Barry J. Ratcliffe
Nacimiento : 1962-03-06, Rocky Mount, Virginia, USA
After her husband is devastated by a tragic accident, a devoted wife obsesses over a mysterious portrait that resembles him as he was; but when it starts to terrorize her, she must decide if it's possessed or if she's losing her mind.
After the courthouse is hijacked by Black Caesar, brother of Sean Samuels, who has just been sentenced, Judge Jaeda King must rely on her strength and skills to find a way to end the standoff, save the hostages, and make her escape.
Barry from 'Barry Live'
A psychedelic rant about a gambling Elvis impersonator and his troubles with the Vegas Mafia, featuring a hapless crew of broken down Elvis impersonators who find themselves in competition with an Elvis who's so good, everybody starts to wonder. Could it really be true that the CIA and aliens from Alpha Centauri have brought Elvis back to Vegas?
Agobiada por los problemas de la vida y el amor, una madre de tres hijos ya adultos decide viajar a Paper Moon (Montana) en busca de la paz que ansía.
Toothpick Man
Hollywood arrives in force to Quincy, the small town where the secret Crown Cola billionaire's live. They want to film about the billionaire's and how they made their fortunes. Summer Jenkins, who was the town pariah, joins forces with the scout, Ben, and finds filming locations, extras, lessons with the town officials and house owners, etc. When Cole Masten arrives, they hate each other, but sparks fly. Cole is running from a nasty divorce, yet is captivated by Summer. Summer is dying to leave town to get away from the gossip. This is a great story about Southern customs, a Southern girl, and a Hollywood star who finds his lady.
Correctional Officer
Un conductor de un vehículo blindado trabaja transportando millones de dólares para otras personas. Su monótona vida sólo tiene un atisbo de emoción: trabajar con su coqueta compañera Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig), quien pronto trastocará todos sus planes. Junto a un grupo de delincuentes de medio pelo liderados por Steve Chambers, planean el robo de 17 millones de dólares. Con un equipo de inexpertos, los rastros que irán dejando serán más que evidentes, por lo que sólo habrá una cosa más difícil que organizar el robo: escapar con el botín.
What's real and what's not? Terror House is a feature length film shot in the vein of Paranormal Activity meets The Chainsaw Massacre. It follows a group of people who find themselves ... »
Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland relata que luego de que Thad se gradúa y entra en la NFL, el quarterback Alex debe guiar a su equipo y luchar para salvar su casa de ser cerrada por el rector de la universidad.
Se trata de una secuela de la exitosa comedia escrita y dirigida por el cómico Seth MacFarlane. Recién casados Ted y Tami-Lynn deciden tener un bebé. John se ofrece en donar su esperma para que su mejor amigo pueda cumplir su sueño de tener un hijo, pero inesperadamente reciben una carta legal que dice que el estado no le permite ser padre ya que no está demostrado que sea una persona. Todos juntos tendrán que unir fuerzas para luchar por sus derechos en un tribunal de justicia.
Historia de amor entre Luke, un antiguo campeón de rodeo buscando su vuelta a la competición, y Sophia, una estudiante a punto de embarcarse en su sueño de trabajar en el mundo del arte en Nueva York. (FILMAFFINITY)
Uncle Clive
In the late 1890s the Davenport House was a famous and successful brothel, until a young prostitute named Alice killed herself there. After her death, the brothel became haunted by Alice's ghost, and was eventually abandoned. More than a century later, the old structure is renovated into a beautiful mansion. It is still rumored to inhabit the ghost of Alice. Despite this, the new owner; the rich and arrogant heir to the Davenport fortune, decides to throw a wild party for his first night in the house.
Bobby Rose
Utilizando técnicas de bio ingeniería se ha conseguido reducir el tamaño de los grandes tiburones blancos al de las pirañas con la finalidad de adornar los exóticos acuarios de la gente rica. Sin embargo el terror comienza cuando consiguen introducirse en la red de abastecimiento de agua de Nueva York y hacen lo que los tiburones blancos suelen hacer con sus presas.
Billy Jack
Daffy undead gal Penny Dreadful, su amigo zombi herido, Ned, y Lycanthrope Wolfboy, relatan tres historias de terror en una vieja sala de cine destruida: una joven pareja se encuentra acosada por un jack-in-box letal en "Slash-in- la caja;" la joven y encantadora Alice, trata de averiguar qué fue exactamente lo que le pasó anoche en "The Morning After"; y un grupo de amigos se encuentra con una familia de excéntricas casas de madera después de que su camioneta se rompe en medio de la nada en "The Slaughter House".
For a thousand years, the Reapers guarded mankind from the demons that wait in the dark. Now, at the beginning of a new age, the Reapers are betrayed and slaughtered. Only one Reaper remains - Red, and she's out to exact revenge.
Associate Producer
For a thousand years, the Reapers guarded mankind from the demons that wait in the dark. Now, at the beginning of a new age, the Reapers are betrayed and slaughtered. Only one Reaper remains - Red, and she's out to exact revenge.
When given keys to a mansion for the weekend, two friends decide to make a film but end up throwing a huge party and trashing the house. Now they race to get the "money shot" and finish their film to pay for all the damages done.
