
マザー/アンドロイド (2021)

We are all programmed to survive.

ジャンル : サイエンスフィクション, スリラー

上映時間 : 1時間 51分

演出 : Mattson Tomlin




Chloë Grace Moretz
Chloë Grace Moretz
Algee Smith
Algee Smith
Raúl Castillo
Raúl Castillo
Kiara Pichardo
Kiara Pichardo
Oscar Wahlberg
Oscar Wahlberg
Jared Reinfeldt
Jared Reinfeldt
Stephen Thorne
Stephen Thorne
Jon F. Merz
Jon F. Merz
Mr. Olson
Tamara Hickey
Tamara Hickey
Mrs Olsen
Linnea Gardner
Linnea Gardner
Christian J. Mallen
Christian J. Mallen
Liam McNeill
Liam McNeill
Jason Bowen
Jason Bowen
Boston Lieutenant
Hana Kim
Hana Kim
Korean Official
Benz Veal
Benz Veal
Will Lyman
Will Lyman
Owen Burke
Owen Burke
Officer Norton
Kate Avallone
Kate Avallone
Dr. Howe
Celeste Oliva
Celeste Oliva
Boston Doctor
David Pridemore
David Pridemore
Desperate Man
Steve M. Robertson
Steve M. Robertson
John Bucy
John Bucy
Young Soldier
Adobuere Ebiama
Adobuere Ebiama
Eumi Ahn
Eumi Ahn
Korean Nurse
Jose Guns Alves
Jose Guns Alves
Guy with Shotgun
Alex Lederman
Alex Lederman
Naked Soldier


Mattson Tomlin
Mattson Tomlin
Mattson Tomlin
Mattson Tomlin
Matt Reeves
Matt Reeves
Adam Kassan
Adam Kassan
Rafi Crohn
Rafi Crohn
Bill Block
Bill Block
Patrick Scola
Patrick Scola
Andrew Groves
Andrew Groves
Michelle Birsky
Michelle Birsky
Kevin Olken Henthorn
Kevin Olken Henthorn
Chelsea Ellis Bloch
Chelsea Ellis Bloch
Marisol Roncali
Marisol Roncali
Jeremy Woodward
Jeremy Woodward
Production Design
Heidi Pascoe
Heidi Pascoe
Stunt Double
Charles Miller
Charles Miller


Jaak and the Robot
Estonian/Soviet animation short. Jaak makes a robot that can do all the homework. Eventually, Jaak becomes so lazy that he sends the robot to school instead of himself. Then the robot gets very angry and punishes Jaak.
The Volunteer
A woman fleeing a dystopian city forms a connection with someone she cannot touch.
The Monster and the Ape
A famous scientist invents a humanoid robot (the titular "monster"), so a greedy rival scientist plans to steal it for use in his criminal plans. His henchmen often kidnap a trained gorilla (the titular "ape") from the zoo, to aid in the schemes.
Running Delilah
Top agent Delilah dies in a risky mission against weapon dealer Kercharian. But she's revived with high-tech medicine and artificial body parts. As invincible superwoman she returns and continues her fight against Kercherian, who's newest deal includes Plutonium from Russia.
Sleeping Dogs
A master jewel thief in 21st century Los Angeles targets the illegal emerald smuggling operations of a highly-connected crime syndicate. During what he believes to be a routine heist, cat burglar Harry Maxwell discovers that his target, notorious criminal Sanchez Boon is also the target of a police raid. In attempting to evade both the law and Boon's well-armed men, Harry meets Pandora Grimes, one of dozens of young women Boon kidnapped to work in his factory. When Boon sets a group of social deviants free and hijacks a space transport ship and its crew, only Harry and Pandora's cunning can save the hundreds of innocent people aboard.
Cinderella 2000
In the year 2047, sex is forbidden and Big Brother uses robots to keep an eye on everyone. One young girl tries to outwit the government so she can be with the man she loves.
Low-Flying Aircraft
Based on a the short story "Low Flying Aircraft" by J.G. Ballard and set in a near future where humans are dying breed. Judite and André flee to a semi-abandoned apartment complex to protect their mutant child from certain death.
An android fighting-machine (Mario Van Peebles) is charged with destroying a small brigade of rebels in a Latin American war who are fighting to maintain their freedom and protect their village. Contrary to his programming, Peebles decides to stay and assist the rebels in their plight. Having gained this information, his "creators" develop a more powerful android to try and defeat him.
Kill Command
テクノロジーへの依存が進んだ近未来を舞台に、海兵隊と戦闘用ロボット軍団が繰り広げる死闘を描いたイギリス製SFアクション。軍事訓練のため、とある孤島に降り立ったビュークス大尉率いる海兵隊員たち。しかしその島は、暴走した戦闘用ロボットたちによって支配されていた。ビュークス大尉らは生きて島から脱出するべく、充分な装備もないまま凶暴なロボットたちに立ち向かうが……。出演は「天使と悪魔」のデンマーク人俳優トゥーレ・リントハート、「エベレスト 3D」のバネッサ・カービー。新宿シネマカリテの特集企画「カリコレ2016/カリテ・ファンタスティック!シネマコレクション2016」(16年7月16日~8月19日)上映作品。
Intrusive Thoughts
Intrusive Thoughts starring Kenneth Miller, Larry Cedar, and Kristen DeVore Rakes. A young woman tortured by jealousy is waiting for her husband to return from work, while holding on to her last bit of sanity.
Requiem for a Robot
Rob, a worn out robot with a corrupt memory, drowns his sorrows of his 'screwed' existence in alcohol and asks himself the essential question: what did he do wrong? He needs to remember...
Neptune Frost
In the hilltops of Burundi, a group of escaped coltan miners form an anti-colonialist computer hacker collective. From their camp in an otherworldly e-waste dump, they attempt a takeover of the authoritarian regime exploiting the region's natural resources – and its people. When an intersex runaway and an escaped coltan miner find each other through cosmic forces, their connection sparks glitches within the greater divine circuitry.
Zone 2
Trapped in the bleak underworld of Zone 2, a mother and her disabled son fight for survival.


