Plumber's Assistant
A compilation of film clips of comedies from 1930's.
Statehood Audience Member (uncredited)
Un anciano senador del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, Ransom Stoddard (James Stewart), relata a un periodista la verdadera historia de por qué ha viajado junto a su mujer Hallie (Vera Miles) para acudir al funeral de un viejo amigo, Tom Doniphon (John Wayne). Todo comenzó muchos años atrás, cuando Ransom era un joven abogado del este que llegó en diligencia a Shinbone, un pequeño pueblo del Oeste, para ejercer la abogacía e imponer la ley. Poco antes de llegar a su destino, es atracado y golpeado brutalmente por el temido pistolero Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin).
Knuckles (uncredited)
En la época de la Ley Seca (1920-1933), Dave es un contrabandista de alcohol que está a punto de cerrar un trato importante con un mafioso de Chicago. Como las manzanas de la mendiga Annie siempre le han dado suerte, envía a uno de sus hombres a buscarla para cerrar la operación. Pero Annie está completamente desesperada: su hija, a la que no ve desde hace muchos años, llega de Europa acompañada de su novio y de su suegro, unos aristócratas italianos, y Annie tendrá que convertirse en una gran dama para no defraudarla.
Eddie - the Bellhop (uncredited)
Emily, una joven de 20 años, le propone matrimonio al botones de un hotel para poder llegar hasta el juez de paz. Una vez logrados sus planes, lo asesina, huye y se refugia en la casa de una anciana paralítica y muda a la que cuida. La policía no logra dar con ella, pero la sobrina de la anciana y su novio empiezan a sospechar de ella.
Man at Balloon Society Meeting (uncredited)
Morgantown es una pequeña ciudad situada cerca de un volcán de cuyo cráter sale constantemente fuego y ruidos extraños. Los habitantes de la localidad denominan a este misterio como "La Gran Curiosidad". Un científico, su hija y su futuro yerno, junto a un agente del gobierno, preparan una expedición al interior del cráter.
Townsman (uncredited)
Tras el atraco a un banco fronterizo, Johnny Río es traicionado por Dad, su mejor amigo y compañero de correrías. Apresado por la policía mexicana, pasa cinco amargos años en la prision de Sonora, durante los cuales, vive obsesionado con la idea de vengarse del traidor. Tras ser puesto en libertad, visita a Dad, quese ha convertido en un hombre respetable y es el sheriff de Monterrey. Cuando Dad le presenta a su hijastra Louisa, Jonnhy queda prendado de su belleza y la seduce.
archive footage
An appreciative, uncritical look at silent film comedies and thrillers from early in the century through the 1920s.
Townsman (uncredited)
En una pequeña ciudad del estado de Tennessee se juzga a un profesor por enseñar a sus alumnos la teoría de la evolución de las especies. El darwinismo se enfrenta a una burda y fundamentalista teoría del creacionismo en una explosiva batalla judicial entre el abogado defensor Henry Drummond (Tracy) y el líder ultraconservador Matthew Harrison Brady (March). Basada en hechos reales.
Reporter (uncredited)
James Gannon (Clark Gable), un maduro editor de prensa se enamora de Erica Stone (Doris Day), una joven que ejerce como profesora en una escuela de periodismo. Con el fin de conquistarla, el editor no duda en matricularse, como un novato más, para que ella le dé clases.
Waiter (uncredited)
Joey (Frank Sinatra), un cantante atractivo y mujeriego, consigue que la acaudalada viuda Vera Simpson (Rita Hayworth) financie el local nocturno que ha abierto en San Francisco. Vera y Joey parecen estar hechos el uno para el otro, pero la llegada de Linda English (Kim Novak), una encantadora jovencita, trastocará su plácida existencia. Basada en un musical de Broadway.
Comedy Waiter #2
La turbulenta vida y carrera profesional del actor de vodevil y estrella de terror del cine mudo Lon Chaney (1883-1930), el hombre de las mil caras; portador de muchas desgracias personales que ni siquiera su gran éxito pudo mitigar.
Quartermaster Bates in 'Rain' (uncredited)
Biopic sobre la estrella de Broadway de los años 20 Jeanne Eagels (1894-1929). Aunque Eagels aspira a ser una gran actriz, acepta un trabajo como bailarina en un pequeño local neoyorquino. Cuando llega a "La Gran Manzana", recibe clases de la estricta Madame Neilson, logrando así debutar en Broadway en 1922.
Carnival Patron (uncredited)
Jess Birdwell es el patriarca de una familia de cuáqueros, una secta cristiana que se niega a participar en las guerras. Su hijo Josh desea adherirse al pacifismo familiar pero, temiendo ser tomado por un cobarde, se alista en el ejército, lo que provoca el disgusto de su madre.
Mr. Fields, Little Drunk at Dance Club
Three teenagers with troubled families are unable to adjust at home and in high-school. Tempted with an easy, carefree life they soon pass from misdemeanors into serious crime - and will suffer for it. Sometimes, repentance comes too late.
Street Vagrant (uncredited)
Frankie Machina, un malhechor adicto al juego y la heroína, interpretado soberbiamente por Frank Sinatra, tras pasar una buena temporada en la cárcel, regresa a su casa en Chicago junto a su mujer, Eleanor Parker, con el firme propósito de dejar atrás su pasado criminal y rehabilitarse de sus adicciones. Pero no le resultará fácil, ya que le estarán esperando sus viejas e indeseables amistades, quienes tratarán por todos los medios, de que regrese a sus antiguos hábitos.
Waiter (uncredited)
Pete Kelly es un trompetista que toca con su banda de jazz, conocida como "Pete Kelly y sus Big Seven", en un local de Kansas City. Un día aparece por allí Frank McCarg, un mafioso que le exige ser su manager a cambio del 25% de las ganancias y de que su novia Rose cante en el grupo. Tras negarse, Frank asesina a uno de los amigos de Pete, por lo que esté decidirá aceptar sus condiciones, esperando tener en el futuro la oportunidad de vengarse de él...
Park Caretaker
A man wrongly imprisoned for murder breaks out of jail. He wants to clear his name, but with the police pursuing him, he's forced to take a beautiful young woman, driving a fast sports car, hostage and slip into a cross-border sports car race to try to make it to Mexico before the police get him.
Man Pacing in Jail Cell
Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie has to be a reluctant witness.
Street Musician
La última película americana de Chaplin narra la historia de un payaso que evita el suicidio de una bailarina, y le enseña todo lo que sabe sobre el mundo del espectáculo para ayudarla a triunfar. Destaca un dueto con Buster Keaton, el eterno rival de Chaplin
In New York's 1880's newspaper district a dedicated journalist manages to set up his own paper. It is an immediate success but attracts increasing opposition from one of the bigger papers and its newspaper heiress owner.
Lunch Wagon Counterman (uncredited)
Carrie (Jennifer Jones) es una campesina que decide irse a Chicago, donde se convierte en una famosa actriz. Allí vivirá un amor apasionado con un hombre casado (Laurence Olivier), un respetable padre de familia de conducta intachable.
Old Man Getting Umbrella in "Singin' in the Rain" Number (uncredited)
Antes de conocer a la aspirante a actriz Cathy Seldon, el ídolo del cine mudo Don Lockwood pensaba que lo tenía todo; fama, fortuna y éxito. Pero, tras conocerla, se da cuenta de que ella es lo que realmente faltaba en su vida. Con el nacimiento del cine sonoro, Don quiere filmar los musicales con Kathy, pero entre ambos se interpone la reina del cine mudo Lina Lamont.
Townsman at Dance (uncredited)
Sylvanus Hurley is a swindler who's been swindled: he's been given a deed to a large plot of mangrove swamp in the out-of-the-way community. So he decides to con the locals, some of whom are not as honest as he....
Stage Door Johnnie in Opening Number (uncredited)
A Broadway star devises a scheme to win back her husband when she suspects he's being unfaithful.
Custodian on Stairway (uncredited)
Chris Hale, un jugador sin escrúpulos, llega a un pequeño pueblo en el que supuestamente vivió cuando era niño. Pronto consigue encandilar a los vecinos, y utiliza su encanto personal para seducir a Elaine Corelli, una rica heredera postrada en una silla de ruedas, tras un accidente. Aunque intenta enderezar su vida, Chris tendrá que resolver asuntos turbios del pasado.
