Donne e soldati was an example of a ‘decentralised’ production, far from Rome, something that for the most part Italian cinema didn’t fully succeed in achieving until the 1990s. . In many ways the film, which is both Picaresque and anti-heroic, was too far ahead of its time, and it is often considered the precursor to Monicelli’s L’armata brancaleone. This time out, Ferreri takes the reins as producer of the ill-fated undertaking (the two directors will never make another film); however, Donne e soldati, apart from marking Ferreri’s estrangement from Italian cinema for a number of years, today appears to display earthy and carnivalesque elements that will subsequently influence certain aspects of the Milanese director’s vision.
Il fidanzato di Vittoria
De Carmine es un gris escribano que trabaja en el ayuntamiento. Sus compañeros se ríen de él, es torpe, el alcalde le trata a la baqueta y además su abrigo es un harapo con un agujero enorme. Con sus ahorros de años decide hacerse un abrigo nuevo que le transforma el carácter, gana popularidad y se atreve a ir a la fiesta de Nochevieja a casa del secretario general y bailar en ella con Caterina, la amante del alcalde. Pero al salir, se lo roban...