Everyone carries something, some burden that weighs him down. Some are crushed, others are freed, others just carry on. Eleven characters cross each others paths, unveiling their fears and desires, during the world weightlifting championship
Theophilus Palios, owns a small traditional publishing house. He man madly falls in love with Sia, that is doing vocals on the show of a known singer. Sia maintains her living by the "generosity" of old fans. In the face of Theophilus, Sia will experience true love, though it continues to accept the offers of numerous admirers. Theophilus mad by jealousy, is lead to huge wastages and ultimately to economic collapse. He ends up entangled in a case of robbery and murder. Sia, in a guilt and self-sacrifice crisis, becomes mistress of the investigating policeman in exchange for his silence. This creates an odd triangle ..
A successful model abandons the world of fashion to marry her beloved. A little before the wedding, their relationship goes through a serious crisis, when they meet a wealthy and enigmatic man.
A group of men in their sixties that spend the August nights in Athens outside a pharmacy during night shift, an ambulance driver who has an affair with a younger girl, a middle-aged couple who have invented a lie to renew their passion for one another, a child pretending to sleepwalk in the streets of Athens, two younger people who are tied together in an office after a burglar attack, and other amorous encounters during the same night.
Georges Deblache es un inspector de policía que ha superado la mediana edad y está tan abatido por su vida que se niega a hacerse un chequeo médico, a pesar de que sospecha que tiene cáncer. Su compañero es Didier Theron, quien recientemente se ha casado con una mujer por la que tiene sentimientos de adoración, sentimientos que no le impiden acostarse de manera rutinaria con las muchas mujeres de color que encuentra mientras hace su trabajo. Georges está muy interesado en la apreciada esposa de su pareja, que no es realista, y se abre camino hacia sus brazos, no del todo reacios.
Una joven criminal, condenada por asesinar a un policía, es adiestrada para matar a cambio de la conmutación de su pena. En Hollywood se hizo un remake protagonizado por Bridget Fonda.