Pool Hall Patron (uncredited)
Marx Dixon (Dana Andrews) es un conflictivo policía marcado por el fuerte carácter de su padre. En el transcurso de una investigación, hiere de muerte a un sospechoso y oculta el crimen. Un taxista (Tom Tully) es acusado como presunto autor del asesinato. Y, mientras tanto, Mark se enamora de su bella hija (Gene Tierney).
Townsman at Funeral (uncredited)
Jimmie Ringo, un legendario pistolero, se siente tan viejo y cansado que está decidido a retirarse y llevar una vida más tranquila como granjero. Sin embargo, sus propósitos tropiezan con la incomprensión y la intolerancia de la sociedad. Aunque ya no será perseguido por la ley, la región está llena de jóvenes pistoleros que desean demostrar que son más rápidos que él para ocupar su lugar y heredar su fama.
Un veterano de guerra civil llamado Josiah Grey (Joel McCrea) llega a una pequeña ciudad del sur de los Estados Unidos para ejercer su ministerio como pastor religioso. Grey tiene una familia y muchos amigos, pero pronto encuentra la fricción con algunos de sus feligreses. En seguida se crea una disputa entre su ministerio y el del joven doctor del lugar, que busca el tratamiento científico para curar a sus pacientes. La aparición del Ku-Klux Klan y una epidemia de fiebres tifoideas soliviantarán los ánimos de la población... (FILMAFFINITY)
Man in Courtroom (uncredited)
Amanda y Adam Bonner son un idílico matrimonio de abogados cuya paz conyugal se ve afectada cuando un caso los enfrenta en los tribunales como defensora y fiscal respectivamente: una mujer es juzgada por disparar contra su marido y la amante de éste. Adam no duda de la culpabilidad de la acusada, pero Amanda no es de la misma opinión.
Show Spectator
Two talent scouts for a New York-based country music TV show called "Square Dance Jubilee" are sent out West to get authentic western singing acts. They find what they're looking for, but also get mixed up in cattle rustling and murder.
A principios del siglo XX, oleadas de emigrantes procedentes de Europa llegaban a la populosa ciudad de Nueva York. Todos albergaban la esperanza de hacer realidad sus sueños de prosperidad. Muchos procedían de Italia, como la familia de Gino Monetti, un barbero ambicioso y autoritario, que emigró con su paciente mujer y sus cuatro hijos, todos muy distintos tanto psicológica como físicamente. Con los años, Monetti amasó una enorme fortuna; el sueño americano, en efecto, se había cumplido, pero los conflictos familiares se hicieron cada vez más graves.
Elevator Operator
Cuando Joan Boothe acompaña a su marido, que es reportero, a Las Vegas, empieza a jugar para pasar el tiempo mientras él realiza su trabajo.
Stagehand (Uncredited)
Marion, una actriz y cantante ya retirada de la vida profesional por haber perdido la voz, intenta formar y promocionar a Susan, una joven cuyo nombre artístico es Estrellita, que está dotada de buenas cualidades, pero que carece de carácter. Melodrama con trasfondo criminal, basado en una novela de Vicki Baum.
Second Small Man at Dance (uncredited)
Cuando las luces de un local se apagan, un hombre es asesinado con la pistola de Larry Evans. Pero alguien piensa que es inocente y le oculta de la ley, para luego investigar por su cuenta el crimen.
Extra in Dive, Pointing Out Tarnowski
Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs...
Man on Jury (uncredited)
La vida es dura en la granja de Mac Donald en Nueva Escocia y todavía resulta más difícil para Belinda, una joven sorda cuya desgracia se confunde con discapacidad mental. El nuevo médico de la ciudad muestra interés en ayudarla a salir de su silenciosa cárcel.
Goofy (as Snub Pollard)
Back Trail is one of the livelier entries in Monogram's Johnny Mack Brown western series. Brown rides into a small town where he becomes embroiled in a blackmail scheme. The town's banker (Ted Adams), a pillar of respectability, once served a jail term. Outlaw leader Pierce Lyden threatens to reveal Adams' secret if the banker doesn't let him know in advance when the gold shipments are going through. Adams tearfully tells Brown the whole story, whereupon Johnny rides shotgun on the next shipment himself. Back Trail was one of the last films directed by workhorse Christy Cabanne, whose career stretched all the way back to the D.W. Griffith days.
Cabby (uncredited)
La hermosa señora Paradine (Alida Valli) es acusada de haber asesinado a su marido ciego. De su defensa se encarga el abogado Keane (Gregory Peck) que, aunque está casado con una atractiva mujer (Ann Todd), se enamora perdidamente de su cliente y se deja convencer de su inocencia.
Western Saloon Set Propman (as Snub Pollard)
Una joven deja su trabajo como dependienta de una tienda de Nueva York y emprende una nueva vida dentro de una compañía teatral que recorre el país. Pero su verdadero éxito llega con el cine mudo, donde alcanzará la fama y adoración del público con su interpretación de la heroína en "Los peligros de Paulina".
Villager (uncredited)
Steve Randall se acaba de casar y busca un nuevo trabajo como camionero, pero se da cuenta de que la carga del camión es robada y lo denuncia a la policía. El temible gangster Walt Radak jura venganza. Steve y su esposa empiezan a temer por sus vidas...
Final Mail-Bearing Court Officer (uncredited)
Durante un desfile navideño organizado por las grandes almacenes Macy de Nueva York, el hombre que encarna a Santa Claus ha de ser sustituido porque se encuentra indispuesto. Un anciano llamado Kris Kringle es contratado para el trabajo, pero todo se complica cuando asegura que es el auténtico Santa Claus.
Ticket Seller
Andy makes elaborate plans to attend a prizefight, and they all backfire.
Show Boat Orchestra Drummer (uncredited)
Biografía del compositor Jerome Kern a través de distintos números musicales, que van recreando su trayectoria profesional desde sus duros inicios en Nueva York, hasta su triunfo en 1927.
Man at Barn Dance (uncredited)
Biografía sobre la enfermera Elisabeth Kenny, que consiguió notoriedad por sus revolucionarios tratamientos para la parálisis infantil tras su experiencia en los campos australianos con pacientes con polio.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Muriel Allen needs an escort to Alice Preston's dinner party, and her maid Petunia mistakenly places a telephone call to Acme Exterminators instead of Acme Escorts. It's Shemp and Tom to the rescue, and they're assumed to be cultured college seniors. Guest of honor Lord Wafflebottom follows the pest exterminators' lead in proper American party manners, turning the dinner party into an uncouth display. When mice are conveniently spotted, the boys go to work, disrupting the party and the entire mansion.
Mr. Grimble
The stooges are bumbling electricians who decide to go away for a rest after they are fired for their incompetence. The rest home they choose is run by Dr. Mallard, a quack who gyps the patients for everything they've got. When the boys discover the crooked goings on they escape, but not before Curly accidentally cures another patient who rewards him with a thousand dollars.
Town Barber (uncredited)
Durante la creación de los Estados Unidos de América, una franja de tierra olvidada entre los Territorios Indios y los Estados de Colorado, Kansas, Nuevo México y Texas se convierte en el refugio y hogar de gran parte de los forajidos más famosos y despiadados del Salvaje Oeste. Allí deberá ir el Sheriff Mark Rowley (Randolph Scott) en busca de su hermano y ayudante John (James Warren), quien tras ser traicionado por el despiadado Marshal Bill Hampton (Morgan Conway), tuvo que huir con la banda del forajido Jesse James (Lawrence Tierney) a la ciudad de Quinto, en el corazón del Territorio de Forajidos. Tras llegar a Quinto, Mark Rowley conocerá a Henryetta Alcott (Ann Richards), la comprometida editora del periódico local que lucha por traer la legislación del estado en creación de Oklahoma a su tierra sin ley...
Townsman (uncredited)
Squire Skimp has a new plan to swindle the people of Pine Ridge. However, Lum has something more important on his mind. He has to tell a young engaged couple on the verge of breaking up the story of how the Jot 'em Down store first started (through flashbacks). Based on characters from the popular "Lum and Abner" radio program of the time.
Parade Spectator (uncredited)
Después de servir en el ejército durante la I Guerra Mundial, el reportero Terry O'Neill vuelve a casa. Descubre que es más difícil encontrar empleo de lo que había pensado.
Taxi driver (uncredited)
Nora Goodrich, una experta química que se dedica a la investigación, está decidida a probar en sí misma la anestesia que acaba de inventar. Pero, tras inyectársela, todo empieza a irle mal: su novio la abandona, es víctima de un chantaje y una devastadora explosión le desfigura la cara.
