The Priest's Niece (1925)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 46分

演出 : Luis R. Alonso


Don Sabino, a priest from the provinces who lives with his niece, Monica. Don Sabino is an arcane priest but his character changes radically when he is with Lucila, a girl whom he and Monica have raised since she was just a baby, when they found her abandoned at the door of their house. Don Sabino is a very helpful priest with his parishioners and life goes on without great upheavals until one day Tomasón appears, fleeing from justice after having committed a murder.


Javier de Rivera
Javier de Rivera
Marina Torres
Marina Torres
Isabel Alemany
Isabel Alemany
Blanca Muñoz
Blanca Muñoz
Carmen Rico
Carmen Rico
Angelita Cembreros
Angelita Cembreros


Luis R. Alonso
Luis R. Alonso
Luis R. Alonso
Luis R. Alonso
Carlos Arniches
Carlos Arniches
Theatre Play
Juan Pacheco 'Vandel'
Juan Pacheco 'Vandel'


The war against the Bugs continues! A Federation Starship crash-lands on the distant Alien planet OM-1, stranding beloved leader Sky Marshal Anoke and several others, including comely but tough pilot Lola Beck. It's up to Colonel/General Johnny Rico, reluctant hero of the original Bug Invasion on Planet P, to lead a team of Troopers on a daring rescue mission.
The mysterious Count Orlok summons Thomas Hutter to his remote Transylvanian castle in the mountains. The eerie Orlok seeks to buy a house near Hutter and his wife, Ellen. After Orlok reveals his vampire nature, Hutter struggles to escape the castle, knowing that Ellen is in grave danger
A diplomatic couple adopts the son of the devil without knowing it. A remake of the classic horror film of the same name from 1976.
Innocent Voices
A young boy, in an effort to have a normal childhood in 1980s El Salvador, is caught up in a dramatic fight for his life as he desperately tries to avoid the war which is raging all around him
Shi-Jie is a brilliant martial artist from the Kung Fu School. One day, he encounters a group of youths playing basketball and shows off how easy it is for him, with his martial arts training, to do a Slam Dunk. Watching him was Chen-Li, a shrewd businessman, who recruits him to play varsity basketball at the local university.
Perfect Strangers
During a lunar eclipse, seven friends gather for dinner and decide to play a game in which they must share with each other the content of every message, email or phone call they receive throughout the evening.
Until Forever
Until Forever: The Michael Boyum Story is a powerful, true account of one young man's courageous battle with leukemia and his journey of faith.
Frank and Lindsay—two emotionally-broken strangers—meet on the way to a destination wedding. Over the course of the weekend and against all odds, they find themselves drawn together even though they are initially repulsed by one another.
Professor Barbenfouillis and five of his colleagues from the Academy of Astronomy travel to the Moon aboard a rocket propelled by a giant cannon. Once on the lunar surface, the bold explorers face the many perils hidden in the caves of the mysterious planet.
Sex: A Relationship and Not Marriage
The life story of a woman who doesn't want to settle for one man. Her mom nags at her to get married, her superior grills her to bring results and her boyfriend turns out to be married. Soo-kyeong comforts herself with some spicy food. One lonely birthday, she ends up having sex with the chef of the spicy food restaurant. They fit well mentally and physically so they get closer but Soo-kyeong rejects the chef's marriage proposal. The chef gets married with someone else and asks her, "I got married with someone else like you said. Now will you have a relationship with me?"
大きな製鉄工場で働くチャーリーは、スパナを手にひたすらベルトコンベアーを流れる部品にねじを回し続けるという単純作業を繰り返していた。その様子はテレビモニターで監視され、休む暇もなく働かされていた。ある日、チャーリーは労働者の食事時間を節約するために作られた自動給食マシーンの実験台にされ散々な目に合わされる。その後も仕事を続けていく内にチャーリーは発狂し、トラブルを起こして精神病院送りになってしまう。ようやく退院を迎えた日、トラックから落ちた赤旗を拾い運転手に返そうと追いかけていく内にいつの間にか労働者のデモ隊の先導をきってしまい、そのリーダーと間違われて捕まって拘置所に入れられてしまう。脱獄囚を撃退した功績で模範囚として放免され造船所の仕事を紹介されるものの、上手くいかず辞めてしまい、あてもなく街をうろつく生活に陥ってしまう。 拘置所が恋しくなったチャーリーはわざと無銭飲食をして捕まえられるが、護送車の中でパンを盗んだ浮浪少女(ポーレット・ゴダード)と出会う。護送車が急カーブで横転し、外へ投げ出されたチャーリーと少女は逃亡。少女と意気投合したチャーリーは、2人のために家を建てるという夢を胸に一念発起とばかり働き出す。デパートの夜回り、工場の技師の助手と仕事を獲得するものの結局上手くいかず、2件とも警察沙汰になるという不運な結果に終わってしまう。その後少女が勤め始めたキャバレー[3]のウェイターの職を得る。見世物の「ティティナ」を歌って大成功したが、少女の微罪のため、そこも追われてしまう。やっとの思いで手に入れた幸福すらも失い悲しみに打ちひしがれる少女を、チャーリーは力強く励ます。 そして、二人は未来に希望を見出し、現代社会の冷たさと束縛に囚われない自由な生活を求めて共に旅立っていくのだった。
ビースト 獣の日
The story revolves around a Basque Roman Catholic priest dedicated to committing as many sins as possible, a death metal salesman from Carabanchel, and the Italian host of a TV show on the occult. These go on a literal "trip" through Christmas-time Madrid to hunt for and prevent the reincarnation of the Antichrist.