Radoslav 'Rale' Milenković

Radoslav 'Rale' Milenković

Nacimiento : 1958-02-17, Novi Sad, Serbia


Radoslav 'Rale' Milenković is a Serbian movie and theatre actor.


Radoslav 'Rale' Milenković
Radoslav 'Rale' Milenković


Upravnik Zatvora
Follows a popular musician who, one day, loses everything and is sent to prison, where the only thing that remains of his former life are his songs.
Sixth Bus
A young American is trying to find a man from her past, but he is never to be found, during the largest conflict on European soil since World War II – the battle of Vukovar. It is a search of identity and truth at a place where truth is selective, elusive, and even feared. A quest for faith, connection, and redemption simmers beneath the search.
Heavens Above
Three stories about the impact of three God's miracles in the medieval sense that happen to the film's heroes living in a post-communist society that, after half a century of atheism, re-learns about Christianity.
The Game
Strahinja, a smuggler with a failed marriage, becomes stranded with teens he's to take across the border to Hungary. The boys' open-hearted approach to life makes Strahinja aware of the walls he has built around his own.
La única salida
Dos historias se cruzan en este 'thriller' psicológico sobre la violencia, sus secuelas y la capacidad de las víctimas de vencer al horror.Una de ellas es la de Ana Kolar, quien, seis años después del incendio que acabó con la vida de su esposo -un famoso abogado de Belgrado-, recibe una información que pone en duda todo lo que creía saber sobre la tragedia... y también sobre su familia. La otra es la de Dejan Strpce, un inspector de policía al que una muerte cercana lleva hasta una misteriosa desaparición ocurrida seis años atrás. Estos dos héroes anónimos se unirán en la búsqueda de una verdad que destapará una corrupta red de chantajes y asesinatos y secretos de su propio pasado.
Dara of Jasenovac
Train Refused Man
Ambientada en la época de la ocupación nazi de Croacia. Una niña de 10 años llamada Dara (Biljana Cekic) es enviada al campo de Jasenovac, también conocido como "el Auschwitz de los Balcanes", justo cuando estaba dirigido por el sádico comandante Maks Luburic.
The story of a woman who firmly believes that her newborn baby was stolen from her more than 20 years ago, while she was told that her baby died.
Cutting Close
A cocky teenage girl is struggling to reconcile with her halfhearted boyfriend on the very same day that she gets stabbed and wages a war with a local gang of bullies.
El bailarín
Rusia, 1961. Rudolf Nureyev, el bailarín de ballet más grande de todos los tiempos, viaja por primera vez fuera de la Unión Soviética como miembro de la prestigiosa Kirov Ballet Company. Aunque el KGB sigue de cerca sus pasos y a pesar del gran peligro que conllevaba entonces la deserción, Nureyev huirá tomando una decisión que podría cambiar el curso de su vida para siempre.
Front Page Midgets
Voja Manijak
For 40 year old Nikola, everyday life is just about producing the worst, the most vulgar reality shows and hidden cameras for TV. His life begins to change when he starts to mentor young girl pushed to be star by her ambitious mother. In turn of the events, Nikola starts to wonder if it is he who is the target of some hidden camera show.
Requiem for Mrs. J
After she lost her husband and her job, Mrs. J is sitting in her living room with a gun in her hand.
A mi lado
Glas kustosa
Olja es una profesora de historia de escuela secundaria, casada con un pintor cuya última exposición provocó reacciones violentas de los nacionalistas serbios. Una noche, un grupo de gamberros enmascarados la ataca. Filman el ataque y suben el clip a YouTube. Al día siguiente, Olja descubre que algunos de sus estudiantes fueron responsables. Ella les quita sus teléfonos móviles, y en el calor del momento decide encerrarlos en el edificio de la escuela, desconectando también los teléfonos de la escuela e Internet. Para resolver el problema juntos, y con la incapacidad de abandonar la escuela, los estudiantes comienzan a comunicarse. Durante esa noche, una generación que fue cancelada antes de que se les diera la oportunidad aprenderá más de lo que esperaban sobre ellos mismos y sus compañeros.
The Man Who Defended Gavrilo Princip
When Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand, Austrian future king , the World War I began. What will Gavrilo Princip do? He has to choose, hard jail untill death, or hanging. There are so much things happening in Bosnia.
(segment "Saša")
An omnibus film on children's rights and the problems that the youngest members of our society have to face. Each story tackles a specific theme and has its own hero.
The film follows three young characters of different social status, possessed by love for the wrong person. During the day and night, after a series of tragicomic, sometimes absurd situations they are going through, their paths intersect. The fanatical pursuit of the object of his obsession, all three end up in a suspicious night club in one last attempt to fulfill their dreams. Download the movie of the need to fulfill, regardless of the consequences. This film is dedicated to all the people in love and those who have not understood why. Film defend their dignity, to the end, despite everything.
