The three thieves Kasper, Jesper and Jonathan lives together with their always hungry lion in the little town of Kardemomme town, the home to a fair but kind police officer, and the strict Aunt Sofie.
Claus, un ratón muy travieso, y sus amigos tienen miedo del zorro Marvin y de los demás depredadores que siempre los persiguen para intentar comérselos. Pero lo que les agota la paciencia definitivamente es que un buen día el erizo Horacio intenta comerse a la abuela ratón. Es entonces cuando Morten, el ratón más sensato del bosque, llega a la conclusión que ha llegado el momento de redactar una nueva ley para el bosque, para que todos los habitantes del bosque sean amigos y nadie pueda comerse a nadie. Pero el problema es que Marvin, el zorro, sigue hambriento.
The three robbers Kasper, Jesper and Jonathan lives together with their always hungry lion in the little town of Kardemomme by, the home to a fair but kind police officer, and the strict Aunt Sofie.
The story of the town of Cardamom and the people there, as well as the only characters who stir up serious trouble.
The little tooth trolls Karius and Baktus tries to persuade Jens not to brush his teeth, and their picking wholes in his teeth can go on as planned. If the mother's plea to Jens is winning, the happy days of white bread and syrup is
The story of a group of mice who learn the benefits of putting aside their nuts instead of frittering them away.