
Take Wing (2019)

ジャンル : ドラマ

上映時間 : 14分

演出 : Victor Costa Lopes


Ants fly in downtown Fortaleza on a dawn lost in time.



Victor Costa Lopes
Victor Costa Lopes


Impossible Things
Matilde is a woman who, after the death of her husband - a man who constantly abused her - finds her new best friend in Miguel, her young, insecure, disoriented and even dealer neighbor
ザ・パージ 魔法少女狩り
In a modern America where witches are real and witchcraft is illegal, a sheltered teenager must face her own demons and prejudices as she helps two young witches avoid law enforcement and cross the southern border to asylum in Mexico.
Best Sellers
A cranky, retired author reluctantly embarks on a final book tour to help out a young publisher.
サラは手芸用品店で働いており、休日は趣味の乗馬を楽しむ生活を送っていた。しかし、そんなサラの幸福な日常はある日を境にして崩れ始めた。その日以来、サラは悪夢に苛まれるようになり、ほどなくして夢遊病の症状が出るに至ったのである。サラの精神状態は悪化の一途を辿り、ついには「自分は祖母のクローンであり、エイリアンに誘拐されたことがある」と主張するようになった。 本作は現実と妄想の区別が徐々につかなくなっていくサラの姿を描き出す作品である。
Identifying Features
Magdalena, a mother in search of her missing son, meets Miguel, recently deported from the US and looking for his mother. Together, they make their way through the desolate and unforgiving militia-ridden landscapes south of the border.
When British aid worker Hana returns to Luxor, a sleepy city on the banks of the Nile, she comes across Sultan, a talented archeologist and former lover. As she wanders, haunted by the familiar place, she struggles to reconcile the choices of the past with the uncertainty of the present.
Madame Claude
Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empire is closer than she thinks.
Four brilliant university students are forced to confront themselves in terrifying ways when their Quantum Physics experiment leads to an entangled parallel existence that leaves them questioning who they are and what is real.
Ni tuyo, Ni mía
Amanda realizes that her perfect husband is having an affair. Instead of confronting him, she teams up with his husband's lover to understand what went wrong and win him back.
Blue Miracle
To save their cash-strapped orphanage, a guardian and his kids partner with a washed-up boat captain for a chance to win a lucrative fishing competition.
趣味の絵と本と想像の中で、自分の世界を生きるジョゼ。幼いころから車椅子の彼女は、ある日、危うく坂道で転げ落ちそうになったところを、大学生の恒夫に助けられる。 海洋生物学を専攻する恒夫は、メキシコにしか生息しない幻の魚の群れをいつかその目で見るという夢を追いかけながら、バイトに明け暮れる勤労学生。 そんな恒夫にジョゼとふたりで暮らす祖母・チヅは、あるバイトを持ち掛ける。それはジョゼの注文を聞いて、彼女の相手をすること。 しかしひねくれていて口が悪いジョゼは恒夫に辛辣に当たり、恒夫もジョゼに我慢することなく真っすぐにぶつかっていく。そんな中で見え隠れするそれぞれの心の内と、縮まっていくふたりの心の距離。その触れ合いの中で、ジョゼは意を決して夢見ていた外の世界へ恒夫と共に飛び出すことを決めるが……。
When Ana, an influencer, crashes her car while talking on the phone, she's shipped to her grumpy grandfather's farm -- and forced into a digital detox.
Black Box
Matthieu is a young and talented black box analyst on a mission to solve the reason behind the deadly crash of a brand new aircraft. Yet, when the case is closed by authorities, Matthieu cannot help but sense there is something wrong with the evidence. As he listens to the tracks again, he starts detecting some seriously disturbing details. Could the tape have been modified? Going against his boss' orders, Matthieu begins his own rogue investigation - an obsessional and dangerous quest for truth that will quickly threaten far more than his career...
A woman falls victim to a dominant mafia boss, who imprisons her and gives her one year to fall in love with him.
A Dickens classic brought thrillingly up to date in the teeming heartland of modern London, where a group of street smart young hustlers plan the heist of the century for the ultimate payday.
Blue Bayou
As a Korean-American man raised in the Louisiana bayou works hard to make a life for his family, he must confront the ghosts of his past as he discovers that he could be deported from the only country he has ever called home.
Dedicated to my ex
The film tells the story of Ariel, a 21-year-old who decides to form a rock band to compete for a prize of ten thousand dollars in a musical band contest, this as a last option when trying to get money to save their relationship and reunite with his ex-girlfriend, which breaks due to the trip she must make to Finland for an internship. Ariel with her friend Ortega, decides to make a casting to find the other members of the band, although they do not know nothing about music, thus forming a band with members that have diverse and opposite personalities.
貧しい家庭出身だが野心的なパトリツィア・レッジャーニ(レディー・ガガ)は、 イタリアで最も裕福で格式高いグッチ家の後継者の一人であるマウリツィオ・グッチ (アダム・ドライバー)をその知性と美貌で魅了し、やがて結婚する。 しかし、次第に彼女は一族の権力争いまで操り、 強大なファッションブランドを支配しようとする。 順風満帆だったふたりの結婚生活に陰りが見え始めた時、 パトリツィアは破滅的な結果を招く危険な道を歩み始める…。
When a young mother's home birth ends in unfathomable tragedy, she begins a year-long odyssey of mourning that fractures relationships with loved ones in this deeply personal story of a woman learning to live alongside her loss.
クリーン ある殺し屋の献身
「戦場のピアニスト」のオスカー俳優エイドリアン・ブロディが主演するアクション。 凄腕の元殺し屋で、いまは孤独なゴミ清掃員として暮らす男が、心を通わせた少女を助けるため戦いに身を投じる姿を描く。深夜の街でゴミ回収車を走らせ、廃品や廃屋の修理を趣味にしている寡黙な男。「クリーン」と呼ばれる彼は、孤独な日々の中で隣人のディアンダという少女と心を通わせていた。ある時、ディアンダが街のチンピラたちに目をつけられてしまい、クリーンはディアンダを救うためチンピラたちを打ちのめす。しかし、その中に街を牛耳る麻薬ギャングのボスの息子がいたことから、クリーンはギャングから追われる立場となってしまう。 エイドリアン・ブロディが主演のほか製作、脚本、音楽も手がけた。