Amateur Contest Violinist (uncredited)
Duke y Chester son dos actores de tercera fila que huyendo de un apuro se embarcan rumbo a Alaska. En el mismo barco viajan dos asesinos, Sperry y McGurk, que tienen en su poder un mapa con la ubicación concreta de una mina que esconde gran cantidad de oro. La casualidad hace que el mapa vaya a parar a manos de los dos actores que aprovechan la ocasión para abandonar el barco adoptando la identidad de los asesinos.
Ice Cream Vendor
The stooges are three fish peddlers who decide to cut out the middleman by catching their own fish. They trade their car and $300 for a "new" boat which turns out to be a piece of junk that soon falls apart and sinks in the middle of the ocean. Luckily the boys also have a row boat which they climb into and then try to signal some passing planes for help. Unfortunately, their paint spattered rag is mistaken for a Japanese flag and they are bombed from the sky.
Hugh's Rental Coachman (uncredited)
Una farsa con cierto estilo según la novela de Rosamund Marshall, que bebe directamente de la idea de Pigmalión. Esta vez se traslada la acción al Londres del siglo XVIII, donde unos conspiradores transforman a una chica de la calle (Paulette Goddard, tan divertida y natural como de costumbre) en una gran dama. Traman un plan consistente en casar a la muchacha con un noble de la Corte para sacarle todo el dinero posible.
Hog Calling Contest Spectator (uncredited)
Los Frake, una familia de granjeros, acuden a la feria del estado de Iowa. En el primer día de la feria la hija de los Frake, la siempre descontenta Margy, conoce al apuesto Pat Gilbert...
Drunk (uncredited)
Rancher Rusty Williams is away at agricultural college and leaves his spread in the hands of his older cousin Shorty. Shorty wants to do more than run a ranch, however -- he wants to prospect for gold, but he has no money. He recruits a pair of partners in the guise of two runaway vagrants and a pair of backers in two stranded singers. But then Rusty shows up, and his four somewhat bumbling hired hands manage to compound Larry and Curly's deep ineptitude, and Rusty wants them all out of his hair.
Cemetery Guard
The stooges are three inventors trying to a get a patent on their preposterous fly catching invention. When they learn they'll have to catch 100,000 flies to earn enough to get a patent, some crooks overhear and think the boys are the $100,000 sweepstakes winners. When the crooks give chase, the stooges hide in a sporting goods store where Curly shoots a dummy, which they mistake for a real person. The boys decide to bury the "body" in a pet cemetery, but the cemetery owner arrives from a costume party with his partners, all dressed as spooks, and they proceed to scare the devil out of the stooges.
Father at Baby Window (uncredited)
Casanova Q. Brown, profesor de historia de una pequeña ciudad, está a punto de casarse con Magde Ferris, cuando recibe noticias de Isabel, su anterior esposa, que le comunica que es padre de un niño.
Witness (uncredited)
William Warner is a lawyer who is famous for his skill at opening any kind of lock, making him a valuable commodity. William is unknowingly enlisted by German spies who want him to open a chest containing a secret formula. This leads to a madcap adventure involving spies, the police and lots of picked locks!
Pop Denton (uncredited)
This patriotic short film promotes America's war effort at home. The story looks at a fictional small town's main street, seeing where additional workforce, for increased production of materials needed by the military, might come from.
British comedian Tommy Handley makes funny commentary on speeded up and shortened version of Triple trouble (1918)
Sheriff Hogwaller (uncredited)
Set in the old west, the stooges are three tramps wanted for vagrancy. After ruining a medicine peddlers show, they arrive in Peaceful Gulch where a picture has been printed declaring them to be three famous lawmen coming to clean up the town. Assigned to guard the bank, the boys have the local gang scared at first, but when the gang learns who the stooges really are, they rob the bank. The boys go in pursuit, find the bad guy's hideout, subdue the bandits and recover the money. Written by Mitch Shapiro
Flower Delivery Man (uncredited)
La hermosa hermana de Glimpy se casa con Jack, un ingeniero joven, y deciden mudarse a una casa suburbana que ninguno de los dos había visto hasta entonces. Durante la luna de miel, los niños del barrio este de Nueva York deciden arreglar la casa para los recién casados, pero erróneamente adornan la casa "encantada", que está justo al lado de su casa, y que a su vez es ocupada por algunos hombres misteriosos. Al llegar de la luna de miel, los recién casados se meten en la casa adornada pensando que es la suya...
Townsman in Church (uncredited)
Dos años después de la invasion de Noruega por los nazis, los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo pesquero esperan la llegada de armas para iniciar la revuelta contra los alemanes. Karen Stensgard, la hija del médico del pueblo, y Gunnar Brogge, un pescador que pensaba combatir a los nazis desde Inglaterra, serán los jefes de la sublevación.
Dance Official
The East Side boxing champion Muggs answers a challenge to a fight against the West Side champ but just before the match he is kidnapped. His friend Danny Lyons takes his place and wins the fight, only to have Mugs believe that Danny was responsible for his kidnapping.
Saloon Swamper
Billy the Kid has been wrongfully arrested for robbing a train. In order to prove his innocence, the Kid breaks out of jail and hits the trail to search for the real robbers. Along the way, he discovers that an outlaw band has been impersonating upstanding ranchers.
El and his new bride go on their honeymoon; no matter where they go, they keep running into her former husbands.
Soup Customer (uncredited)
The East Side Kids find a young girl in the apartment of a man who has just been murdered. Believing her to be innocent, they hide her in their clubhouse while they try to find the real killer. The killer, however, used a baseball bat as his murder weapon, and the bat has the fingerprints of one of the gang on it.
The Knocked-out Motorist
A seemingly charitable soup kitchen operator (who moonlights as a criminology professor) uses his Bowery mission as a front for his criminal gang. Police attempt to close in on the gang as they commit a series of robberies, murders and bizarre experiments on corpses.
Supper Club Patron
Hollywood starlet foils an Axis plot to sabotage the L.A. infrastructure.
Baseball Game Spectator (uncredited)
A washed up baseball player returns to Brooklyn to manage his old team but an old sports reporter is eager to prove that he is a loser.
2nd Bartender
Bolton's men blow up the wagon carrying the mine payroll and Marshal Crash Corrigan is supposedly killed in the explosion. A man finds his badge and gives it to Bolton. Thinking Crash dead, Bolton gives the badge away and it ends up with the Sheriff. Crash is OK and the Range Busters know Bolton is the head of the gang but that he gets his orders from someone else and that is the man they want.
Dr. Whoozis' vitamin and exercise routine turn young girls into super-charged pin-up models
Air Raid Refugee in Basement Crowd
Newsman Mitch and teletype operator Jennifer, whose job is to see he doesn't send inappropriate stuff out of the country, dodge bombs during the blitz of London while falling in love.
Party Guest (uncredited)
Whitley and his singing group want to make time with young ladies at a finishing school...and vice-versa. However, the old matron in charge threatens to shoot Ray and his men so they come up with a plan to trick her.
Wedding Chapel Attendant (uncredited)
Steve is a shy quiet man who is an executive for a shipping firm. He meets Dot at the Opera where she had his seats and the next day she shows up as his temporary secretary. Then Coffee Cup comes to town to see Dot, his gal. When Steven is with Cecilia, everything is boring. When he is with Dot and Coffee Cup, everything is exciting and he falls for Dot. But Coffee is getting out of the Navy in a few days and he plans to marry Dot.
Saloon Drunk
Singing cowboy Tex Ritter and his sidekick, Slim Andrews, star in this musical Western about a couple of Texas Rangers who defend the citizens of a small territory from power-hungry outlaws. Villain Bradley Craven (Forrest Taylor) is determined to stop the election process that would allow the region to join the Union. Tex and Slim join a rancher and his daughter to stop Craven, with fearless Tex going undercover to ensure that justice is served.
Pa, Man in Nightshirt
Sgt. Renfrew and Constable Kelly go aloft to search for a plane missing with a shipment of gold from the Yukon Mine Company. Inventor Speavy has devised a power ray which disrupts electrical impulses, and Morgan and his gang of crooks has brought in Prof. Lewis to increase the ray's range, telling him he's helping the government develop this new weapon. Speavy spills the beans to Prof. Lewis and his daughter Madeleine,and Morgan threatens to implicate them in his crimes unless they cooperate. Morgan kills Speavy when he tries to warn Renfrew, but when Madeleine stows away on board the doomed plane Renfrew is piloting, will the crooks be able to make Prof. Lewis use the power ray to bring the plane down?
