
最後のフェルメール ナチスを欺いた画家 (2020)

Deception is a fine art.

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 1時間 58分

演出 : Dan Friedkin
脚本 : John Orloff, Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby


A soldier and member of the Dutch resistance investigates stolen art in the wake of the Second World War, including a Vermeer sold to the Nazis by a flamboyant forger.


Guy Pearce
Guy Pearce
Han van Meegeren
Claes Bang
Claes Bang
Joseph Piller
Vicky Krieps
Vicky Krieps
Minna Holmberg
Roland Møller
Roland Møller
Esper Dekker
August Diehl
August Diehl
Alex De Klerks
Karl Johnson
Karl Johnson
Bernard Bakker
Andrew Havill
Andrew Havill
Maarten Wooning
Paul Bentall
Paul Bentall
Chief Judge
Olivia Grant
Olivia Grant
Cootje Henning
Adrian Scarborough
Adrian Scarborough
Dirk Hannema
Marie Bach Hansen
Marie Bach Hansen
Tom Mulheron
Tom Mulheron
Cameron Jack
Cameron Jack
De Klerk's Henchman
Susannah Doyle
Susannah Doyle
Richard Dillane
Richard Dillane
Colonel Jenkins
Oliver Ryan
Oliver Ryan
Jerome Heidjen
Simon Paisley Day
Simon Paisley Day
Rienstra Van Stuyvesant
Jamie Newall
Jamie Newall
Prison Clerk
Pitou Gomes
Pitou Gomes
Girl on Rubble
Richard Newgass
Richard Newgass
Lecherous Nazi


Richard Goodwin
Richard Goodwin
First Assistant Director
Johan Söderqvist
Johan Söderqvist
Original Music Composer
Guy Speranza
Guy Speranza
Costume Designer
Victoria Boydell
Victoria Boydell
Arthur Max
Arthur Max
Production Design
Remi Adefarasin
Remi Adefarasin
Director of Photography
Ridley Scott
Ridley Scott
Executive Producer
Peter Heslop
Peter Heslop
Executive Producer
Gino Falsetto
Gino Falsetto
Executive Producer
Ryan Friedkin
Ryan Friedkin
Bradley Thomas
Bradley Thomas
Jonathan Lopez
Jonathan Lopez
John Orloff
John Orloff
Mark Fergus
Mark Fergus
Hawk Ostby
Hawk Ostby
Judy Farr
Judy Farr
Set Decoration
Paul Carter
Paul Carter
Sound Designer
Duncan Craig
Duncan Craig
Boom Operator
Peter Polak
Peter Polak
Boom Operator
Danny Sheehan
Danny Sheehan
Supervising Sound Editor
Hugh Sherlock
Hugh Sherlock
Boom Operator
Andrew Stirk
Andrew Stirk
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Rob Turner
Rob Turner
Sound Effects Editor
Dan Friedkin
Dan Friedkin
Dan Friedkin
Dan Friedkin
Sabine Brian
Sabine Brian
Elwin Looije
Elwin Looije
Line Producer
Richard Goodwin
Richard Goodwin
Anthony Caron-Delion
Anthony Caron-Delion
Art Direction


