
DAGON (2001)

ジャンル : ファンタジー, ホラー, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 35分

演出 : Stuart Gordon
脚本 : Dennis Paoli


A boating accident off the coast of Spain sends Paul and his girlfriend Barbara to the decrepit fishing village of Imboca. As night falls, people start to disappear and things not quite human start to appear. Paul is pursued by the entire town. Running for his life, he uncovers Imboca's secret..they worship Dagon, a monstrous god of the sea...and Dagon's unholy offspring are on the loose...


Ezra Godden
Ezra Godden
Paul Marsh
Francisco Rabal
Francisco Rabal
Raquel Meroño
Raquel Meroño
Macarena Gómez
Macarena Gómez
Uxía Cambarro
Brendan Price
Brendan Price
Birgit Bofarull
Birgit Bofarull
Uxía Blanco
Uxía Blanco
Ezequiel's Mother
Ferran Lahoz
Ferran Lahoz
Joan Minguell
Joan Minguell
Xavier Cambarro
Alfredo Villa
Alfredo Villa
Captain Orpheus Cambarro
José Lifante
José Lifante
Hotel Receptionist


Stuart Gordon
Stuart Gordon
H.P. Lovecraft
H.P. Lovecraft
Dennis Paoli
Dennis Paoli
Carlos Fernández
Carlos Fernández
Executive Producer
Julio Fernández
Julio Fernández
Executive Producer
Brian Yuzna
Brian Yuzna
Carles Cases
Carles Cases
Original Music Composer
Carlos Suárez
Carlos Suárez
Director of Photography
Jaume Vilalta
Jaume Vilalta
H.P. Lovecraft
H.P. Lovecraft
Original Story


S.I.S., or Special Investigation Squad, is an elite branch of the LAPD. A new psychopath terrorizing Los Angeles proves to be their hardest case yet.
Three Violent People
A rancher, his shady bride and his one-armed brother fight amid carpetbaggers in Texas.
The Marriage of Balzaminov
Based on the trilogy of Aleksandr Ostrovsky. Moscow, XIX century. A small official Misha Balzaminov lives in a small house. He, like his mother, sees his happiness in marrying a rich bride. Misha images in dreams and fantasies that he is a general or even a king — rich and domineering. And in reality, poor Balzaminov is haunted by setbacks...
RECONCILIATION is a groundbreaking, provocative story about an estranged father and son struggling to overcome the heartbreaking consequences of their past. Grant Taylor (Eric Nenninger) has been troubled by intense childhood memories ever since his wife, Sara (Chelsey Crisp), gave him the exciting news..."You are going to be a dad!" As fatherhood nears, Grant privately wrestles with his embarrassment and anger toward his own father. His memories come to a head when Sara receives a call informing them that Grant's dad, Jeff (Jack Maxwell), is terminally ill and his last wish is to see his son. With Sara's encouragement, Grant reluctantly goes to see the man he disowned at his 10th birthday party, when he found out his father was gay. At the hospice, father and son confront the past as they come face to face for the first time in 16 years. Will Grant forgive his father for abandoning their family...
The Sin of Madelon Claudet
Out of jail for a crime she did not commit, Madelon turns to prostitution and thievery to send her illegitimate son to medical school.
Bonnie's Kids
Sisters Myra and Ellie have finally had enough of their miserable, dead-end lives. When their stepfather Charley (the titular "Bonnie" being long dead) tried to rape Myra, Ellie ventilates him with a shotgun, and the pair run off to their wealthy uncle's mansion in El Paso. From that point on, the two undergo a transformation in their personalities, and start to enjoy living their lives on the wild side.
Beautiful Swordswomen: Double Seppuku
The only difference with this one as opposed to the other "entries" - is this one has 2 girls committing suicide, and they are outdoors and wearing samurai style outfits as opposed to Japanese robes or some other "costume". Also, they stab themselves with samurai swords instead of the typical shorter ritual knives...
City of Blood
A medical examiner investigating a series of prostitute murders discovers that the culprit is an ancient tribal witch doctor come back to life.
The Clown at Midnight
Upon the reopening of the opera house where her mother was murdered, a teen and her friends become the targets of a deranged killer dressed in a clown costume.
ノア 約束の舟
A struggling screenwriter inadvertently becomes entangled in the Los Angeles criminal underworld after his oddball friends kidnap a gangster's beloved Shih Tzu.
Little Tora, The Abandoned Cat
A family of cats find an abandoned kitten and take him in to their home. But one of the siblings becomes jealous about the attention the new cat gets from her mother and runs away from home. The new member of the family goes looking for her. Can he bring her back home safely and get her to accept him as part of the family?
Next of Kin
In a rest home for elderly people, a daughter reads her mother's diary. Soon events that are mentioned in the mother's diary begin to happen to the daughter.
Appointment with Fear
An Egyptian god figures into a bizarre murder investigation where the suspect uses astral projection to murder at will.
A group of ex-resistance fighters are brought together by Marie-Octobre, the code name of Marie-Helene Dumoulin. The former members of the network have carried on with their lives after the war, but this evening they are going to have to live again a fateful night – the night their leader was killed. He had been betrayed, his name given to the Germans. The search for the traitor puts each personality in the spotlight – and also that of the killed leader, Castille.
The Bermuda Depths
Scientists investigating the briny deep are threatened by a giant turtle and the spirit of a young brunette swimmer in the Bermuda Triangle.
Twenty 20
Advocate Ramesh saves Devan from a murder case. Later, he realize Devan was the actual culprit. Ramesh tries for a payback, unaware of Devan's real intentions and the reason for the murder.