Unknown to Joan Manning, her trading post partner Weathers is operating a counterfeiting ring. When miner Jim Smithers brings his gold dust in, Weathers pays him off in counterfeit money. Jim's drunken brother, Bill, comes to the post and Weathers hears him say that Jim is leaving the area for good. Weathers sends Hawks to kill Jim and retrieve the bogus money. RCMP Sergeant Renfrew and Constable Kelly find Jim's body, and Renfrew hurries for Jim's cabin to search it. He is attacked by Weathers' men who have found the money. Renfrew is suspicious when Bill Smithers body is found, supposedly a suicide, with a note he had burned the money. This leads the Mounties to suspect counterfeiting. Kelly follows Manti, an Indian who works for Weathers, to the gang's hideout and is captured. But Renfrew is trailing Kelly.
Townsman (uncredited)
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Keystone Cop
Starting in 1913 movie director Connors discovers singer Molly Adair. As she becomes a star she marries an actor, so Connors fires them. She asks for him as director of her next film. Many silent stars shown making the transition to sound.
Janitor Suds
It's time for the big rodeo and it's Bob of the Allen ranch against Luke Williams of the Barns ranch. With Bob leading after the first day, Sands and Trigger kidnap him to keep him from winning.
A "special" by Monogram standards, Lure of the Wasteland was lensed in a not inexpensive process called Telco-color. Grant Withers takes a break from his duties in the "Mister Wong" series to play Smitty, a US marshal assigned to track down $250,000 in stolen bonds.
Poker Player
A cowboy helps a pretty young woman and her father in their fight against land-grabbers who are trying to swindle them out of their cattle ranch.
An outlaw on the run assumes the identity of a dead man. When in his new identity he finds himself elected the mayor of a small town, he decides to go straight.
Pee Wee
Tex returns to Santa Fe to find his Mother murdered. Foster runs the town and all crimes committed by his gang are blamed on Rogel and his men. He makes Tex Marshal but this backfires when Tex enlists Rogel and his men and goes after Foster who he now knows is responsible for his Mother's death.
Pee Wee
Tex has been sent to investigate the theft of government provisions along the border. Kildare is the leader of the outlaw gang and has his men posing as Indians. He has already killed the incoming Marshal and assumed his identity. When Tex asks too many questons, he plans to get rid of him also.
Pee Wee
Tex and his sidekicks arrive to help out his friend Jeffers, a railroad owner, only to find that he has been killed. They quickly run into trouble with an outlaw gang in their attempt to find the mysterious ghost train that supposedly runs on Jeffer's line.
Pee Wee
It's cattlemen versus sheepmen and Trigger Gargan appears to be the leader of the gang causing the trouble. But unknown to Ranger Tex Lawrence, the respected town citizen Barrow is the boss and is tipping off the gang as to the Ranger's activities.
Regan is passing off counterfeit money at rodeos betting on his man Denby. When Tex appears and wins all the events, Regan has him accused of murder. As Tex looks for the counterfeiters, his pals Stubby and Pee Wee keep the Sheriff off his trail.
Pee Wee
Tex is after the gang that robbed a train of a gold shipment. He suspects Dorman is the culprit and is hiding their gold at his mine. When Stubby sees Dorman's henchman Stark cash in some gold nuggets, Tex tricks Dorman into moving the gold. He hopes to round them up with the help of the posse and the local Boy Scout Troop.
Edgar Wolfe (as Snub Pollard)
Believing they can make a ton of money, a gang of opportunists uses the country's racial and ethnic tensions to start a Ku Klux Klan-type organization.
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
Bad guy caught by sash window in shed (uncredited)
Set in the old west, the stooges are spies for US Calvary; "Buffalo Bilious", "Wild Bill Hiccup" and "Just Plain Bill". Sent by General "Muster" to catch a gang of cattle rustlers, they wind up in a saloon where the boss of the gang hangs out. The boys disguise themselves as gamblers and get into a card game with the villain, but must flee when their identities are discovered. They hole up in a cabin, fighting off the bad guys, until the calvary arrives.
Pee Wee McDougal
Tex and his pals join the Rangers to fight rustlers along the border. When Doc and Pee Wee get framed for rustling and then jailed, Tex deserts the Rangers, crosses the border, and joins up with the outlaw gang hoping somehow to clear his pals.
Kalmus is after the freight contract held by Summers. When his gang kill Summers, Tex and Duke step in to help Madge keep the freight line going. When they foil the gang's further attempts, Kalmus gets the Judge to jail the two.
his was one of the earlier uses of Robert Tansey's favorite plot (only the 3rd time he had trotted it out of the stable, but he got six more films out of it in later years) in which a group of outlaws (wrongly jailed this time) are let out to join up with the good guys against a worse bunch of outlaws. And, not unusual in the B-western genre, most of the production crew wore several hats; director Robert N. Bradbury and supervisor Lindsley Parsons wrote a song for Tommy Bupp, one of the actually good kid actors of the time who proved real quick-like that singing wasn't his strong suit, while Robert Emmett Tansey worked three jobs under three names... Robert Emmett on story and screenplay, Robert Tansey as the production manager and Al Lane as the assistant director. And, for a change, music director Frank Sanucci actually earned a composers' credit as he did write a song... Written by Les Adams
The Transcontinental Broadcasting Company sends a sound truck and equipment to a ranch to obtain an audition from "Santa Fe" Evans and his musical cowboys (Oscar Gahan, Lloyd Perryman, Robert "Curley" Hoag, Rudy Sooter and Sherry Tansey.) Carver, arch enemy of Evans and a rival for the love of Carol Sheldon, fails in an attempt to spoil the audition. Carver frames Mr. Sheldon and Carol's brother Buddy on a charge, by Al Jensen, of receiving cattle stolen from him by Evans. Carver blames Evans for all of the Sheldon's troubles and, what with one thing or another, it looks like Evans and his cowhands will miss the big broadcast.
Tex and sidekick Grass join McGill's traveling show. When Price has McGill's wagons burned, Tex becomes the county tax collector to earn money. This leads to trouble as one of those owing money is Price who says he will not pay. Business doesn´t go as plan.
In the early 1900s, as the Panama Canal is being built, a group of doctors try to discover a cure for yellow fever, a disease that is decimating the workers constructing the canal.
Vic Moran
Government agents try to thwart smugglers, while some sort of plot unfolds, about a hidden treasure revealed by cursed coins.
In Victorian-era USA, a horse-jockey becomes a scapegoat in the nefarious schemes of a group of small-time criminals.
Prizefighter Bob Neal (Ray Walker) is in debt to gangster Vic Santell (Hooper Atchley) for training expenses. Santell orders Bob to take a dive in the fourth round so Santell can recoup prior gambling losses. Taunted by his ring opponent, Bob wins the fight. Realizing that his profession and underworld characters connected to it are causing him problems, Bob decides to join the police force. After taking nurse Mary Prentiss (Geneva Mitchell) to a drive-in restaurant where the total bill is a depression-era cheap eighty-two cents, Bob and his fellow officers round-up a gang of fur thieves in a warehouse shoot-out.
Cookie (Hart hand)
Western - Singing cowboy Tex Saunders (Tex Ritter) finds himself in a heap of trouble when he agrees to investigate local gangsters at the behest of a lovely lady (Eleanor Stewart). As payment for his pains, he's framed by a saloon owner (Warner Richmond) for killing bad guy Red Dugan (James Mason) and forced to sweat it out in jail. Will his faithful sidekick, Chilo (Syd Saylor), show up to save his skin … or will Tex have a date with the gallows? - Tex Ritter, Warner Richmond, Eleanor Stewart
Frank Smith
Homer Crow, fired from his laboratory job at the Dunn-Wright Rubber Company, is sure that his formula for an indestructible rubber, called Durex, will be a success. Others are also, and Honer endures many obstacles, prat-falls and staged accidents while striving to protect his inventions.
Danny, the Pickpocket
Ted Clark rescues pickpoket Danny from a mob, and restores Danny's loot, a pocketbook, to its owner Ann Dawson. She is carrying a letter that proves her brother, who is on death row, is innocent and Jim Grant is the guilty party. Ted and Danny help her escape from Grant's henchmen. They have several narrow escapes while on their way to give the proof to the Governor.