Red Snow
A young lieutenant must persuade a captive resistance fighter to betray his comrades, or enforce a law which states that for every German soldier killed, one hundred civilians must be executed.
Death of a Man in the Balkans
A lonely composer committed suicide in his apartment in Belgrade. Unaware of the camera catching them, neighbours and other people, shows their inappropriate behavior.
An apotheosis of loyalty and love. A tale of lost happiness and dreams, fears and transience, supremacy of fate and laws of nature, gratitude and cruelty of nature, inability of man to change that and influence the course of his own life.
The Parade
La batalla moderna en la sociedad serbia de la post-guerra donde se enfrenta una mentalidad tradicional, opresa y homofobia mayoritaria, contra la minoría de mente abierta y liberal que apoya el cambio. En medio de la revuelta, Radmilo y Mirko serán una joven pareja de homosexuales cuyo destino se cruza con Lemon, un gángster de mediana edad que termina por aceptarlos y unirse a su causa. Para poder celebrar la marcha del Orgullo Gay y sobrevivir a los grupos organizados de nacionalistas y neonazis, el mafioso decide reunir a conocidos suyos y preparar a sus nuevos amigos para la batalla final. Una mezcla divertida entre el tono cómico del reclutamiento y entrenamiento militar que se convierte en drama para analizar unos de los problemas persistentes en la actualidad.
Wait for Me and I Will Not Come
Alek (Gordan Kicic) is desperate because Teodora (Milica Mihajlovic) has left him after a three years being together. He is suffering, he is apathetic and is mentioning suicide constantly, he simply doesn't want to accept that the relationship is over. He has self-pitying sessions with his friend Bane (Milos Samolov) everyday. Despite Bane's advice, Alek keeps calling Teodora who has fallen in love with Nemanja (Branislav Trifunovic) in the meantime. However decisive and tough Teodora is when she is with Alek, she is as indulgent and helpless when she is spending time with Nemanja. The problem is that Nemanja is not in love with her but with Marina (Vanja Ejdus), a girl by a few years younger. Unfortunately, Marina is not in love with him, she is very attracted to Alek's "Slavic depression". She doesn't know that reason for his "charm of a desperate" is his failure with Teodora, she thinks Alek was born like that.
The Belgrade Phantom
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1979; a mysterious "Phantom" occupies the attention and hearts of Belgrade. Every night, he exhibits spectacular driving maneuvers using a stolen white Porsche car through the city streets.
St. George Shoots the Dragon
Gavrilo Vuković (voice) (uncredited)
Love triangle story between the village gendarme Đorđe, his wife Katarina and the young disabled war veteran Gavrilo during the time between First Balkan War and World War I.
Storks in the Fog
Švaba, Marina, Ekser and Dule live and work peacefully in Baranda. However, a few days before the New Year, Špricer, Ekser and Dule's friend from early youth, arrives, who is in trouble and asks for their help. This TV film was made as a continuation of a popular Serbian TV series "The Storks Will Return".
Devil's Town
Ilija Ivanović
Black comic debut film about modern Belgrade in which a group of people cross each other’s paths on the same day that Serbian tennis players play an international match at an international tennis tournament. The moral vacuum that was left after the nationalist conflicts in the area are reflected in the self-satisfied behaviour of the characters. Black comedy and ensemble film about modern Belgrade, where several people’s paths cross on the same day that several popular Serbian tennis players play a match in an important international tournament. A young girl tries her best to get her hands on new tennis equipment, a taxi driver blames the rest of the world for not being able to get on in life, a rich adolescent discovers that love is not for sale. Driven by instincts, fears and obsessions, the characters discover that reality will not fit in with their desires.
The Fourth Man
A man awakens from a two-month-long coma. Total amnesia. A bullet fired point blank. He doesn't remember anything. He's told that he had a wife and a son. They've been killed. He's revealed his past identity by the Colonel, who insists they are best friends. He's a Major of the Military Security Agency. An inspector from the State Security Agency appears affirming that he has information on people responsible for the massacre of his family. The Major is discharged from the hospital. He tries to patch together a normal life but is confronted with emptiness and despair. His only chance of discovering his identity and the assassin of his family is to accept the game that the Inspector has set up for him with the Businessman, the Mafioso and the Politician. He agrees... Discovers that he was a war criminal... Realizes who took a shot at him... Finds out who killed his family... Discovers the Fourth Man!