A wealthy teen and his friends attending an elite private school uncover a dark conspiracy while looking into a series of strange supernatural events.
Forever Out of My League
Marta may be an orphan, and she may be affected by a lethal illness, yet she is the most positive person one can meet. She wants a boy to fall for her. Not any boy - the most handsome of them all. One day, she may have found her match.
Tinder詐欺師: 恋愛は大金を生む
Posing as a wealthy, jet-setting diamond mogul, an Israeli conman wooed women online then conned them out of millions of dollars. Now some victims plan for payback.
暴力を働いて刑務所に送られていた、ルース・スレイター (サンドラ・ブロック)。刑期を終えて出所した彼女だったが、犯罪を犯した者を決して許そうとはしない社会の冷たさを感じる。故郷に戻るものの、そこでも人々からの厳しい批判や叱責を受けたルースは、犯してきた罪を償う意味も込めて、やむを得ぬ理由で置き去りにして離れ離れになったままの妹を見つけ出そうとする。
鋼の錬金術師 完結編 復讐者スカー
国家錬金術師ばかりを狙った連続殺人事件が起きる中央 (セントラル) を訪れたエドとアル。犯人は正体不明ながら、額に十字傷を持つことから "傷の男 (スカー)" と呼ばれていた。兄弟も命を狙われ応戦するものの、圧倒的な強さの前に機械鎧 (オートメイル) を破壊され、絶体絶命となる。果たして二人はこの危機を乗り越え、元の身体を取り戻すことができるのだろうか。隠されたこの国の秘密と“約束の日”、そしてエドとアルの父親の過去。幾重にも重なる謎と真実が解き明かされ、物語は圧巻のフィナーレへ。最後に兄弟が出した答えとは…?
A young woman is sent to Paradise Hills to be reformed, only to learn that the high-class facility's beautiful facade hides a sinister secret.
In the near future, Cameron Turner is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Presented with an experimental solution to shield his wife and son from grief, he grapples with altering their fate.
クワイエット・プレイス 破られた沈黙
マトリックス レザレクションズ
After a sudden global event wipes out all electronics and takes away humankind’s ability to sleep, chaos quickly begins to consume the world. Only Jill, an ex-soldier with a troubled past, may hold the key to a cure in the form of her own daughter. The question is, can Jill safely deliver her daughter and save the world before she herself loses her mind.
A small-town Oregon teacher and her brother, the local sheriff, discover a young student is harbouring a dangerous secret that could have frightening consequences.
アメリカ合衆国中西部に位置するラクーンシティ。自然豊かなこの街の郊外に以前は製薬会社アンブレラ社の工場が存在したが、今はその殆どの施設は移転してしまっている。 このアンブレラ社が秘密裏に研究開発を進めていた“何か”が街の住民達に大きな健康被害を与えているとのメッセージを受け取ったクレア。 ラクーンシティの施設で育ったクレアは、その真実を突き止めるべく、R.P.D.(ラクーン市警)で特殊部隊=S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である兄・クリスのもとを訪ねる。クレアはクリスにこの事実を訴えるも「お前は昔から陰謀論を持ち出すが、デタラメだ」と取り合ってくれない。 しかしその時、街中に大音量のサイレンが鳴り響く。 アンブレラ社から住民に自宅で待機するよう警報が発せられたのだ。 クリスは急ぎ署に出向き、S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である、ジル、ウェスカーと共に、郊外にあるスペンサー邸で消息を絶った同僚を捜索する為、ヘリコプターで出動する-。 一方、クレアはクリスを追いかけR.P.D.に-。 しかし、既に住民達の身体には変化が起き始めていた。 その皮膚は腐乱し、口や目から血液が流れ落ち、死体の様な状態にも関わらず、人肉を欲し彷徨うゾンビと化したのだ。 スペンサー邸ではクリス達の壮絶なサバイバルが繰り広げられ、R.P.D.内でも、クレアそして新人警官のレオンに、ゾンビ達が襲い掛かる。
Two people, a man and a woman, wake up naked and with their abdomens attached to each other.
When a husband and wife move to a small town, a home invasion leaves the wife traumatized and suspicious that those around her might not be who they seem.
地球に新たな脅威が迫るとき、7000年にわたり人智を超えた力で人類を密かに見守ってきた、10人の守護者がついに姿を現す。 彼らの名は、エターナルズ。だが、地球滅亡まで残された時間はたった7日。 タイムリミットが迫る中、彼らは離れ離れになった仲間たちと再び結集し、人類を守ることができるのか? そして、彼らを待ち受ける〈衝撃の事実〉とは…アベンジャーズに次ぐ、新たなヒーローチームの戦いが始まる!
Black Beauty
Born free in the American West, Black Beauty is a horse rounded up and brought to Birtwick Stables, where she meets spirited teenager Jo Green. The two forge a bond that carries Beauty through the different chapters, challenges and adventures.
A hiking trip into the wild turns into a desperate bid for survival for five friends on the run from a mysterious shooter.
J.R. is a fatherless boy growing up in the glow of a bar where the bartender, his Uncle Charlie, is the sharpest and most colorful of an assortment of quirky and demonstrative father figures. As the boy’s determined mother struggles to provide her son with opportunities denied to her — and leave the dilapidated home of her outrageous if begrudgingly supportive father — J.R. begins to gamely, if not always gracefully, pursue his romantic and professional dreams, with one foot persistently placed in Uncle Charlie’s bar.