
Five Brave (1970)

ジャンル : 戦争, ファミリー, アドベンチャー

上映時間 : 1時間 17分

演出 : Leonid Martynyuk


In the beginning of WWII a group of five brave children are fighting the Nazis in Belarus.


Raimundas Banionis
Raimundas Banionis
Konstantin Lenevsky
Konstantin Lenevsky
ALeksandr Primako
ALeksandr Primako
Tatyana Shchigelskaya
Tatyana Shchigelskaya
Leonid Shepelyov
Leonid Shepelyov
Stefaniya Stanyuta
Stefaniya Stanyuta
Lyudmila Zaytseva
Lyudmila Zaytseva


Leonid Martynyuk
Leonid Martynyuk
Ales Osipenko
Ales Osipenko


The Secret Garden
Mary Lennox is born in India to wealthy British parents who never wanted her. When her parents suddenly die, she is sent back to England to live with her uncle. She meets her sickly cousin, and the two children find a wondrous secret garden lost in the grounds of Misselthwaite Manor.
February 1976. Somalian rebels hijack a school bus carrying 21 French children and their teacher in Djibouti City. When the terrorists drive it to a no-man’s-land on the border between Somalia and French territory, the French Government sends out a newly formed elite squad to rescue the hostages. Within a few hours, the highly trained team arrives to the crisis area, where the Somalian National Army has taken position behind the barbed wire on the border. The French unit is left with very few options to rescue the hostages. As the volatile situation unravels, the French men quickly come up with a daring plan: carry out a simultaneous 5 men sniper attack to get the children and the teacher out safely. A true story.
Freaky Friday
When an overworked mother and her teenage daughter magically swap bodies, they have just one day to put things right again before mom’s big wedding.
T-34 レジェンド・オブ・ウォー
Mia and the White Lion
A young girl from London moves to Africa with her parents where she befriends a lion cub.
みつばちマーヤの大冒険2 ハニー・ゲーム
When an overenthusiastic Maya accidentally embarrasses the Empress of Buzztropolis, she is forced to unite with a team of misfit bugs and compete in the Honey Games for a chance to save her hive.
Against all the odds, a thirteen year old boy in Malawi invents an unconventional way to save his family and village from famine.
トレマーズ コールドヘル
The Lost Prince
Djibi lives alone with Sofia, his 8-year-old daughter. Every night, he invents a story to put him to sleep. When Sofia falls asleep, these extraordinary stories come to life somewhere in an imaginary world inhabited by knights, pirates and other dragons. In this world that belongs only to them, Sofia is always the princess to save, and the brave Prince is none other than Djibi himself. But 3 years later, the entry of Sofia to the college will mark the end of her childhood. To the despair of her father, she no longer needs her stories at night. On the one hand, Djibi will have to accept that his daughter will grow up and move away from him. On the other hand, in the World of Stories, the Prince will have to face the most epic of all his adventures. Find your destiny in a world where it no longer has a place.
Union of Salvation
Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and now. For this they are ready to sacrifice everything - position, wealth, love, life ... and the country itself.
Balkan Line
After the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999, the Yugoslav army pulls out of Kosovo region, leaving Serbian people at the mercy of the Albanian UCK terrorists. A small band of soldiers must take over the Slatina airport, and hold it until the Russian peacekeepers arrive.
兄と弟の勇気、母と子の絆、そして、たったひとりの闘い。 小さな涙と優しさは、3つの物語を通して、やがて大きな強さとなっていく――。
リトル・ニンジャ 市松模様の逆襲
妻に先立たれたカーソン・ドリューはシカゴの喧騒を離れて、娘とリバーハイツで静かに暮らすことを決断した。でも16歳のナンシー・ドリューにとって、小さな町での生活は退屈そのもの。彼女が求めているのは興奮と冒険、何よりも新しい変化だった。そこへ絶好のチャンス到来。ツインエルム屋敷で怪奇現象が発生し、その調査に誘われたのだ。きしむ足音や破裂する電球、不気味な生き物の正体を、はたしてナンシーは突き止められるのか? これって学校の不良デレク・バーンズの作った仕掛け? それとも屋敷の元の持ち主マルコム・コルファックスの幽霊が、復讐のために舞い戻ってきたの? 親友のジョージとベス、さらには地元の“イジワル女”ヘレンまで巻き込むナンシー。この私が絶対に謎を解いてみせる! ソフィア・リリス(スティーブン・キングの『IT/イット “それ”が見えたら、終わり。』)がナンシーを演じる、最後までハラハラドキドキの謎解きミステリー!
主人公である「僕」が病院で偶然拾った1冊の「共病文庫」というタイトルの文庫本。それは「僕」のクラスメイトである山内桜良 (やまうち さくら) が綴っていた、秘密の日記帳であり、彼女の余命が膵臓の病気により、もう長くはないことが記されていた。「僕」はその本の中身を興味本位で覗いたことにより、身内以外で唯一桜良の病気を知る人物となる。
Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan
Vietnam War, 1966. Australia and New Zealand send troops to support the United States and South Vietnamese in their fight against the communist North. Soldiers are very young men, recruits and volunteers who have never been involved in a combat. On August 18th, members of Delta Company will face the true horror of a ruthless battle among the trees of a rubber plantation called Long Tân. They are barely a hundred. The enemy is a human wave ready to destroy them.