Seven and a Half
Seven stories from the hood that connects to the seven deadly sins.
Sheitan Warrior
Stankov otac
Trouble usually starts when the power falls into the wrong hands. That's how the book that hides an ancient evil fell to Stanislav. It does not matter whether Stanislav is a nice guy who helps old ladies cross the street, a psychopath, nerd, or a blood-thirsty young man.
The Red Colored Grey Truck
Suzanin otac
Belgrade, the summer of 1991. Yugoslavia is falling apart. Gavran can't get a driving licence because he is color blind. He is a rural Bosnian introvert obsessed with trucks. So, as soon as he is released from prison, he steals a truck to go on a joyride. Suzana, a city girl, discovers she is pregnant, but until she's due for an abortion, she decides to go to Dubrovnik. She hitchikes and Gavran almost runs her over. She is unhurt, but she blackmails him to take her to Dubrovnik. Two people from different worlds, equally removed from the real one. For him she is the first woman he can talk to; for her he is just another idiot to add to the long list of them that she has so far compiled. But the pressure of danger and the intimations of war force them together. The world about them has become so absurd that they seem to each other the only sober people left.
Normal People
Film "Normalni ljudi" is based on the motives of various writings by Srdjan Valjarevic. Srdjan is an excellent writer so unpretentious and humble that it is a crime placing his ideas into this context. I do not wanna go into the reason why did he except to sign this film. Oleg NOvkovic's approach to it is wrong from the very beginning. Surreal is only his attempt to make a noir film ( by: ninjakrme)
Nemanja leads a normal life with a steady job and a fiancée, until he is waylaid by a sudden downpour in a seedy hotel called The Wheel. The hotel is populated by seemingly upstanding citizens, until Nemanya is accused of being the notorious Laughing Monster, a serial killer who has been terrorizing the neighborhood.
The Wounds
This film follows two Belgrade youths on their rise to gangster legends in a decaying society.
Open Sea
Un ufficiale
For personal and humanitarian reasons, Edoardo, a Ligurian sea captain, agrees to run a shipment of arms to Bosnian rebels for a shady Russian in Toulon who calls himself Riffaud. Edoardo's lover Clara wants him to quit the sea and Riffaud's wife warns Edoardo not to trust her husband, but Edoardo takes the job anyway. Sailing up the Adriatic, the crew threatens mutiny when they learn they must dock in a war zone. Once in port, little goes as Riffaud promised, and Edoardo must travel with a translator to the rebels' mountain stronghold to get payment for the crew. The war is all around them as Clara waits at home and the translator begs passage to Italy.
Pretty Village, Pretty Flame
In the opening stages of the Bosnian War, a small group of Serbian soldiers are trapped in a tunnel by a Muslim force.
Premeditated Murder
Men, women, and war. Jelena Panic is a young woman in Belgrade in the early 1990s, during Serbia's war with Croatia; she's making a book of her grandmother's diaries from the end of World War II. She takes up with Bogdan, a young soldier recovering from war wounds. He helps her with her grandmother's story, a tragic triangle involving her effete and well-educated husband and an uneducated major, a Chekist who has, perhaps, the power to save a political prisoner who is the grandmother's friend. As Jelena wonders which man was her grandfather (the Chekist or the husband), Bogdan recovers from his wounds and must decide whether to return to the front. Jelena pleads; duty calls.
Bereaved Family
Proka Purić
A classic comedy from the most famous Serbian comedy playwright, Branislav Nušić.
Battle of Kosovo
Batalla de Kosovo (serbio: Boj na Kosovu) es una película de drama / guerra histórica yugoslava de 1989 filmada en Serbia. La película se basó en el drama escrito por el poeta Ljubomir Simovic. Representa la histórica batalla de Kosovo entre la Serbia medieval y el Imperio Otomano que tuvo lugar el 15 de junio (según el calendario juliano, 28 de junio según el calendario gregoriano) en un campo a unos 5 kilómetros al noroeste de Pristina.
Maternal Half-Brothers
This story about two maternal half-brothers, a Croat and a Serb. Although they never met, and both lose their loved ones in ethnic clashes, there is a bond between them. Filmed in 1988, it prophetically forsees the war that would engulf former Yugoslavia three years later.
Broad Are the Leaves
The action takes place in 1943 and today, and a Partisan school in Srem is in the center of action. A young journalist gets appointed to shoot a film report about the participants in the Liberation War from this area. In Srem village she meets common, simple people. She discovers that a free territory and a Partisan school was there. She also finds out that everybody acted as one. Deply going through all of those events, young reporter grows mature, identifying herself with the revolution participants.