Cinvvict Shorty
When Morley has his own bank robbed, Tom tries to break it up. Mistaken for one of the gang, he is caught and sentenced to a chain gang. His girlfriend Peggy then sets out to prove his innocence.
Property Man
An unscrupulous lawyer uses alcohol to swindle an innocent family.
Drummer (uncredited)
Young Austrian Archduke Paul "Gustl" Gustave is in an arranged engagement but his uncle, the emperor, decides to let Gustl carry on a fling with ballet dancer Lisl Gluck.
A young lady leaves her brutal husband and meets another man on board a ship.
King's Physician's Aide
Bert Wheeler es un pobre cleptómano en la Inglaterra del siglo XVII, y esto provoca que la pareja viva todo tipo de situaciones disparatadas.
A young lady named Hilda who works as a servant for the wealthy Clarksons, sheep farmers, and dreams of being a great singer. An upcoming visit by Sir Julian, a famous composer arriving from London, drives jealous Mrs. Clarkson (an interfering biddy who fancies she can sing - but can't) to send away Hilda, so he doesn't hear Hilda has a good voice. Meanwhile, an infamous outlaw named Stingaree has just arrived in town and kidnaps Sir Julian, then poses as him at the Clarksons, where he meets Hilda a few hours before she is to leave.
Twelve renegades dressed as Indians kill the parents of two brothers. The brothers who have similar birth marks then separate. Ten years later a man known as the Rawhide Terror is murdering the renegades who are now town citizens. Everyone is after the Rawhide Terror and the two brothers are destined to meet again.
Harmonica Player Joe Atterbury (uncredited)
Nightclub singer Joan Gordon runs away from her gangster boyfriend to become a mail-order bride to a struggling North Dakota farmer. Their relationship has a rocky start, but just as Joan realizes she's developing feelings for her husband, her old boyfriend arrives to win her back.
A cub reporter rashly makes a promise to solve a murder mystery within 24 hours, then must make good on his boast.
A Community Player (uncredited)
Stan y Ollie, dos víctimas de la Gran Depresión que recorren América sin apenas pertenencias, agradecen la comida que les ofrece una anciana. Mientras almuerzan en su cocina, oyen como ésta implora a su casero que no la eche. Deciden ayudarla con una subasta sin saber que lo que oyeron fue el ensayo de una obra de teatro.
Photographer at Birthday Party
A woman's life falls to pieces when she's caught cheating on her husband.
Plumber's assistant
A wife demands that her husband take over the household responsibilities, while she does his job, unaware that he is a piano mover. They both land in the hospital, sadder and sicker as a result of their experience.
A woman's uncontrollable jealousy over her husband's former girlfriend results in her losing not only her house but her young son is taken away from her.
Wacky Frenchman Alphonse (Snub Pollard) competes in an American boxing match.
Fat and Snub are a reporter and photographer who try to track down a reclusive Scotsman for an interview and photo.
Snub Pollard and Marvin Loback find comic situations as bums, night cops and seance attendees in this silent short.
Snub and Loback try to hide a baby they’re watching from their landlord.
A little known Weiss Brothers comedy short directed by Leslie Goodwins and starring 'Snub' Pollard.
Snub Pollard
A pair of rail-riding bums exit their boxcar in the town of Excema, where they get work as waiters and have trouble with clams, bottles of beer, and pies.
A 'Snub' Pollard comedy short.
"Snub" and his much larger dancing partner, "Fat" (Marvin Loback), struggle with each other in the room they share, try to crash the local vaudeville house and end up having to repossess a piano from their former landlord.
The film begins with Snub and Fat (yes, that IS the politically incorrect and cruel name given to Snub's partner in this and several other films made for the Weiss Brothers) want to make a few bucks. The film begins with them doing some maintenance sort of work--with Fat on a ladder and Snub sweeping outside. When this doesn't work out, a random stranger just happens to walk up to them and offer them HIS MOTHER'S CAR and asks them to make a delivery.
In this film, Snub leaves his extremely tiny town to go live with his aunt, who he doesn't even know. He arrives at her house when she's throwing a party and she doesn't want to invite him inside...until she learns he owns an oil well. Then she encourages him to meet and become smitten with her daughter. However, Snub isn't that interested in this vamp and instead is interested in the maid. But due to their persistence, Snub finally agrees to marry the cousin--at which point the maid hatches a plan to expose the ruse and a silent comedy chase ensues.
The Boy
At the Sans Scruples Hotel, the house fire inspector has to steer clear of a vamp and her jealous husband, and put out a fire to win the girl.
Snub comes to town with his pet duck where people think that he has struck oil at home, and so is briefly pursued by the young women, before settling on Thelma Daniels.
The film begins with Snub going off to war in WWI. He manages to get lost behind enemy lines and spends most of the movie hiding or just barely escaping encounter after encounter with German soldiers.
Shorter pal
A couple of pals tries to stay out of trouble, without much luck.
Inventor Ignatius Pollard
Inventor Ignatius Pollard develops a new "Pavement Polisher" to clean the streets, but a demonstration of the device does not go as planned.
The Papa
'Snub' Pollard as a eccentric movie director.
Our Hero
A Hal Roach comedy starring 'Snub' Pollard and James Finlayson.
'Snub' Pollard wants to hang himself but figures joining the circus was better idea.
Abner Maize
Two lifelong friends vie for the affection of the same woman.
A group of oil magnates are trying to think of new ways to attract business. One of them suggests that they contact the inventor Pollard, who has devised a new gasoline substitute. Pollard himself lives in a home filled with his eccentric inventions. When he gets the message from the oil company, he is excited about the opportunity to demonstrate his innovation.
Hired Hand
Jack Frost is a silent comedy short
The story of the first Thanksgiving is re-imagined as a father tells it to his son.
The Auctioneer's Helper
This Hal Roach comedy short I found on the "American Slapstick" DVD collection of rare silent comedies starts bizarre and has an anything goes-quality one rarely sees in Mr. Roach's output. It stars Snub Pollard who is initially introduced as a baby left on a doorstep before we see him fully grown about 20 or so years later still in that basket! From there, he gets bumped car to car crossing the street prior to getting literally thrown through a window as an auction is taking place! Also appearing is James Finlayson as a man who's items accidentally get sold.
The Old Settler
After their house is blown away by a twister, a farmer and his wife decide to move to California. Once over the border they're greeted by rain, hail, snow and an Indian uprising.
'Snub' Pollard is an local actor getting a big break in the movie industry, coming home to show off his fame.
Silent film comedy from 1923. Parody of "Nanook of the North."
The Chauffeur
Newly Rich is a silent comedy short
Snub the Ferryboat Pilot
Snub Pollard comedy directed by Charley Chase and produced by Hal Roach.
The Good Grandson
A very rich old man promises to leave his extended family his fortune if they all move in together and get along for one year.
The Stone Age is a silent comedy short
The New Director
The owners of a movie studio are having problems with a temperamental director, and they promise an actor on one of his pictures that he can have the job if he can find a way to make the director leave the picture.
A couple of old guys remembering the old days when courting Marie Mosquini.
Eddie suspects his wife of having an affair with Snub. Snub, meanwhile, just wants to get to work on time.
Snub - the Scenario Writer
In the Movies is a silent comedy short
A Hobo
Marie's inebriated husband refuses to go to bed, so she asks Snub, a homeless man she finds sleeping in the park, to assist.
Snub - the Newspaper Plant Janitor
Stop the presses! Snub Pollard is working there.
The Bridegroom
Like many a Snub Pollard comedy, "Years to Come" is a complete flight of fancy. In this one, it is the year 2000, and the roles of women and men have been completely reversed. That's where almost all the jokes come from.
The Hustler silent movie
The Caretaker of the Estate
Snub is an street sweeper with OCD, living in a neighborhood full of fussy people. He is sweeping the street when he anticipates a cop who is about to throw some litter into the road and dashes over to catch it in his cart. He then tries to save a drunken man from falling into the road before stopping his cart to pick up a solitary leaf which has dared to fallen upon the ground. The eccentric and obsessed street sweeper meticulously disposes of the leaf but when he turns around he finds half the tree has shed its leaves at that very moment
The Husband
While his wife is shopping, Snub attempts to take a fifteen minute break.
Snub Pollard and Marie Mosquini are to be married, with Ernie Morrison as their best man. It's the usual gag-filled Pollard one-reeler, with William Gillespie pointing out that if she wants to get married, he has a marriage license too.
