Jack Long Shi-Chia


Jack Long is known for Wu Tang vs. Ninja (1987), The Head Hunter (1982) and The Singing Killer (1970).


May is a man who, in order to reincarnate to an honorable situation, must remain a virgin for three lifetimes. But the evil (and titular) witch has other ideas. She tricks him, then screws him, then kills him. Now dead, May becomes the servant of the prince of hell, whose parents want to marry him off. But despite being offered the choice of 73 beauties, he rejects them all as being too old. The prince (who, like the other inhabitants of hell, is quite a nice guy) is mad about Chin ... but she's "on the corps side" - that is, in the land of the living. May is instructed to accompany the prince through the tricky task of getting to know and woo the living girl. But the witch is still around, and still after May.....
The Biography of a Fox
A 1989 film.
Chess Boxing Matrix
Action packed vampire kung fu movie produced by Joseph Kuo. Jack Long portrays a fighting Taoist priest, who helps with the aid of his disciples to reunite a baby vampire with his parents from the "King of Evil", who has captured the young hopper to enhance his own powers.
Gang-Si Training Center
Jeon Woi-ja, the wizard, uses evil spirits to serve his selfish desires. He opposes the Gang-si (frozen corpse) training center, Bubekjang Center, which educates wandering spirits and sends them away. Woi-ja picks the most evil corpses and sends them to the center in hopes of ruining it but without success. When his evil amulets fails to work he chants the eight signs of divination in hopes of getting rid of the gang-sis. But the gang-sis band together to fight Woi-ja and succeeds in reforming him and guiding him to a better path.
Vampire Training Camp
Horror / comedy from Taiwan with hopping vampires.
Ninja Condors
A noble-minded ninja rejects corruption and works with an undercover cop to defeat the evil student of his old master.
Kung Fu Magic
Grandpa Hua Won
Dentro de una escuela de magia, se cierne una conspiración para apoderarse del alma de los muertos y conseguir el poder absoluto. Unos cuantos alumnos harán frente a hechiceros, zombis, karatecas y alienígenas para intentar detenerles.
El escuadrón de los ninjas
John's Master
John, experto conocedor de las artes marciales y policia del departamento de criminología de Nueva York, es responsable de la captura de unos contrabandistas de drogas. Nancy, su novia, el padre y el hermano adoptivo de ésta, desaparecen misteriosamente. Posteriormente descubre que el hermano de Nancy es el jefe de los contrabandistas y quiere asesinar al padre por haber encontrado el remedio contra los adictos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Five Fighters from Shaolin
Abbot White
When a monk decides to leave his temple in order to defeat the Chinese Imperial Guards who brutally murdered is fellow monk, he collects five men and trains them to help him fight the guards and an old friend of his - a white-haired wizard.
El cazador ninja
Abbot White
El maestro de Wu Tang, Abott White quiere acabar con el templo de Shaolin después de ser humillado por uno de sus maestros y su fabuloso golpe de la Punzada de Dedo; después de la derrota Abott abraza las artes del mal y se une a los renegados ninja Ping-Ho para acabar con todos los monjes de Shaolin, solo lo conseguirá gracias a la ayuda del emperador.
The Unbeaten 28
Yung Chen Cheung
Wu Shao Tung is raised to be the leader of the Wu Tang clan, who previously have been defeated by the evil Yen Chan tin and his clan. He is taught roughly and is shown how to defeat the Unbeaten 18, a cave of treacherous traps.
The Young Moon Legend
Taiwanese Wuxia
La leyenda del gran luchador
Chi Siu Tien/Chess player
Un estudiante de kung fu busca venganza después de que su padre es asesinado. Conoce a un maestro de ajedrez que le enseña a luchar combinando el ajedrez en la lucha. Así consigue una destreza asombrosa y se encuentra preparado para poder vengarse del asesino fantasma que mató a su padre.
El mundo del mono borracho
Fan Ta Pei
Chang es el dueño de una bodega y maestro del Boxeo Borracho, técnica de kung fu mortal. Su vida relativamente pacífica es interrumpida cuando coge a dos muchachos (Li Yi Ming y Jack Long) robando uvas de sus viñedos y los pone a trabajar para él. Con el tiempo, él les enseña el arte del Boxeo Borracho. Cuando los dos muchachos entran en una lucha con algunos delincuentes locales, ellos provocan la ira de Yeh Hu, el enemigo de Chang. Enfadado por los discípulos de su rival, Yeh Hu y sus hombres asaltan la bodega y comienzan la lucha.
The 7 Grandmasters
Sang Kuan Chun
An aged Kung Fu practitioner travels across China, challenging the best Grandmaster from each province to prove his mastery of martial arts. Meanwhile is a plot developing behind his back.
Shaolin Ex-Monk
Chu Chang
Kung fu master Ling Chu-Fei (John Liu) must perfect and employ his devastating "Seven Immovable Limbs" technique if he is to defeat a renegade monk who has begun using Shaolin skills for evil. The threat becomes frighteningly personal when the ex-monk focuses his fury upon Master Ling's young orphan disciple, Small Mud Fish. Feet fly, blood spills and bones shatter all the way up to a gripping climactic duel in this 1978 action explosion.
