Felipe Pérez Arroyo


Felipe Perez Arroyo worked as a producer for film and television projects.


El Club de los Corazones Rotos
Flesh to Play
Roberta is a normal teenaged girl - except for the fact that she suffers from a rare deformity. Therefore her father, a gifted surgeon, hides her in his house. He creates for her a false reality which makes her believe that all people are deformed. To achieve this, he resorts to extreme measures.
Ladies Nice
A groups of kids have a reckless party ignoring that their parent´s sins will fall over them
A tirones y empujones
Sex Express Coffee
Police detective Escobar attempts to capture an HIV+ internet predator who lures unsuspecting young men into sexual encounters while investigating the case of a man who was chopped into pieces and stuffed in his own refrigerator.
El Hijo de Judas
Cowboys Come Riding
Great friggin' flick! Roger Corman would be proud! A no-holds barred, adrenaline-fueled, thrill-ride with a pulse-pounding soundtrack! Influenced by the likes of Tony Scott, Martin Scorsese, Dennis Hopper, Sergio Leone, Edgar Wright, and Sam Raimi, with a story inspired by the music of Creedence Clearwater Revival. Cowboys - Gang life 4 ever is pure white rush adrenaline!
Mexican Standoff
Executive Producer
Mexican Standoff
Armadas y peligrosas
Madrazos En El Barrio
Samuel, father of two young girls who he loves deeply, is an official of a public transportation agency. Taking advantage of his influences to get illegal money, he allows some wrecked minibuses operated by minors to circulate without even caring. Much worse, Samuel is indifferent to the many accidents where innocent people get hurt. However, life will give him a great lesson.
Neza: Vice City
Lopaka is a rather simple looking dude, but he controls all the drug pushing, gangs and whores.
María Navajas
Eternal Passion
Gabriel has moved with his girlfriend to an old house. The discovery of some photographs become an obsession for him. The walls of the place hide a dark secret from which it will be very difficult to escape.
Enrique y Rolando son dos pránganas que trabajan montando equipos sonideros para los toquines de barriada a los que ellos mismos asisten. Soco, novia de Enrique, al parecer está embarazada. Luisa, madre de Rolando, es una lenona de buen corazón que da chamba a meretrices en desgracia, como Lola. Un psiquiatra se dedica a contratar los servicios de esas desvalidas pirujillas y a traficar con tachas. Uno de sus pacientes, Ramiro, es un esquizofrénico violento y padrotón que se convierte en su dealer.
Matadero en Laredo
Santificarás las Fiestas de Narcos
Executive Producer
La Guera Mendoza
Hitler's Clone
“Cuando el Hitler aparece, todos corren. Cuando el Hitler habla, todos se quedan callados. Unos dicen que es brujo, otros dicen que es un hijo del diablo y otros de plano no dicen nada. Lo que sí es cierto es que es el más pesado de los que han pasado por ahí. Y las hijas…esas son las peores. Y son capaces de todo por conseguir lo que ellas quieren, ya ni se diga por defender a su padre.”
Loco frenesí
Narco Gays
Max and Rony have ambitions to become high-class drug traffickers but are drawn into a series of events filled with excess.
Los cacos de Peralvillo
Luces de Nueva York
Executive Producer
La gripa colombiana
Executive Producer
El exterminador de la mafia
Executive Producer
The Galician who Conquered America
Executive Producer
Destino Traidor
Danik, el viajero del tiempo
Danik, El Viajero Del Tiempo tells the story of an architect dude (Oscar Bonfiglio) who's very irresponsible & extremely cruel. All this dude ever does is drink heavily, smoke heavily, and be cruel to his steady (& pregnant) girlfriend (Maribel Palmer). One night after drinking heavily (as usual), the architect dude is visited by a female alien being from the future. The femalien from the future tells him that 7 years ago she used him to conceive a child and that now is the time for him to meet Danik, their 7 year old martian child. The femalien wants Danik to learn stuff from his 'father' and she wants the 'father' to learn how to be a better person from Danik. So, human father & martian son start out rough at first but then they quickly get along, they start to improve themselves, and Danik uses his powers to entertain the neighborhood children.
Esta Noche Entierro a Pancho
Mujeres De La Calle: Prostitución y Sida
Las Garras del Vicio
Four provincial sisters abandoned as children by their mother, who was a cabaret star and was in vice. At the same time, one of her daughters decides to look for him, finding that the cabaret businessman, a mafia man, promises to help her enter the prostitution environment in order to find her mother. This takes advantage of the need and naivety of the provincial, drugging her to make sexual use of her.