A Hal Roach slapstick comedy featuring 'Snub' Pollard & Marie Mosquini.
"At the Ringside" is filmed in a "slum" which is rather obviously a studio mock-up on the Hal Roach back lot, and it clearly copies the Lambeth-style slum in Chaplin's "Easy Street" (which was also a too-obvious mock-up). The first half of this film is a blatant copy of "Easy Street". Pollard plays the local constable, charged with maintaining order in the tough slum district.
An auto accident hurls Snub into a skating rink, where he encounters Rowe and Marie. Among the various slip-and-falling going on, two frisky escaped monkeys from a show put on skates to join in and create pandemonium.
Blue Sunday is a silent film comedy
While attempting to hunt a formidable Peruvian Duck, Snub Pollard and Ernest Morrison inadvertently come to the aid of a kidnapped tourist.
Marquis de Marmalade
A typical Pollard-Morrison outing is Rush Orders (1921), in which the pair ride into town on a railroad handcar (with Morrison providing the locomotive muscle). When there it's all about the hustle for food with rivals and advertisement in the café business..
His Best Girl is a silent film comedy
The Tenderfoot
A tenderfoot arrives in a western town and the inhabitants give him a rough time.
A once-act farce about two neighbours who purchase a car that they can use to go on drives with their wives.
The Chap
Snub Pollard (sans moustache) and Hughie Mack are tenants sharing a bed in a small hotel. They wake up at 6am and prepare breakfast with two eggs which are taken out of Snub's jacket pocket and put into a coffee perculator. The landlady (Vera White) storms up the stairs when she smells the coffee being made and demands that the janitor (Earl Mohan) break down the tenants' door with a pick-axe.
A 'Snub' Pollard & Marie Mosquini slapstick comedy.
Snub Pollard comedy
Run ’Em Ragged, Snub Pollard’s 39th starring vehicle, uses familiar slapstick-- Over-the-top make-up, ethnic humor, and a chase across Los Angeles’s Echo Park-- But there is more here than knockabout; Sophisticated sight gags test the limits of the characters’ perception, making expert use of such props as a seemingly bottomless rowboat.
After being ejected from an establishment for being drunk and disorderly, George Rowe, Sammy Brooks, Hughie Mack and Snub Pollard form a drunken singing quartet in the street before a car comes and takes Sammy and George away, leaving the other two staggering in the road. Snub and Hughie agree to go somewhere "where there are no wives, landlords or prohibitionists", and so three months later they emerge on a prairie with supplies dwindling.
Don't Rock the Boat
Captain Dandy (Snub Pollard) is about to sail and arrives on the dock where several women take turns to individually say goodbye to him (the last one even wrestles him to the ground) before he boards the ship.
As tens of guests pile out of a wedding ceremony a jilted and bitter rival (Eddie Boland) vows revenge on the new bride. The wedding limo pulls off leaving the groom (Snub Pollard) behind, who then has to chase it down the street. He catches it up but is made to sit on the back of the car "as ballast". The car comes to a halt where the groom mistakes a policeman's gesturing of traffic as an offer of a handshake. Finally, the groom arrives at his house where his servant greets him, but unbeknownst to him, the servant's child (Ernest Morrison) has set up a scare in the shape of an "angora" bird in a cage under the dinner table before they get there.
'Snub' Pollard in a lot of wedding problems.
Bicycle Messenger
A bicycle messenger is sent to make a posh delivery to a wealthy artist's estate-- populated with attractive models.
Snub and his wife give up their bungalow and allow another couple to move in. Then it develops that they can't find another home, and must live in an improvised tent. (From IMDb)
Delivery man 'Snub' Pollard and his assistant Sunshine Sammy nearly run over Marie Mosquini in the street and ends up at dance school.
A comedy short directed by Charley Chase.
Prince of Rochquefort
A young adventurer trades places with a European prince and falls in love above his station.
The Dandy
Snub goes butterfly hunting in Grffith Park and catches Marie Mosquini by accident. They go to a café where all the men have a lot of hair on their faces and the usual mischief ensues.
The Dandy
The film begins with a girl who is supposedly irresistible to all men. Several guys all come to her to pledge their undying love--including Harold Lloyd's brother, Gaylord (who is a dentist). Shortly after this, a new dentist (Snub Pollard) arrives to work in an office across the hall. In a very funny scene, Pollard manages to steal all of Gaylord's patients from his waiting room. However, when it comes to dental work, Snub is highly unlikely to receive the American Dental Association's seal of approval. That's because he's incredibly rough and manages to toss a guy out the window when he pulls his tooth.
Snub Pollard plays a man who tries to steal some food, but fails to do so. Being chased away by police, he accidentally finds himself attending a costume party where a robber is busy stealing jewelry from the guests.
'Snub' Pollard and Mildred Davis star in this 1920 comedy short.
'Snub' Pollard stars in this 1920's comedy short.
The Kidnapper
As a penniless man worries about how he will manage to eat, he is joined by a young waif and her dog, who are in the same predicament. Meanwhile, across town a dishonest lawyer is working with a gang of criminals, trying to swindle an innocent young heiress out of her inheritance. As the heiress is on her way home from the lawyer's office, she notices the young man and the waif in the midst of their latest problem with the authorities, and she rescues them. Later on, the young man will have an unexpected opportunity to repay her for her kindness.
Snub Pollard and his friend are clearly under their wives thumbs. But his grandfather turns up and tells them to assert themselves, which they do. Her father is not impressed.
A comedy short featuring Sunshine Sammy Morrison.
The Dandy
Snub plays a rich guy who wants to impress the ladies with his virility. So he pays a tough boxer to take a dive in a staged fight, though the fight definitely does not go anything like expected.
'Snub' Pollard, Mildred Davis, and Gaylord Lloyd in another comedy short.
The Valet
After a wild bachelor party, our hero finds himself aboard a sailing vessel where he encounters numerous adventures. In a dream sequence, he fantasizes that the ship is seized by a band of female pirates.
A comedy short starring Mildred Davis & 'Snub' Pollard
Hatchet Face
A giant cave man kidnaps beautiful Adorable from the cave clan and the man who rescues her can have her hand and a new suit of clothes.
A comedy short starring Mildred Davis & 'Snub' Pollard
Sailor 'Snub' Pollard on 'beach leave'.
The Musical Comedy's Director
A young playwright spends his last cent to pay the past-due rent for the pretty dancer who's his boarding house next-door neighbor. Soon after, he winds up at a gambling club, where he wins big - just before a police raid.
An American short comedy film.
While blindfolded and playing pin the tail on the donkey with some lady friends, our hero is mistaken for an escaped initiate of a kooky fraternal order.
A comedy short featuring Mildred Davis.
Count the Votes is a 1919 American short comedy film. It is considered to be lost.
Soft Money is a 1919 American short comedy film. The film is considered to be lost.
He Leads, Others Follow is a 1919 American short comedy film. It is presumed to be lost.
A Harold Lloyd short featuring a young Snooky the chimp
Harold and his boss get in a lively rivalry over the new stenographer.
Harold and Snub, camping in the wilds, prove too much for the Indians that take them captive.
Chop Suey & Co. is a 1919 American short comedy film
Billy Bullion
Harold becomes the victim of a clever bulldog pup who chases him in and out of various places.
Harold Lloyd! This time, he's the skinny sap who married the hottie, and he doesn't quite have the spine to tell her ex-beaus to blow. The honeymoon finds him mistaken for a boiler worker and yeah well, shovelling coal will beef up anyone. Except he manages to go into the wrong room... What'd you expect?!
Jelous Admirer
At the Killjoy Cafe, "everything is first class except the food and the service."
Our hero visits the opera, is mistaken for the manager and is treated like royalty until the deception is uncovered.
The Neighbor
Suburban neighbors join together to build a garden shed, but through carelessness, wind up ruining the garden, as well as the laundry, which is drying in the yard.
Sheriff 'Gun Shy' Gallagher
Billy Blazes confronts Crooked Charley, who has been ruling the town of Peaceful Vale through fear and violence.
The Unwelcome Suitor
Harold is a bookkeeper who works in an office but can't keep his mind on his job -- the spring weather is too nice to stay indoors. After escaping from his office he romps in the park instead.