The Red Phoenix
Two fearless martial arts experts investigate a series of mysterious murders, committed by a unknown fighter called the "RED PHOENIX", who kills his victims with an unknown but very deadly technique.
Nacido invencible
Ming Tu
Dos jefes de la guerra, uno que puede destruir el arma de sus opositores y un experto en Tai Chi que es impermeable a las armas, envían a un par de asesinos para perseguir y matar a un maestro de la espada antigua que ha dejado de luchar. Cuando el intento de asesinato es frustrado por el grupo de kung fu de los estudiantes de una escuela cercana, los propios jefes deciden ir a la escuela para hacer frente al maestro de la espada y a cualquiera que se interponga en su camino. Cuando el maestro de la escuela muere defendiendo al espadachín y a su hija, 3 estudiantes de la escuela prometen vengar las muertes y comienzan una búsqueda para aniquilar a los jefes de la guerra. Uno a uno, terminan enfrentándose a un hombre tan experto en tai chi kung fu que parece como si hubiera "nacido invencible".
The Boxer's Adventure
Chow San
Secret of Chinese Kung Fu
Thai fighter
Two sisters on their way home from a fishing trip spot a mysterious man in the water. After rescuing him from drowning, they learn he's a martial arts master -- a good thing, since a gang of vicious thugs is ravaging the girls' village. Out of gratitude, the man agrees to train the sisters for the fight of their lives in this kung fu adventure from Sung Ting Mei co-starring Byong Yo and Sha Ling Ling.
El luchador Manco 2 (El luchador manco contra la guillotina voladora)
Wang Jiang
En las montañas un hombre monta en cólera cuando los dos alumnos del Maestro de la Guillotina Voladora mueren a manos del Luchador Manco, ese hombre es el mismísimo Maestro de la Guillotina Voladora, y jura acabar él mismo con el Luchador Manco. Paralelamente a estos hechos, la reconocida escuela del Estilo del Águila del Maestro Wu organiza un torneo de artes marciales al que se invita al Luchador Manco.
Los 5 Maestros de Shaolin
Cinco supervivientes de un Templo Shaolin, deben enfrentarse a cinco malvados que les persiguen. Los héroes se separarán y empezarán a reclutar a campesinos para crear un ejército para derrotar a los destructores del templo.
Big Brother
Wu Min Chan and Kuang La Lung are subordinates of Commander of Northern Province, gunning for the post of Garrison Commander. On Wu's side are Shi Wen, and Sha Chung, while Kuang was assisted by Pei Chiang, Si Ma, and Niu Chung. Soon Shi gained power and sent Niu to kill Wu with Lui Yan's dagger, causing Lui Yan to commit suicide before the Commander. Niu became possessed with self-reproach, and was jailed for being drunk. Shi sent Pai Siow Lan, Niu's sweetheart to poison Niu. Pai drank the poisoned drink, and begged Niu to escape. Realizing Shi's true character, Niu went to seek Shi. In the end, Niu committed suicide after killing Shi.
Crazy Nuts of Kung Fu
Li Dan
A roadside bandit reluctantly agrees to become the muscle for a traveling gambler/cheat. In an attempt to steal from traitorous warlords, they get involved with rebel fighters who hope to use the riches to fund their revolution.
The Cantonese
Barry Chan plays the Canton kid a kung fu fanatic who takes on three vicious kung fu thugs who after being released from jail have come to Canton looking to cause a lot of trouble and to settle old scores.
The Dragon and Tiger Joint Hands
After being rescued from the hangman's noose for a crime unbefitting the punishment, Chi Hsiang (Anthony Chan Keung) returns to his village home after a three year absence. There he discovers local bully turned tyrant, Tien Pioa in league with the Japanese and bleeding the poor farmers for all they possess. At first Chi refuses to help fearing it would merely cause more problems. However, the killing of his school's teacher (Jack Long) ultimately causes him to rethink his stance. From Taiwan: an ultimate superb basher!!
Seven Indignant
The Righteous Club of Chinese martial artists meet to drive out the evil Japanese invaders but first they must overcome their own personal differences.
The Sister of the San-Tung Boxer
The cinematic follow up to the Shaw Brothers classic The Boxer from Shangtung! What's that? The infamous Boxer from Shangtung has a sister? Yes indeed. And guess what? She's cut from the same heroic kung fu cloth as her sibling. You messed with her brother, and now you're going to get a taste of Ma Su-Cheng's feet and fists of fury.
Karate mortal
Durante la ocupación japonesa de China, el imperio del sol naciente impuso una serie de duras y sangrientas medidas para intentar frenar a la resistencia, la cual se extendía ya por todas y cada una de las provincias del país. Desde ese momento, todo parece mejorar para los japoneses, pero la llegada de Yuan a la ciudad en la que se crió, acompañado de tres fieles aliados a la causa nacional, hará que los invasores empiecen a ver más cerca su final. Sin embargo, el precio que tendrán que pagar los patriotas chinos por libertar su patria deberá ser muy alto.