The 72 Martyrs of Canton
The film was filmed for Chiang Kai-shek's re-election of the president. The history teacher introduced the origin of the Youth Festival to the students: Fujian Lin Juemin left his wife and went to Spike to engage in revolutionary work; Guangxi Wei Yiting took the uprising with the master Li Deshan, Sichuan Yu Peirun and Pei’s brothers fought in the righteousness, and a total of 72 martyrs uprising under the leadership of Huang Keqiang , determined to overthrow the full Qing
Tears of Songstress
A Songstress Called Hong Lingyan (歌女紅菱艷) aka Tears of Songstress is a 1953 Hong Kong musical drama film directed by Tu Kuang-Chi. The film was a co-production by Shaws Film Company and Far East Motion Picture Company, and is based on the screenplay by Pan Liu-Dai.
Sorrowful Glory
Song Siqing
This is a historical drama that was produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio.
Sweet Memories
This is a 1952 Hong Kong drama film directed by Bu Wancang, Kuang-Chi Tu, Wang Yin and Shankun Zhang. It stars Chou Man-Hua and Li Li-Hua.
Songs of the Peach Blossom River
Li Ming is collecting folk songs on the banks of the Taohua River and is deeply attracted by the voice of Jin Li Rong, a village girl nicknamed "Wild Cat". After the outbreak of war, Rong fled to Hong Kong, and was brought on stage by Ming to sing, a surprise.