Old Woman
Sayo Kujo
One day, Hikojiro goes to visit Sayo Kujo, an old lady who has been hospitalized. Sayo has been told that she has a year to live by assistant professor Natsuhiko Moriwaki, and insists on returning to the house she was born and raised in. It so happens that Hikojiro will be the one to treat her at home from now on. At the university hospital, Hikojiro runs into a familiar face - Hazuki, the daughter of Tetsuji Tonoyama, the man who taught Hikojiro how to make takoyaki. Hazuki is now a nurse at the university hospital and Hikojiro is surprised to see a strange poster on the hospital bulletin board that implies she's having an affair with Moriwaki. The hospital is currently preparing to elect a new chief surgeon, and the candidates are assistant professors Moriwaki and Shinsuke Noguchi, heads of the first and second surgical department. Both of their factions have been publishing defamatory statements about each other.
Hirotoshi Honda, a teacher of a prestigious private girl’s high school, is arrested on suspicion of violating the nuisance prevention ordinance for molestation on a train and sent to prosecutor Sakata. High school student Reina claims he touched her buttocks in the packed train but Honda denies the crime and calls it a fabrication and claims he was blackmailed by Reina on the train platform. Reina denies his allegation. Even for a misdemeanor, Sakata believes not pursuing the truth is like death as a prosecutor.
Sae Anekoji
京都市内で起きた爆弾騒ぎを見事に収束させた様子がネットで拡散された上、新聞に京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)のインタビューが掲載され、宅間善人(草彅剛)の能力が話題に。京都府内の各所轄署から未解決事件捜査の依頼が殺到する。一方で高倉は、宅間を復職させるために急造した『特別捜査係』を解体することを示唆。姉小路千波(南果歩)に警察学校教官のポストを打診するなど、謎めいた行動に出ていた。そんな中、嵐山市の非公認キャラ・ニシンバァ~が誘拐され、特別捜査係に捜査の依頼が入る。はじめは「着ぐるみが盗まれただけの盗難事件」と高を括る姉小路たちだったが、宅間が語った話から誘拐の可能性を視野に入れ、捜査を開始する。その矢先、姉小路の自宅にニシンバァ~の着ぐるみの指が送られてくる! 送り主は『ハウプトマン』というクラウドファンディングのサイト。クラウドファンディングとは、群衆と資金調達を組み合わせた言葉で、インターネット上で資金提供を呼びかけ、賛同した人に財源の提供や協力を募るというもので、今回の場合、賛同者には“フラッシュモブ”が行なわれる時間と場所が通知される、という趣旨のものだったが、そこに姉小路の義母・小枝(江波杏子)が誤って12万円もの大金を出資してしまっていたのだ! 『ハウプトマン』のサイトを見た宅間は、それがイベント出資募集ではなく犯罪への出資の募集だと指摘。ほかにも“Dillinger(デリンジャー)”“Ponzi(ポンジ)”“Young(ヤング)”といった実在する海外の凶悪犯罪者の名を冠した同様のサイトが存在することから、資金が目標額に達した際は、その犯罪者に倣った犯罪が起こるのではないかと推測する。そしてこれは『クラウドファンディング』ではなく、『クライム(犯罪)ファンディング』であると、宅間は命名するのだった。アメリカには、ブルーノ・リチャード・ハウプトマンという誘拐犯が実在し、今回のニシンバァ~誘拐事件とファンディングサイトの出資募集が関連していたことを知った姉小路たちは、誘拐事件の再捜査を開始。・・・宅間善人がシリーズ史上最悪の殺人計画に挑む!
