Giselle Itié

Giselle Itié

Nacimiento : 1981-10-03, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico


Giselle Itié Ramos (Ciudad de México, 3 de octubre de 1982) es una actriz mexicana, nacionalizada brasileña. Nacida en la Ciudad de México. Es hija de un mexicano, Fernando Itié, y de una brasileña, Sandra Ramos. Debido al Terremoto de 1985 en Ciudad de México, se trasladó con su familia a Brasil, tierra de su madre. En febrero de 2014, Itié se casó con el actor Emílio Dantas. El matrimonio se separó en julio del año siguiente. En noviembre de 2015, asume su relación con su pareja televisiva en Os Dez Mandamentos, el actor Guilherme Winter. Con el cual tiene una relación estable, y el 2 de marzo de 2020 su amor dio frutos dando la bienvenida al mundo a su primogénito.


Giselle Itié
Giselle Itié
Giselle Itié
Giselle Itié


Fortune cookie
Tellerium's founders find themselves in the place where it all began: a secluded oriental restaurant. But as they repeat the tradition and open their fortune cookies, they realize that there is more to what they bargained for.
Moisés y los diez mandamientos: La película
Espectacular superproducción de la época que narra la historia bíblica de Moisés, favorito de la familia del faraón, que decide renunciar a su vida de privilegios para conducir a su pueblo elegido hacia la libertad. Versión largometraje de la exitosa serie de TV, pero con escenas inéditas y un final diferente.
The Miracle of the Birds
Sabô (Giselle Itié) marries Lindolfo Ezequiel (José Dumont) in exchange for the life of his brother, who was sworn to death by the captain. The brunette is known as the most desired woman in the region and her husband is reputed to be a killer. One day, Ubaldo Capadócio (Fernando Pavão) arrives in the city of Cachoeira, in Bahia, and takes away hearts. The poet is a handsome man, has nine children and is married to three women: Rosecler (Aline Nepomuceno), Romilda (Luciana Fernandes) and Valdelice (Cristiana Ferreira). Rosecler is the most fiery and spendthrift, Romilda abandoned her butcher husband for Ubaldo and Valdelice is the most daring. In Cachoeira, Ubaldo sees Sabô and is attracted by so much beauty. The captain's wife surrenders to the poet's charms, but they are caught by Lindolfo Ezequiel. Then begins the saga of Ubaldo to escape death. That's where the miracle of birds happens.
An intriguing case lands on Mandrake's desk. Just when he thinks he has it solved, some unexpected news changes the course of events.
Caleuche: El llamado del mar
Isabel Millalobos
Isabel es una investigadora marina que sufre una enfermedad que acaba con sus investigaciones. Ella viaja a la isla de Chiloé, donde descubre la historia de un barco fantasma llamado Caleuche que afecta a la vida de los habitantes del pueblo.
En la carretera
Tras la muerte de su padre, Sal Paradise (Sam Riley), un neoyorquino que aspira a ser escritor, conoce a Dean Moriarty (Garrett Hedlund), un ex-presidiario de un encanto arrollador y casado con la liberada y seductora Marylou (Kristen Stewart). Sal y Dean se hacen amigos al instante. Sedientos de libertad y decididos a huir de la rutina y la monotonía, emprenden un viaje hacia el Sur con Marylou. Adaptación de la novela homónima (1957) de Jack Kerouac, obra clave de la generación "Beat", que describe un viaje desenfrenado a finales de los años cuarenta.
On a day in January, working on a documentary, listening to people's accounts, I realized that the world was upside down and nobody had noticed that. Several social values had changed, a daughter who kills her father, another father who kills his child, an absent mother without a place, violence and the strange feeling that all that is bad comes from the lower classes and the politicians. Nobody noticed that the bad comes from the inside ... inside us, what was not achieved or no longer brings pleasure, everything comes to light in a selfish attitude to be fine! Nobody is so good or so bad.
Los mercenarios
Un grupo de mercenarios es contratado para infiltrarse en un país sudamericano y derrocar a su despiadado y corrupto dictador. Una vez allí, se verán atrapados en una telaraña de engaño y traición. Una vez fracasada la misión, tendrán que enfrentarse a un reto aún más difícil; salvar la unidad del grupo y la amistad que los ha unido durante largos años.
Flordelis: Basta uma Palavra para Mudar
Não foi muito fácil escolher a forma de contar a história de Flordelis, mãe, ex-moradora da Favela do Jacarezinho, mulher corajosa que entra nas comunidades, a louca que desafiou a justiça por amor aos filhos, a linda mulher que abriu mão da sua juventude e do seu futuro profissional para viver a missão de doar amor, ensinar amor e aprender com o amor.
Mais Uma História no Rio
Rodolfo Guerra, a young man from the upper class of Rio de Janeiro, has his fancy imported car taken from him at gun point in front of his condo by two men. With the help of the alarm system installed in car and the police, he captures one of the suspects. He will find out that the suspect can also be the victim!
The Mystery of Sintra
Carmen Puebla
Summer of 1870. Two writers, Eça de Queiroz and Ramalho Ortigão, decide to write a four-handed whodunit for the daily "Diário de Notícias". Could it be that the story they wrote as fiction is based on a real case? This question fuels the conflict between the two writers and drives them to a nearly fatal duel. Lisbon is in commotion. One crime follows another in a story in which love is stronger than tradition. Everything happens at frenzied pace, as in a game.