Trolley conductor
Harold Lloyd plays a troublemaker who messes up with strangers and cops along the way. During the confusion he takes a trolley to escape, falling in love with a female collector who doesn't care much about him and he also annoys the trolley conductor. But it seems that odds and luck will be on his favor.
The adventures of a penniless young man, who finds himself in a house full of crooks.
A 1919 Comedy short.
His Valet
Harold and Snub are self-proclaimed big-game hunters who stop at a remote outpost. They hire two native guides to lead them into the woods, but the guides run in terror when they see a rather tame bear in the distance. Harold is annoyed that he cannot find any bears to hunt--unaware that two timid bears are closely following him. Meanwhile Snub encounters an equally tame wildcat who eats his picnic lunch. Snub sprints away. Back at the outpost, Harold twice rescues Jeanne--once from the clutches of an unwanted suitor and once from one of the bears. The grateful, gun-toting Jeanne tells Harold she wants him to be her "sweetie."
Boy trying to impress girl, gets chased by her father and the police right into an ongoing marathon.
A young man's dreams are shaken by his father's insistence that he get a job and go to work. He becomes a waiter in a restaurant, and has some funny adventures.
Our hero is a barber in a small Mexican town, wooing a local senorita, against the wishes of her mother.
The Leading Man
Stage hand Harold falls in love with the leading lady of a visiting theatrical troupe.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Harold y su novia huyen del padre de ésta, pero su coche se avería frente a un salón de baile dirigido por ladrones. Los chicos se ocultan en el local y, a partir de ese momento, Harold no sólo tiene que estar un paso por delante del padre de su novia, sino también de los que tratan de robarles todo lo que tienen.
Harold and Snub take a trip on a runaway airplane and drop off on a native island. Here they have some amusing adventures with the fierce men and beautiful women of the place.
Count Pop-up-skyvitch - the Bolshevik Officer (as Harry Pollard)
A bumbling American soldier saves a girl from a bunch of Cossacks.
The Henpecked Husband (as Harry Pollard)
A salesman takes a job at a department store to impress a girl and winds up stopping a kidnapping.
Harold is a henpecked husband who suddenly makes a change of front and asserts himself, much to his wife's astonishment.
A story of a love sick youth and a pretty maiden and their adventure, which includes riding around on pieces of steel to the top of a skyscraper overlooking the Los Angeles streets.
The Neighbor
Harold Lloyd's character loves Bebe Daniels' character and is about to marry her. But then he meets the clan of Snub Pollard where it's a riot all the time.
The Assistant Chef
Harold is a chef with certain devices for labor saving.
The Corn-Fed Secretary
Lloyd is a serious young middle-class guy on the make who wants to marry the boss’ daughter. The problem is getting in to see the boss so that he can ask for her hand in marriage as the office is guarded by a bunch of comic, clumsy flunkies who throw everyone out who tries to get in.
Lloyd and Pollard help a young girl out of the water but they are then chased by a shrew. On a bicycle built for two, Lloyd lazes about on the back while Pollard sweats from all of his effort. Thieves escape by car but it breaks down. Lloyd and Pollard help them start up again but the thieves steal the tandem bicycle, leaving the car in the hands of the heros.
A Short comedy starring 'Snub' Pollard and Bebe Daniels.
Wanted – $5,000 is a 1919 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd and Bebe Daniels.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Simplex Joe
It's a classic boy-meets-girl story, boy-loses-girl, boy gets mistaken for an escaped convict and ruthlessly chased by armies of cops across the countryside in a thrill-packed stunt-addled climax.
Hear 'Em Rave is a 1918 short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
Harold appears as an active young man who gets a job as waiter in a restaurant. Disaster overtakes him and he is hurried off to jail at the close.
A trip to the beach is the location for this 1918 Comedy short.
Hijinx at a classical dance academy when two tramps take a stab at ballet.
Bees in His Bonnet is a 1918 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd. It is presumed to be lost.
Roomers in a boarding house break the rules and are caught cooking if their room. A frantic run-in with the landlady ensues.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Our newlywed hero is about to embark on a journey when he realizes that he has lost the train tickets. A crook knocks him down and switches clothes with him. The assailant's victims pursue our man while his bride is led to believe that she has been deserted.
Our hero has a dream, while in the trenches at the front, that he is in Berlin rescuing a Red Cross nurse from the hands of the Kaiser and his henchmen.
Harold visits the Ozarks, where he has some funny experiences with a mountain girl and her eccentric family.
Con artists Harold and Snub attempt to outwit phony psychic Miss Goulash and her "professor" father.
His Assistant
Our hero, a professor in Turkey, challenges a Sultan for the affections of a girl.
At a masquerade ball, our hero, in a tramp costume, is arrested when they think he is a real hobo. In the meantime, an actual hobo, at the party, is treated like a guest.
Our hero gets a job at a hotel in the country and proceeds to introduce some changes, installing gadgets and time-saving devices.
In this popular two reeler where Harold runs to the rescue of a woman on a fire engine, he is seen hanging on the moving vehicle by the released water hose that forces him closer to the ground.
A mild-mannered young man has left home, and is now playing the piano in a bar in the west. The dangerous criminal Dagger-Tooth Dan enters the bar where the young man is playing. Soon afterwards, the local sheriff also arrives, with some letters that he has received. Dan notices the letters, and he switches the information in them to make the sheriff think that the piano player is the dangerous one.
Snub, the Butler
Bebe is surrounded by suitors, but her father wants her to marry Professor M. T. Noodle. Harold makes his move by impersonating the professor.
Harold has trouble with his father and is ordered out of the house. He becomes a waiter and pulls off some highly amusing stunts at a swell dinner party.
The New Director
In this early short Harold Lloyd sneaks into a movie studio in order to locate an attractive young lady he's just met at a snack bar. He's retrieved a letter she dropped and wants to return it to her, but it's pretty clear that his interest extends beyond mere politeness. (She's the adorable young Bebe Daniels, so this is easy to understand.) The movie studio setting provides Harold with lots of opportunities to do what comedians do in comedies like this one: flirt with actresses, anger the studio brass, and dash through sets disrupting everything.
Harold invades the "Gilded Guzzle" café, where he appropriates a lady's roll of money, hides under a table and impersonates a cigar store Indian.
Our hero is a janitor in a old age rest home who actually runs the place.
A clueless man finds a bomb on the street and keeps throwing it to the crowd around him. The sketch then moves with the clueless nerd getting involved in all sorts of troubles until he accidentally gets into a hideout from a terrorist group that will complicate things for him more than he ever hoped.
Snoopy Sam - The House Detective
On the Jump is a 1918 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
Bebe and girlfriend go shopping for new corsets. Harold sneaks into the corset shop and a customer asks him to take her measurements - a ticklish task, as the brash young man suddenly becomes playfully bashful.
Snub - the Janitor (as Harry Pollard)
A photo studio operator seems only interested in flirting with women. Hilarity ensues.
A rich man's daughter has more suitors than she's interested in, and he's going to marry her off -- even if she doesn't know about it.
Harold Lloyd starred in the successful Lonesome Luke series. However, he soon grew tired of the obvious Charlie Chaplin imitation. In an attempt to reinvent himself, Lloyd donned a pair of horn-rimmed glasses, and thus, a new comedy legend was born. Setting himself against Chaplin, Lloyd's "glasses character" was an everyman, a resourceful go-getter who embodied the ambitious, success-seeking attitude of 1920s America.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
A short film starring 'Snub' pollard and Bebe Daniels
The Lamb is a 1918 American short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd. It is believed to be lost.
A short film starring Harold Lloyd.
A clerk in a failing antiques store gets a big idea on how to move the merchandise so that he can save the store and possibly win the girl.
Snub Pollard plays a drunken man-about-town who believes Harold has robbed him. Meanwhile, Bebe has her hands full with a lounge lizard who won't take no for an answer.
Snub the Butler
In order to claim his inheritance, our hero must first produce a wife and family.
Our hero is a police officer who gets involved in a crap game, flirting with a nurse and other amusements.
Luke is an inept detective who follows the wrong man to a seaside hotel.
Passenger with trunk
In order to get his daughter away from her suitors, her father decides to spirit her away to Bermuda. Our hero, however, stows away on the ship. When discovered, he is credited with catching a crook, thus winning a reward and the girl.
In pre-historic times (dream sequence), our hero, in a loin cloth, battles other cavemen over the opposite sex.
A man takes a job in a café, hoping to get to know the pretty waitress working there.
An Englishman and his valet have adventures in the American West.