Children's author Dorothy Gale makes a decent living continuing her grandfather's series of Oz books. When a new agent enters the scene, Dorothy moves to New York city. In the midst of a major business deal for her books, Dorothy discovers that her books are not based on her imagination, but on repressed memories. While Dorothy struggles with the revelation, she is forced to confront The Wicked Witch of the West, who has descended upon the Big Apple, determined to settle an old score.
A new, experimental dream-melding drug called 'Wonderland' hits the streets, granting its users the ability to place their consciousness into the bodies of other people. Soon, a serial killer begins to use the drug as a way to live and die as other people by forcing his victims to kill themselves. A detective on the case begins to unravel the killer's methods and motivations, while the latest would-be victims fight back against the powerful mind altering drug from within their dreams.
Detective Carlo Hoffman
A new, experimental dream-melding drug called 'Wonderland' hits the streets, granting its users the ability to place their consciousness into the bodies of other people. Soon, a serial killer begins to use the drug as a way to live and die as other people by forcing his victims to kill themselves. A detective on the case begins to unravel the killer's methods and motivations, while the latest would-be victims fight back against the powerful mind altering drug from within their dreams.
Una mujer en busca del hombre perfecto aprende el significado del amor cuando debe elegir entre dos hombres.
Wrestlers fight to the death to entertain Internet viewers.
Stone Grabstein
Dialogues is Land's last film: A chaotic, self-reflexive experimental narrative about many, many things-- namely Land himself. A caustic, anything-goes attitude permeates the late work.
Nuclear Dad
Basada en la serie de cómics, cuenta la historia de seis estudiantes conflictivos de instituto que vuelven de un viaje en las montañas. En el trayecto, se produce una tormenta que provoca que el autobús se estrelle en mitad del Triangulo de Trucker, un lugar en mitad de ninguna parte...
Uncle Sam
Nate Merritt es un joven que fue abandonado por su padre y criado por su madre soltera, Debbie. Nate decide ingresar en los Marines para poder ahorrar dinero y comenzar una vida con su prometida Trish. De permiso en Palm Springs, Nate conoce a Andy, un joven homosexual de personalidad magnética y espíritu libre, que desea encontrar una nueva vida en Hollywood. Ambos son contratados para una sesión de fotos, de la que escapan tras descubrir la naturaleza de la misma.
Nate decide llevar a Andy en su coche a su barrio, donde descubre que su novia le ha estado siendo infiel durante su ausencia. Tras esto, los dos hombres desarrollan una amistad, que pasa a ser un lazo platónico. Sin embargo, su relación termina por ser física e íntima cuando ambos navegan por sus mutuas vulnerabilidades e introspecciones. Añadido a esto, Nate descubrirá la identidad del padre que nunca conoció.
TORTURE ROOM stars Brooke Bailey and Nicki Streisel as two young women who enjoy treating men as toys, manipulating them for fun. But, when their car gets a flat tire on the way home from a big night out on the town the girls find themselves on the other end of the game as they run into a twisted maniac who has a very bloody manipulation hobby of his own.
Associate Producer
The ancient spirit of Pocahontas returns to take grizzly revenge for the massacre of her people.
The ancient spirit of Pocahontas returns to take grizzly revenge for the massacre of her people.
'Bear' Teddy Ray Buford
The ancient spirit of Pocahontas returns to take grizzly revenge for the massacre of her people.
Independent writer-director Leigh Slawner helms this chilling dramatization of the findings laid out in the best-selling 9/11 Commission Report, a document that sought to analyze the circumstances surrounding coordinated terrorist attacks against American civilians on Sept 11 2001.
Mr. Hooter
When their friend is kidnapped and held for ransom, John and Darnell come up with a crazy plan to raise his $20 million ransom by dressing up as women in order to steal an enormous diamond from an African Prince.
The Ear Guy
Seis amigos que viajan camino de una boda en Galveston deciden parar a hacer noche en un extraño motel de carretera “Bed and Breakfast” en la ciudad dormitorio de Lovelock. No obstante la noche acaba con el dueño del motel y su cocinero muertos, y el grupo se convierte en los principales sospechosos del “sheriff” local. El misterio crece rápidamente cuando los ya inusuales residentes del pueblo son poseídos por un espíritu maligno y acorralan a los seis amigos en el motel. Armados con una motosierra roñosa y vieja, una lata de gasolina, y media caja de balas, el grupo forma una barricada con la esperanza de poder salvar sus vidas.
Cop #2 (uncredited)
La vida de Mia Thermopolis, una tímida adolescente que vive en San Francisco, da un vuelco cuando averigua que es la heredera del trono del diminuto principado europeo de Genovia. Su estricta y sabia abuela, la Reina Clarisse Renaldi, irrumpe entonces en su vida con la intención de prepararla para ser princesa, pero Mia no tiene la menor intención de dejar su vida para gobernar un país tan lejano. La reticente princesa se enfrenta al dilema más importante de su vida: seguir con su familia o aceptar sus responsabilidades como princesa.
Warden McDonald
While filming a documentary on an insane asylum the crew gets locked in during an inmate riot.