マサチューセッツ州の某大学の脳外科医ヒルの研究室で助手を務めるハーバート・ウェストはある日、死体を蘇生させる血清の発明に成功する。 ハーバートは血清の信用性を確かめるため、同僚のダンと共に死体置場で実験を試みるが、ゾンビとなって暴れだす死体の噂を聞きつけてやって来た学長のホルジーを殺してしまう。ハーバートとダンが血清でホルジーを生き返らせたところ、彼は狂暴なゾンビと化す。 さらに、ハーバートの血清の技術を奪おうとして彼に殺され、実験台にされていたヒルもゾンビと化して暴れ出したため、事態は混乱していく。
A group of scientists have developed the Resonator, a machine which allows whoever is within range to see beyond normal perceptible reality. But when the experiment succeeds, they are immediately attacked by terrible life forms.
A Beverly Hills teen discovers his parents are part of a gruesome orgy cult for the social elite.
A precocious girl, her nasty parents, two punk-rock losers and a weak-kneed salesman inadvertently become the guests of two ghoulish senior citizens in their dark, haunted mansion. The old couple makes and collects dolls that, when not sitting still like good little mannequins, creep around in the night, offing the guests one by one.
Ash, a handsome, shotgun-toting, chainsaw-armed department store clerk, is time warped backwards into England's Dark Ages, where he romances a beauty and faces legions of the undead.
Castle Freak
John has inherited a castle in Italy and he moves there with his wife Susan and their blind daughter Rebecca. What they don't realize is that there is somebody else in the castle--an abused child left to die in the basement who has now become the castle freak and is out to wreak havoc.
休暇を過ごす為、アッシュは恋人リンダと共に森深くたたずむ別荘にやって来る。 退屈しのぎに別荘の地下室に入りそこで見つけた古いテープレコーダーを再生すると、そこからは かつて別荘の住人だった学者の古文書解読の経緯を伝える音声が流れてくる。 古文書の呪文の一節を朗読するその音声は唱えてはならない古代の死霊を呼び出す禁句であった。 突如リンダの様相は豹変しアッシュに襲い掛かってくる。防ごうと必死になりついにはリンダを殺して しまう。リンダを埋葬している最中アッシュ自身に死霊が憑依するが夜が明けたため死霊はアッシュから はなれてしまう。その隙に別荘から脱出を図るが唯一の帰り道にかかる橋が壊れていたためやむなく 別荘に戻ることになる。死霊との戦いに供えているアッシュの別荘に現れたのはテープの声の主の娘 だった。死霊との戦いで血まみれになったアッシュを殺人犯と勘違いした娘は仲間と共にアッシュを 袋叩きにし拘束するがその時、またしても死霊が森の奥からアッシュ達を襲うべく別荘を囲み始めるのだった。
バタリアン リターンズ
Having recently witnessed the horrific results of a top secret project to bring the dead back to life, a distraught teenager performs the operation on his girlfriend after she's killed in a motorcycle accident.
After an earthquake destroys their underwater station, six researchers must navigate two miles along the dangerous, unknown depths of the ocean floor to make it to safety in a race against time.
休暇を過ごす為、アッシュは恋人シェリルと妹や友人と共に森深くたたずむ別荘にやって来る。 暖炉を囲みながら夜更けまで楽しく過ごす若者たち。退屈しのぎに別荘の地下室に入りそこで見つけた 古いテープレコーダーを再生すると、そこからはかつて別荘の住人だった学者の古文書解読の経緯を 伝える音声が流れてくる。古文書の呪文の一節を朗読するその音声は唱えてはならない古代の死霊を 呼び出す禁句であった。薄気味の悪いテープの内容にナーバスになるアッシュの妹だったが、次の瞬間 愛らしい妹は恐ろしい形相になり、宙に浮かびながら死霊を呼び覚ました全員を皆殺しにすると吐き捨て 襲いかかってくる。死霊にとりつかれた妹をいさめるにはもはや地下室に閉じ込めるしかなく、その間 アッシュはテープから流れていた死霊から逃れる方法を思い出していた。その方法とはとりつかれた者 の体をバラバラに裂くしかないというものであった・・。思い悩むアッシュ達をあざ笑うように死霊達 は仲間に次々と憑依してゆく。
音信不通だった息子のジャックが、ロシアで警察沙汰を起こして身柄を拘束されたことを知る。マクレーンは娘ルーシーに見送られながらロシアへと渡る。ところが、ジャックが出廷するはずだった裁判所は突如爆破され、2人は大混乱の中で再会を果たす。だが、ジャックはマクレーンを突き離してその場から車で去る。それを追う謎の武装集団。状況を理解できていなかったがマクレーンはジャックらを追跡する。壮絶なカーチェイスの末、マクレーンは武装集団の車を大破させて、ジャックと合流する。その後、ジャックが隠れ家と称する建物に到着。そこで、ジャックがCIAの人間であることを知る。安全かと思われたが、謎の武装集団に襲撃される。それを何とか退けて隠れ家から脱出する。 かくして、マクレーンはいつものように愚痴りながらも、ジャックと共に何らかの目的のために行動を開始する。