After finding a note in a floating bottle, our hero is off to resue the heroine. He runs into a tribe of cannibals.
An Englishman and his valet tour the American West.
A counterfeit count is aided in his courtship of the heroine by her father who is overwhelmed by his "title."
Luke, running a chili parlor, inherits a million dollars and joins high society.
Spectator at Beach
Our vagabond hero dons a lifeguard's uniform and madcap antics ensue on the beach, and in the changing stalls!
Harold's checked cap, blown from his head by a freakish wind, gets him into trouble. First he comes into conflict with the police as a highwayman, then the cap serves to identify him as a housebreaker and lands him in jail, while the innocent cause of his trouble becomes his cellmate for another reason. Eventually a distracted wife rescues both her husband and Harold from the clutches of the law, the cap this time aiding him to regain his freedom.
Luke operates a sanatarium, which he has naturally staffed with a bevy of attractive nurses.
Snitch, another
Snitch steals Ginger's (stolen) baseball tickets and takes Ginger's girl to the game. Finding himself without tickets, Ginger dresses as a baseball player and wins the game. A possible debut of the "Glasses" or "Boy" character.
A Harold Lloyd short in the 'Lonesome Luke' series.
Lonesome Luke, Mechanic is a 1917 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
While on the job, delivering a message, Luke finds himself in a girl's seminary.
Stop! Luke! Listen! is a 1917 short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
Lonesome Luke, Plumber is a 1917 American short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon is a 1917 American short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Cafe Waiter
Luke is a pickpocket, hiding out from the cops in a dive in the slum part of town. He later winds up in a boxing match which again brings the law on his tail.
Luke runs the coat-check concession at the White Light Cafe.
Directed by Hal Roach. With Harold Lloyd, Bebe Daniels, 'Snub' Pollard, Bud Jamison.
Lonesome Luke, Lawyer is a 1917 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
Luke and his sidekick steal a trolley car and create havoc for passengers.
Luke's Busy Day is a 1917 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Luke and his pal find existence in prison so amusing that they depart with regrets.
Lonesome Luke's Lovely Rifle is a 1917 American short comedy film featuring Harold Lloyd.
Audiences may think Luke with his St. Vitus movement never sleeps, but they are dead wrong. Like Bill Shakespeare Luke "blesses the man who first invented sleep." After a screamingly comical search for slumber he finally hits the hay and sleeps without moving to Brooklyn.
As a detective, Luke is after a gang of crooks who are robbing party guests of their jewels.
Luke, working in a fireworks factory.
Luke crashes a society affair, thereby livening things up.
Lonesome Luke has a movie theater and also works the box office and as an usher. He has to put up with, among other things, an incompetent projectionist who falls asleep all the time. Complications ensue.
Luke's Newsie Knockout is a 1916 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
When a doctor is forced, because of a lack of patients, to dismiss his pretty nurse, Luke comes to the rescue and uses his flivver to supply a ready supply of accident cases.
Luke, the Gladiator is a 1916 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
Luke's Preparedness Preparations is a 1916 short comedy film starring Harold Lloyd.
A fortune hunter marries a widow, believing her to be an heiress, but she isn't.
Lonesome Luke at the Tijuana Races.
Luke is a bellboy at a fancy club.
Lonesome Luke asleep in the briny deep.
The beginning of the film you find Harold Lloyd playing his "Lonesome Luke" character. Out of the blue, Lloyd decides he's going to join the navy and you really wonder if part of the film leading to it is missing. After all, the decision seemed to come from no where and why Snub Pollard would also join is unclear. And, oddly, they seem to skip all training and are stationed on a navy ship. Soon Pollard's wife comes to the boat looking for him and she's put off the boat as the movie ends very, very anticlimactically.
Lonesome Luke at the San Diego Exposition.
A day at the seaside chasing a lost child.
Luke happens into a spiritualist's shop where he is smitten by her daughter. He decides to stick around and take a job there.
Out west, Luke changes clothes with an outlaw and proceeds into town. Of course, he is mistaken for the wanted man and a chase ensues.
Hi-jinx at a fire in a Chinese laundry.
Luke, a mechanic, stands in for a famous violinist. At first, his bad manners and rough behavior are accepted as the eccentricities of genius. Then matters get out of hand.
Luke and friends are crowded into his two-seater, out for a ride in the country. Hayhem ensues when his party of fifteen encounters some 'fashionable folk.'
Unhappy in his job as a butler (although he likes wearing a dress suit), Luke gets involved with burglars and the law.
First Flophouse Customer
Charlot, recién salido de prisión, escucha las palabras de un reformador y resiste la tentación de participar en un robo que no ofrecía riesgos. Luego se da cuenta que el predicador tiene malas intenciones por lo que renuncia de improviso a su propósito de enmienda. En el curso de una tropelía una hermosa joven le tienta a volver al buen camino, para lo cual le perdona, le hace arrepentirse y le protege, pero la policía está siempre allí y es mejor no confiarse.
Luke runs a beanery, in which the bad service, terrible food and filthy conditions lead to hi-jinx.
Luke is trapped and bound by a group of terrorists.
Luke is a movie actor who falls asleep and dreams that he and his fellow actors are school children again.
Luke dreams that he has a double. One 'Luke' gets in all kinds of trouble, while the other pays the consequences.
Luke opens a circus, but when local officials discover that his side-show attractions are fakes, trouble ensues.
Luke runs a bunco booking agency.
Blacksmith Luke and his boss pursue their rival who has taken away the girl. Antics in a mud puddle follow.
Luke's courting of Maizie Nut is interrupted by a villain.
Working as a pastry chef, Luke steals a watch from a customer, which results in a wild police chase throughout the store.
Luke, stranded on a desert island, becomes chief of the natives. When he pursues the affections of a pretty white girl, he runs afoul of her sweetheart and has to swim back home.
As a baggage handler at a terminal, Luke is led on a merry chase by a billy goat.
Luke attempts to sell books to a businessman and his wife.
Tin-Horn Tommy
Luke, a street tramp, is taken to a dance contest by a pretty millionairess, but when he is ejected, he returns with a gun and wreaks havoc.
In pursuit of a pretty miss, Luke gets admitted to a hospital.
This offering tells the tale of one, Oscar Weeban, a fellow deeply in love with a certain Maisie. He has promised to take her to the Garbage Gentlemen's Rally, that annual society event of the small town in which it is their fortune to reside, and she sends him a note to this effect. He is a rank outsider, but manages to inject himself into the spirit of the affair and enters into the sport of the occasion with a vim. It is at this event that the ashes throwing contest is held every year, and garbage men from all sections, trained to the minute, flock to the party to compete. The contest is at its height and one of the experts is trying for a world's record when Oscar crosses the range. Of course, he and Maisie manage to get in the way of the winning throw and spoil the record which is about to be made.
Luke lifts a wallet from a golfer and thereby gains entry to a golf course. Mayhem ensues.
Snub Larkin
Lucas and Larkin, his running mate, after looking for a job for some time, finally land one in a photographer's shop and immediately start to take possession of the place. They rule supreme in their own inimitable way until a bespectacled college graduate arrives to have his diploma, and incidentally himself, photographed.
Hugo Snubb
Luke lives the life of a millionaire until it is discovered that a mistake has been made and his inheritance belongs to someone else.
Sourball Joe
Sourball Joe gets the "can" for sassing the tenants, and Easy Otis supplants him. But the latter does not know an awful lot of the art of "janitoring" and soon gets into many and various jams with the people upstairs.
Moke Morpheus
Lonesome Luke and his accessory, Moke Morpheus, are discovered in bellhop uniform, blissfully dozing on a bench in the lobby of the Bughouse Hotel. Comes a guest, and the desk clerk rings a bellhop. But, in the words of Aristotle, or Ted or someone, "you can ring and you can ring, but the house is boarded up."
Luke's Co-Worker
Lonesome Luke, working in a shoe store, has difficulty keeping his mind on business whenever a pretty girl is on the scene.
Farm youth goes to college, pursues the pretty co-eds and joins a fraternity.
The daughter and sweetheart are in love, but their affairs move anything but smoothly, because the father has other ideas for his daughter's marriage.
Charles Chaplin quiso agradecer a su amigo y colega Broncho Billy Anderson su colaboración en algunos de sus films, actuando en este cortometraje. (FILMAFFINITY)
An author searches for inspiration for her novel by impersonating a housemaid.
A 1927 short