Aliide experienced The Great Terror under Stalin’s regime, and decades after her hometown people were deported to Siberia, she lives alone in an isolated house. One night, she finds a young woman in her yard – Zara has just escaped from the claws of the Russian mafia that held her as a sex slave. Survivors both, Aliide and Zara engage in unearthing each other’s motives and gradually, and their stories merge into one, revealing the tragedy of a family during the cruelest years in Estonian history.
映画史に燦然と輝く名作として知られるキャロル・リード監督の傑作サスペンス。第2次大戦後のウィーンを舞台に、謎の死を遂げた友人の真相究明に奔走する男の姿を描く。 第2次大戦後のウィーンに、アメリカから友人ハリーを訪ねてやってきた作家ホリーは到着早々、ハリーが事故で死んだと知らされる。不審に思ったホリーは、事件の真相究明を決意。事故現場にいた3人のうち、身元の確認がとれない“第三の男”とは…。 イギリスの作家グレアム・グリーンの原作・脚本を、名匠キャロル・リード監督が光と影を効果的に使った映像美で描いた不滅の名作。アカデミー撮影賞、カンヌ映画祭グランプリ受賞。
Two talented song-and-dance men team up after the war to become one of the hottest acts in show business. In time they befriend and become romantically involved with the beautiful Haynes sisters who comprise a sister act.
結婚にあまり興味のない娘と、そんな娘に早く結婚してほしいと気を揉む家族を中心にさりげない日常をユーモアを織り交ぜ淡々と細やかに描く感動作。敗戦後わずか6年の作品とは思えないモダンな息づかいには驚かずにはいられない。北鎌倉に住む間宮家では適齢期を過ぎた娘紀子の結婚が何より気がかり。当の紀子は大手の会社で秘書として働き、いまだのんきに独身生活を楽しんでいる風だった。やがて、そんな紀子に縁談話が立て続けに舞い込むのだったが……。  巨匠・小津安二郎監督を代表する傑作の1本。
A former American G.I. joins a yakuza family after his release from prison in post-World War II Osaka.
マッドバウンド 哀しき友情
In the post–World War II South, two families are pitted against a barbaric social hierarchy and an unrelenting landscape as they simultaneously fight the battle at home and the battle abroad.
第二次大戦後間もない1946年の冬。レイチェル・モーガンはドイツのハンブルクにやって来た。レイチェルの夫、ルイスはイギリス軍の大佐であり、ハンブルクの復興の任と占領に反抗するゲリラへの対処に追われていた。ロンドン大空襲で息子を亡くしたことは、夫婦関係にも暗い影を落としていた。 二人は軍が徴発した邸宅に滞在し、その間、家の元の持ち主であるステファン・ルバートとその娘は屋根裏部屋で暮らすことになる。レイチェルは息子の仇であるドイツ人と一緒に暮らすことになり、実に不快な気分になっていたが、ステファンの妻がハンブルク空襲に巻き込まれて亡くなったと知る。同じく戦争で家族を喪った傷を持つ二人は急速に惹かれ合っていく。スイスに家を建てて暮らそうと語るステファンだが、国外へ行くには非ナチ証明書が必要だった。レイチェルは友人を介して証明書発行に働きかけ、それを知ったルイスは二人の関係を悟る。
フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊
The staff of an American magazine based in France puts out its last issue, with stories featuring an artist sentenced to life imprisonment, student riots, and a kidnapping resolved by a chef.
An adaptation of Milena Agus' eponymous novel set after WWII, "Mal de Pierres" ("Mal di Pietre") spans 20 years, following the destiny of a passionate, free-spirited woman who is in a loveless marriage and falls for another man.
The Secrets We Keep
In post-World War II America, a woman, rebuilding her life in the suburbs with her husband, kidnaps her neighbor and seeks vengeance for the heinous war crimes she believes he committed against her.
Bad Day at Black Rock
One-armed war veteran John J. Macreedy steps off a train at the sleepy little town of Black Rock. Once there, he begins to unravel a web of lies, secrecy, and murder.
Spanning nearly four decades, this generational epic follows two Italian brothers from a middle-class family through some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history after their life paths diverge thanks to one fateful encounter during the summer of 1966.
Based upon the final confession of Adolf Eichmann, made before his execution in Israel, of his role in Hitler's plan for the final solution.
リプハーゲン: オランダ史上最悪の戦犯
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1944, during World War II. Andries Riphagen, a powerful underworld boss, has made his fortune by putting his many criminal talents at the service of the Nazi occupiers. But the long battle is about to end and the freedom fighters, who have been persecuted and murdered for years, are abandoning their hideouts to mercilessly hunt down those who have collaborated with the killers.
The Deep Blue Sea
The wife of a British Judge is caught in a self-destructive love affair with a Royal Air Force pilot.
Set in post-WWII Leningrad as two female soldiers return from war and attempt to rebuild their lives in the ravaged city.


ヘルホール ー悪霊館ー
In a monastery cut off from the world, the monks run a clinic for the possessed. One day, a young policeman Marek comes to the convent. Posing as a clergyman, he penetrates monastic life and tries to explain the recent, mysterious disappearance of several tormented inmates. It turns out, however, that there is no way out of the monastery.
When British aid worker Hana returns to Luxor, a sleepy city on the banks of the Nile, she comes across Sultan, a talented archeologist and former lover. As she wanders, haunted by the familiar place, she struggles to reconcile the choices of the past with the uncertainty of the present.