K.C. Martel

Nacimiento : 1967-09-14, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Kevin Christopher Martel (born September 14, 1967) is a Canadian former child actor. He played Mike Seaver's friend Eddie on Growing Pains from 1985-1992. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The 'E.T.' Journals
The following documentary is composed exclusively of original behind-the-scenes footage shot during the production of "E.T." in 1981. It follows the order of the scenes as they appear in the film.
Verano de aguas cristalinas
Un guía experimentado (Vic) acompaña a un chico de ciudad (Alan) y a sus tres amigos en una acampada en plenas montañas. Esperando enseñar una lección a los chicos no sólo sobre la naturaleza salvaje sino sobre ellos mismos, Vic les llevará hasta el límite...
Things Are Looking Up
Dale Troutman
A group of high-school students deal with everyday life while attending JFK High School in Ventura, California.
E.T. el extraterrestre
Un pequeño ser de otro planeta se queda abandonado en la Tierra cuando su nave se marcha olvidándose de él. Tiene miedo. Está completamente solo, pero se hará amigo de un niño, que lo esconde en su casa. El niño y sus hermanos intentarán encontrar la forma de que el pequeño extraterrestre regrese a su planeta antes de que los científicos y la policía lo encuentren.
Cumpleaños sangriento
Timmy Russel
En 1970, durante un eclipse total de Saturno, planeta que gobierna las emociones, nacen tres niños. Diez años más tarde, estas criaturas, de aspecto inocente, se han convertido en despiadados asesinos que no levantan sospechas de nadie debido a su joven apariencia. ¿Qué pasa cuando una adolescente y su hermano menor descubren la horrible verdad?
La Venganza de los Monsters
Eddie Munster
El propietario de un museo de cera tiene una exposición dedicada a los Munsters. Un día utiliza robots que se parecen a Herman y al abuelo para llevar a cabo un robo de joyas, todo el mundo piensa que el verdadero Herman y el abuelo lo hicieron. Ellos deben demostrar su inocencia y descubrir a los verdaderos ladrones.
Fugitive Family
Andy Roberts
To the world Brian Roberts looks like a successful businessman, with a lovely wife and two children all living in a dream home. Nevertheless, he has really been working undercover for the Justice Department to snare a mob boss. When his cover is blown, he has to break the news to his family about the nature of his real job and, worse, that they are now in real danger! Consequently, they are forced into the federal government's Witness Relocation Program. However, the trauma to the family does not stop there, as the gangsters he double-crossed are determined he and his family shall not escape 'mob justice.'
The Gift
A sailor (Gary Frank) on Christmas leave visits his boozing, one-legged father (Glenn Ford) and dreamer mother (Julie Harris) in 1950s Brooklyn.
Aunt Mary
The true-life drama about a handicapped Baltimore woman living on welfare who organized a sandlot baseball team and ended up coaching more than 50,000 boys and girls over nearly 40 years.
Portrait of a Stripper
Mark Hanson
A young widow, supporting herself and her pre-teen son by performing as a nightclub dancer, finds the place turned into a strip joint and learns that her father-in-law is trying to prove her an unfit mother.
Terror en Amityville
Una familia americana se instala en una mansión sin saber que allí, unos años antes, tuvo lugar una sangrienta tragedia. Sin embargo, pronto detectan la presencia de unos seres maléficos. Horrorizados e impotentes ante tal situación, acaban buscando la ayuda de un peculiar exorcista.
The Power Within
Young Boy
A prospective about a daredevil flyer, barnstorming for county fairs, who becomes a human dynamo after being struck by lightning and is menaced by enemy agents determined to find out the secret of his incredible powers.
Having Babies III
Brian Miles
Dr. Julie Farr presides over three impending births and cannot help but get involved in the lives of her troubled patients.
Mad Bull
Alex Karkus
An embittered professional wrestler, convinced that his life has no meaning outside the ring, meets a beautiful woman. Unlike most of the women he has known, she seems to be interested in him for himself rather than his fame or his money, and he finds himself becoming attracted to her.
Mulligan's Stew
Jimmy Mulligan
Pilot TV-Movie for the sitcom Mulligan's Stew. Michael and Jane Mulligan have three children: Mark, Melinda and Jimmy. They find making ends meet difficult, but manageable. Things get tighter moneywise and spacewise when the Mulligans take in their nephews after their parents die in a plane crash.