Lee Seong-Je

出生 : , South Korea


Men of Plastic
Director of Photography
Dae-guk, a nosy man from Apgujeong, and Ji-woo, a cold but skillful plastic surgeon, open a plastic surgery business in Gangnam. Dae-guk is an unemployed man who likes to pry into other people’s businesses.
Director of Photography
Unable to remember anything about his life, a man begins regaining consciousness in a new body every 12 hours. Now, he must piece together his identity, all while evading attacks from pursuing agents and dangerous criminals alike.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Ancient Korea, 17th century. While the paranoid King Lee Jo of Joseon, vassal of the Qing dynasty, feels surrounded by conspirators and rebels, a dark evil emerges from the bowels of a merchant ship and the exiled Prince Lee Cheung returns to the royal court, ignoring that he will have to lead the few capable of defeating the ambitious humans and the bloody monsters who threaten to destroy the kingdom.
Director of Photography
「王の涙 イ・サンの決断」のヒョンビンと「ベテラン」「極秘捜査」のユ・ヘジンが、韓国と北朝鮮の刑事を演じたアクションエンタテインメント。アメリカドルの偽札を作成する犯罪組織の捜査にあたっていた北朝鮮の刑事イム・チョルリョンは、上司の裏切りにより仲間と妻を殺されてしまう。偽札作成の銅版を奪って韓国へ逃亡した組織から秘密裏に銅版を取り返すべく、北朝鮮はチョルリョンをソウルに派遣。北朝鮮から国際犯罪者の逮捕要請を受けた韓国は、歴史上初となる南北共助捜査を極秘に契約する。しかし、韓国サイドは北朝鮮の本当の思惑を探るため、担当刑事のカン・ジンテに偽装捜査を指令。ジンテはチョルリョンの監視任務を遂行する。ヒョンビンが北朝鮮サイドの刑事チョルリョン役を、ヘジンが韓国サイドの庶民派熱血刑事ジンテ役を演じるほか、「ビューティー・インサイド」などで知られ、2017年10月に事故で他界したキム・ジュヒョク、アイドルグループ「少女時代」のユナらが出演。
Time Renegades
Director of Photography
A high-school teacher in 1983 and a detective in 2015 join forces through their dreams to change the perilous fate of the woman they both love—30 years apart.
Director of Photography
ソウルの大学で不祥事に巻き込まれ、片田舎の講師として赴任してきた教授ハッキュ (チョン・ウソン)は、退屈な毎日に辟易していた少女ドク(イ・ソム)と、 激しい愛に溺れる。しかし、ハッキュは復職することになり、ドクに手切れ金を渡して別れよとする。時を同じくし、ハッキュのうつ病の妻は、娘の前で自殺してしまう― 8年後、ハッキュは作家として名声を浴び放蕩な日々を送っていたが、高校生になった娘のチョン(パク・ソヨン)は母親の自殺が父親のせいだと思い憎しみを抱いていた。ハッキュは病気で徐々に視力を失って行く。全てを失いかけたハッキュの前に現れた女セジョン。目がほとんど見えないハッキュはセジョンがドクだとは気づかず依存していく。ドクなしでは何もできなくなってしまったハッキュ、そして二人の関係に気づき嫉妬をするチョン。三人の危険な関係の中、ついに全てを手中に収めたドクは、ハッキュを破滅に導くが…
Director of Photography
サスペクト 哀しき容疑者
Director of Photography
Betrayed and on the run, a former North Korean agent tries to seek revenge on the man who killed his wife, find his missing daughter, and uncover the secrets hidden inside the eyeglasses of a dead man.
The Grand Heist
Director of Photography
Ice suddenly becomes a more valuable commodity during the Joseon Dynasty and a gang of eleven professionals are assigned to protect the market situation from irresponsible people.
Director of Photography
Man-ho is a pacemaker for Korean national marathon team. His purpose is to stay ahead of others until the 30km mark. But he gradually grows a desire to run for the victory.
Director of Photography
A Korean man in China takes an assassination job in South Korea to make money and find his missing wife. But when the job is botched, he is forced to go on the run from the police and the gangsters who paid him.
Director of Photography
A detective suspects that his wife murdered a gangster's brother. As he tries to misdirect the police and the bloodthirsty gangster while independently investigating his wife, terrible secrets slowly begin to surface.
Director of Photography
Joong-ho is a dirty detective turned pimp in financial trouble as several of his girls have recently disappeared without clearing their debts. While trying to track them down, he finds a clue that the vanished girls were all called up by the same client whom one of his girls is meeting with right now.
The City of Violence
Camera Operator
Tae-su, a detective fighting organized crime, returns to his hometown for his high school friend Wang-jae's funeral. There, he meets his old friends Pil-ho, Dong-hwan and Seok-hwan and they reminisce. Suspecting something fishy about Wang-jae's death, Tae-su and Seok-hwan start investigating it, each in his own way. Their investigations lead to a land development project that Pil-ho is directing.