Дмитрий Филимонов

Дмитрий Филимонов


Дмитрий Филимонов


попугай Яша
The adventurer named Sadko sets sail in search of a mythical bird of happiness...
The Bremen Town Robbers
A modern take on a classical tale about the musicians from the town of Bremen.
Ovejas y lobos
En una tierra mágica y lejana, en un pequeño y pintoresco pueblo situado entre verdes prados y colinas, vive un rebaño de ovejas sin preocupaciones. Pero su vida pastoral y libre de estrés se interrumpe cuando una manada de lobos establece su campamento en el barranco cercano. De acuerdo con las tradiciones antiguas, el líder de la manada, Magra, anuncia que su futuro sucesor debe probar su derecho a liderar desbancando a sus rivales. Cuando el poderoso y sanguinario Ragear da un paso adelante, el único lobo lo suficientemente valiente como para desafiarlo es Gris, el favorito de la manada, pero un mete patas sin esperanza. Para llegar a ser un líder y recuperar el amor de Bianca, Gris va hacia el bosque, donde descubre un campamento de conejos gitanos. La adivina conejo Mami le da una mágica poción de la transmutación.Gris la bebe poción y regresa a la cueva de los lobos, pero descubre a su llegada que ya no es otro de ellos. Ahora se ha transformado ¡en una oveja!
Serafima's Extraordinary Travel
Sima Voskresenskaya, who lost her parents at the very beginning of the war, lives in an orphanage and secretly keeps our family cross, reminding her of her beloved family.
Unas semanas antes de una gran exhibición aérea, Ace obtiene su carta de aceptación para participar y poder convertirse en el próximo campeón.
Little Bite in the Big City
Bite, a cockroach who lives in a computer processor, must prove himself and survive the ongoing battle between predator-like street pigeons and beetles to win over the girl of his dreams.
New Adventures of Babka Ezhka
This fairy tale takes place on the New Year's Eve. Elka, a polar bear cub, finds a Magic Tunnel of Friendship near his home. This Tunnel connects the Northern and the Southern Poles. With the help of the Tunnel, Elka gets a friend - a penguin girl Tasha. She tells Elka that Antarctica, her motherland, is in a great danger, since evil people have been stealing the snow which is almost all gone by now. Elka and Tasha leave immediately to save Antarctica. At the Southern Pole, the brave polar bear cub and the little penguin will find true friends and experience the most unbelievable adventure of their lives. Written by Tatiana Didusenko
Babka Ezhka and Others
Царевичи - Филимон, озвучка
A little girl got lost in a dense forest by accident, where she was found by Baba Yaga. She, along with other fairy-tale characters - Kikimora, Leschyi, Koschei the Deathless and Vodyanoy - decides to adopt the girl, giving her the name of Babka Ezhka. That's how the incredible adventures of Babka Ezhka and her friends begin.
Dunno and Barrabass
In 1901, a young elf matches wits with a masked villain in an animated adventure set in a world of mechanical air ships, classic automobiles, and other curious inventions.
A bug's life. Animated short by Mikhail Aldashin
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