José Mazeda


Casa Flutuante
Salir del ropero
Eva, una joven y prometedora abogada española afincada en Edimburgo, ve peligrar sus planes de boda con el heredero de una importante y ultraconservadora familia escocesa cuando se entera de que su abuela, Sofía, ha decidido casarse…
Before the Mountains
A theft of water, a homicide, a question of honour, a tragedy in the village of Gralhas, Montalegre.
Before the Mountains
A theft of water, a homicide, a question of honour, a tragedy in the village of Gralhas, Montalegre.
Before the Mountains
A theft of water, a homicide, a question of honour, a tragedy in the village of Gralhas, Montalegre.
La isla de las mentiras
Galicia, norte de España, 2 de enero de 1921. El barco de vapor Santa Isabel, que navega hacia Argentina con más de doscientos emigrantes a bordo, se hunde frente a la costa de la isla de Sálvora. Tres mujeres isleñas, María, Josefa y Cipriana, que valientemente se han hecho a la mar en una frágil chalupa para salvar a los náufragos, son tratadas como heroínas por las cínicas autoridades; pero León, un inquisitivo y tenaz periodista argentino, empieza a hacer preguntas incómodas.
O Cônsul de Bordéus
This is the story of Aristides de Sousa Mendes, a man of conviction who saved 30,000 lives during WWII, in June 1940. Among them were10,000 Jews. As the Portuguese General Consul stationed in Bordeaux, France, he issued 30,000 visas for safe passage to Portugal. He defied the direct orders of his government and exhibited courage, moral rectitude, unselfishness, and self-sacrifice by issuing visas to all refugees regardless of nationality, race, religion or political opinions.This narrative film expresses his heroic actions towards humanity, which will perpetuate his legacy of justice for a new generation. In 1966, Yad Vashem named him Righteous Among the Nations. He is considered to have achieved the largest single rescue operation of World War II.
Production Manager
In a remote island where mourning was settled, a man decreed that there will never be sex or children anymore... The island gets desolate and he decided to send his daughter, Adriana, to the mainland to form a family by natural methods.
O Rapaz do Trapézio Voador
One bad thing never comes alone, says the people. The village Estrela is threatened by the waters of the new Alqueva dam. It will become an "island". But, as one bad thing never comes alone, the daily lives of the inhabitants of this small mountain village are changed by the death of Adriano. "In order to create, I destroyed myself; I have so much externalized within myself that within me I exist only outwardly. I am the living scene where various actors perform various plays." (from Livro do Desassossego by Fernando Pessoa), as Adriano liked to quote Adriano. He committed suicide on the day of the village feast, hanging himself in the main square. For Adriano, the main square of the village has long been the center of the world. Adriano felt surrounded, depressed, unable to escape his destiny. "No one can stop a man who travels with suicide on his lapel" Adriano repeated to Lisete, always to the point of exhaustion.
La balsa de piedra
Executive Producer
Como consecuencia de un cataclismo que ningún sismógrafo ha podido registrar, se abre una brecha entre la frontera de España y Francia y la Península Ibérica va flotando a la deriva en el Océano Atlántico. Ahora es una verdadera balsa de piedra. El impacto en la escena geopolítica es inmenso cuando los poderes Norteamericanos ven la posibilidad de adquirir la nueva extensión de tierra con sus pobladores que se ha desprendido de Europa. Solo el Peñón de Gibraltar permanece en su lugar. Los españoles y portugueses sacados abruptamente de su rutina diaria, abandonan sus casas para escapar de los amenazadores peligros de la costa y van incesantemente vagabundeando por los caminos del interior. Y todavía se desorientan mas cuando la balsa empieza a girar sobre su eje de tal modo que el sol amanece por lo que era el Oeste. (FILMAFFINITY)
Antonio, a boy in Lisbon
A boy in Lisbon, in this Lisbon in permanent renovation.
Atilano, presidente
Associate Producer
Atilano Bermejo es un fullero de poca monta que se ve envuelto en el timo de su vida: ser presidente del gobierno. Su carisma y su falta de inquietudes sociales le convierten en un candidato político idóneo para un grupo de banqueros que buscan una buena imagen pública tras la que esconderse y disfrazar sus ambiciones.
The Hips of J.W.
Two actors performing in Strindberg's "Inferno" as God and Lucifer, find themselves competing in real life as well. One of them, Henrique, has spiritual obsession with John Wayne and his way of walking. He and de Dieu, his fellow actor who plays Lucifer and also directs the Strindberg play, engage in a philosophical and spiritual tug-of-war, especially when they meet an author named God, who has plans for another drama to feature both actors.
Secretos del corazón
Associate Producer
Durante las vacaciones, Javi y su hermano Juan van al pueblo en la montaña. Allí, Javí se siente atraído por el secreto que oculta una habitación de la casa, que siempre permanece cerrada: la sala donde encontraron muerto a su padre. Juan le dice que en esa habitación se puede escuchar la voz de su padre, porque los muertos gritan para librarse de los secretos. Intrigado por ese mundo enigmático, Javi seguirá indagando en los misterios que oculta. Sus investigaciones le harán descubrir y comprender el mundo de los adultos y sus mentiras.
Sostiene Pereira
En la Lisboa de 1938, cuando los totalitarismos triunfan en Europa, un periodista que ha trabajado siempre en la sección de sucesos, recibe el encargo de dirigir la página cultural de un periódico. Su sentido fúnebre de la cultura va a chocar con el espíritu vital de su joven colaborador, con quien mantendrá una estrecha relación. Se desencadenará una crisis personal, que cambiará profundamente la vida del maduro periodista.
Rosa de Areia
Marking a stylistically and philosophically turn away from the earlier features, The Sand Rose is Reis and Cordeiro’s most abstract, conceptual and literary work. The film’s collage structure gathers texts from multiple sources – including Kafka and Montaigne – and crafts a world of theatrical artifice far from the documentary inspired naturalism of Ana and Trás-os-Montes. Reis and Cordeiro’s least known film has lingered in obscurity and never recovered from the unfairly negative reviews that resulted in its severely limited release. Reis died less than two years later, just as he and Cordeiro were about to begin an ambitious adaptation of Juan Rulfo’s Pedro Parámo. - Harvard Film Archive
Círculo de pasiones
Line Producer
Una familia arisócrática siciliana en los años 50 del siglo XX. El conde Villafratti practica el sexo una noche con su hermana nimfómana porque cree que es su esposa.
Production Manager
A man exiled in Paris makes various trips to Portugal after the Carnation Revolution. Each trip is represented by a woman.
A Princesa das Ilhas Negras
Production Manager
Adaptation of a Portuguese traditional tale. A travelling man rests at a inn. While sleeping, three beautiful women tell him where to go, the black islands, where he can find them and marry the one that is a princess.