
Prêt-á-Poppy (2022)


ジャンル : コメディ

上映時間 : 10分


Poppy is a greatly misunderstood fashion design student who is pushed to the limit by her professor and competitive classmates as she designs her ambitious fashion show costume.


Rebecca Koenig
Rebecca Koenig
Maximilian Itsikson
Maximilian Itsikson
Professor Cybel Moon-Claire
Liann Yu
Liann Yu
Polly Holliday
TJ Macaluso
TJ Macaluso
Isaac Hilton
Isaac Hilton
Tiger Ives
Sarah Stiles
Sarah Stiles
Bianca Calisi
Bianca Calisi
Mark McKnight
Mark McKnight
Marky Mark
Kyle Lutes
Kyle Lutes
Abi Goggosi
Matthew Rella
Matthew Rella
Briana Doran
Briana Doran
Jeremiah Garcia
Jeremiah Garcia
Kate Bell
Kate Bell
Kimmi Curcio
Kimmi Curcio
Haley Self
Haley Self
Coucou Snoop


Vanessa Alzate
Vanessa Alzate
Production Manager
Maximilian Itsikson
Maximilian Itsikson
Assistant Director
Miles Contreras
Miles Contreras
Director of Photography
Tyrane Ferone Jr.
Tyrane Ferone Jr.
Siobhán Hayes-Keane
Siobhán Hayes-Keane
Production Assistant
Ava Makris
Ava Makris
Lighting Technician
Ema Amanning
Ema Amanning
Editorial Staff
Nida Grindal
Nida Grindal
Editorial Staff
Alisa Nash
Alisa Nash
Editorial Staff


Romy and Michele's High School Reunion
Two not-too-bright party girls reinvent themselves for their high school reunion. Armed with a borrowed Jaguar, new clothes and the story of their success as the inventors of Post-It notes, Romy and Michele descend on their alma mater, but their façade crumbles quickly.
Derek Zoolander(Stiller)は、過去3年間で最も人気のある男性モデルです。 彼の4番目の冠である可能性のあるガラの夜に、この賞はHansel(Wilson)と呼ばれる新しいモデルに贈られます。 デレクは尋問され、馬鹿のように、引退することを決めます。 しかし、一流のデザイナーは彼に彼を誇示するように頼みます。
Blonde, bouncy Buffy is your typical high school cheerleader. But all that changes when a strange man informs her she's been chosen by fate to kill vampires.
When an exclusive clique of teenage socialites accidentally murder their best friend on the morning of her birthday, the three girls responsible conspire to hide the truth.
ジア 裸のスーパーモデル
Mannequin Two: On the Move
Although Jason works as a department store clerk, he is also a reincarnated prince. Long ago, his beloved Jessie was snatched away from him by an evil wizard who used his powers to transform her into wooden statue. Now Jessie is in Jason's department store as a mannequin. When he encounters her, she awakens from her thousand-year sleep. They quickly revive their romance, but the evil wizard has been reincarnated as well, and he's up to no good.
Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale
Join Barbie in a colourful, modern-day fairytale filled with fashion, friends and fun! Barbie and her dog Sequin jet off to visit her Aunt's amazing fashion house in Paris, and much to her surprise it's about to be shut down forever. After she discovers three enchanting Flairies with sparkle-magic powers, Barbie comes up with a brilliant idea to save the business. She even inspires Alice, a shy fashion designer, and together they create a dazzling runway fashion show. Barbie shows that magic happens when you believe in yourself.
Get up close and personal with 16 of the most successful women in the adult film industry as they shed their clothes for an intimate photo shoot with director Deborah Anderson. As questions are asked, personal stories about their lives are revealed, from why they chose the business of sex to how they got into it in the first place. These porn stars have always been discreet about their private lives in the past, yet Anderson has a way of opening up a dialog allowing them to share more than just their naked skin on screen. Their true inner vulnerability is touching, yet the characters they have created are confident and intoxicating. Once you hear their stories, you'll never look at them in the same way again.
ディズニーの名作アニメ「101匹わんちゃん」に登場するヴィラン(悪役)“クルエラ”の誕生秘話を「ラ・ラ・ランド」のエマ・ストーン主演で実写映画化したエンタテインメント大作。70年代のロンドンを舞台に、ファッション・デザイナーを夢見て都会にやって来た少女が、いかにして冷酷非道な悪女“クルエラ”へと変貌していったかをパンクかつスタイリッシュに描き出す。共演はエマ・トンプソン、マーク・ストロング。監督は「ラースと、その彼女」「アイ,トーニャ 史上最大のスキャンダル」のクレイグ・ギレスピー。  親を亡くした少女エステラは、ファッション・デザイナーを目指してパンクムーブメント吹き荒れるロンドンへとやって来る。そしてロンドンで最も有名な百貨店リバティに潜り込んだ彼女は、やがて伝説的なカリスマ・デザイナーのバロネスに出会うと、その斬新な発想力と度胸の良さを買われ、彼女の下で働き始めるのだったが…。
ズーランダー No.2
1950年代のロンドン。唯一無二のデザインと職人技術で、英国の高級婦人ファッション界の中心に君臨する仕立て屋のレイノルズ。彼は郊外にある「ハウス・オブ・ウッドコック」で姉のシリルと共に、毎日完璧に仕事をこなしていた。ある日、レイノルズは立ち寄ったレストランで、若きウェイトレス アルマと出会う。会った瞬間に一目惚れをして、彼女を新たなミューズに迎えることになる。アルマの体に触れ、採寸をしていくレイノルズは、とても美しいと彼女の“完璧な身体”を愛した。しかし、若く情熱的なアルマの出現により、完璧で規律的だったレイノルズの日常は思わぬ方向へと進んでいく。
貧しい家庭出身だが野心的なパトリツィア・レッジャーニ(レディー・ガガ)は、 イタリアで最も裕福で格式高いグッチ家の後継者の一人であるマウリツィオ・グッチ (アダム・ドライバー)をその知性と美貌で魅了し、やがて結婚する。 しかし、次第に彼女は一族の権力争いまで操り、 強大なファッションブランドを支配しようとする。 順風満帆だったふたりの結婚生活に陰りが見え始めた時、 パトリツィアは破滅的な結果を招く危険な道を歩み始める…。
London. A mysterious serial killer brutally murders young blond women by stalking them in the night fog. One foggy, sinister night, a young man who claims his name is Jonathan Drew arrives at the guest house run by the Bunting family and rents a room.
An inside look at Italy's modern-day crime families, the Camorra in Naples and Caserta. Based on a book by Roberto Saviano. Power, money and blood: these are the "values" that the residents of the Province of Naples and Caserta have to face every day. They hardly ever have a choice and are forced to obey the rules of the Camorra. Only a lucky few can even think of leading a normal life.
Flighty Emily "Jacks" Jackson works for the British edition of Vogue magazine. Rather than pursue a relationship, Jacks regularly hooks up with her devoted ex-boyfriend, James Wildstone, and lives with Peter Simon, a gay screenwriter. When Jacks meets Argentinian photographer's assistant Paolo Sarmiento, she assumes he is gay and tries to bring him and Peter together, unaware that Paolo is straight and in love with her.