Sae Anekoji
人材派遣会社経営の久保田周がバットで撲殺される。現場には凶器と思われる金属バットと古いオモチャのようなものが落ちていた。京都府警本部長の高倉(大杉漣)から現場に出るよう命じられた宅間善人(草彅剛)ら特別捜査係の面々は捜査を開始。すると遺留品の古いオモチャが、10数年前に宅間が京都府警広報課に在籍していたときに作った『京都を守る正義のキョートマン7』というフィギュアだったこと、そして『キョートマン7』はそれぞれ違った職業のキャラクター7人で構成されており、今回の現場に置かれていたものは“検事”を表わすものだったことがわかる。奇しくも久保田は元京都地検の部長検事だった…!宅間は「これは俺が解くべき事件」と言い、これまでコンビを組んできた姉小路千波(南果歩)にコンビ解消を告げる。独自に捜査を始めた宅間は、警察官だった千波の夫・竹彦が殺された事件の現場に、警察官の制服を着た『キョートマン7』が遺されていたことを発見! 以前に“脚本家”と呼ばれる服役囚・佐神稚洋(上川隆也)が「12年前の姉小路さんのご主人の事件と、あなたが冤罪になった事件は繋がっています」と語っていたことが真実味を帯びてくるのだった…。宅間の行動を不審に思った千波は彼を問い詰め、その事実を聞き出す。「これからどんな危険なことがあるかわからないから姉小路さんを巻き込むわけにはいかなかった」という宅間を制し、松原唯子(芦名星)、堀川耕平(平岡祐太)ら特別捜査係のメンバーとともに12年前の事件についての捜査を開始。すると、現場に『キョートマン7』が遺された同様の事件が数件存在していたことが判明する!宅間が作ったフィギュアが関わる数々の事件に関連性はあるのか?あるならば、その犯人とは?わずかな手がかりから宅間たちは事件の真相に切迫。そして思いがけない人物にたどり着く…。さらに宅間の冤罪事件に関する衝撃事実も明らかに…。
Sae Anekoji
京都の街にアルファベットと数字で書かれた謎の暗号が出現。京都を東西南北に走る通りが交差するところに、数字が描かれたステッカーが貼られる。気になって調べ始めた宅間と千波たち特別捜査係は、ステッカーが貼られた地点で必ず事件が起きていることを突き止める! アルファベットと数字…いったい誰が何のために設置したものなのか? そこに隠された意味とは何なのか? それを探り始めた矢先、暗号の地点で死体が見つかってしまう…!事件の背後に浮かんだ佐神稚洋(上川隆也)という人物。その男に会うため、宅間は10年間慣れ親しんだ滋賀中央刑務所に潜入することになる。一方、京都府警本部長・高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)の元には、衆議院議員の清滝悦子(前田美波里)、京都第二医師会の副会長・恩知由紀彦(長谷川初範)、関西教育委員会委員長の出水宣郎(名高達男)、弁護士の日暮勇輔(中丸新将)といった京都の要人たちが集まっていた。どうやら彼らは何者かに脅迫されているようで…?そんな中、ついにふたつめの殺人事件が! そしてその現場にも謎の数字が残されていた…。謎のステッカーに導かれ、事件は思わぬ方向へ展開していく!
Mrs. Ootani
Sae Anekoji
琵琶湖の畔にある『滋賀中央刑務所』からひとりの男が出所した。男の名前は宅間善人(草彅剛)。10年前に殺人未遂罪で逮捕・起訴され懲役15年の判決を受けて刑務所に服役していたが、事件から10年たった今、意識不明だった被害者が突如目を覚まし、自分に暴行を加えたのは宅間ではないと証言。10年前の事件の冤罪が証明され、晴れて出所することとなったのだ。刑務所を出た宅間の前に、京都府警副本部長の高倉紀一郎(大杉漣)が現れる。事件当時、京都府警広報課に在籍していた宅間を再び京都府警に復職させ、『特別捜査係』という、仰々しい名前は形だけの閑職を作ったのだった。実は宅間は『犯罪者の心理を知る』スペシャリスト。服役中に犯罪者の「犯行の手口」「犯罪に使う技能」「犯罪に走った背景や心理的傾向」…すべてをデータとして記憶に焼き付けた、という特異な能力を持つ、いわば犯罪に精通した人物なのだ。『特別捜査係』には元捜査一課のおばさん刑事・姉小路千波(南果歩)をはじめとした個性的なメンバーが集められていた。千波は宅間とは真逆で、被害者に寄り添い、犯罪者を憎むタイプの熱血刑事。捜査一課よりも自由に犯罪捜査ができるようになる、と意気込んで『特別捜査係』にやってきた千波は、閑職という現実にがく然とする。さらに、宅間とタッグを組むことになってしまい、ひと癖もふた癖もある宅間という男の存在に、千波らは終始イライラ…。元捜査二課の松原唯子(芦名星)、元警備部の堀川耕平(平岡祐太)、そして元鑑識課の猪熊佐千夫(佐戸井けん太)といった同僚、上司たちもひと筋縄ではいかないスタッフが集まっていた。 そんな折、事件捜査への意欲に溢れる千波が、捜査一課で未解決の4つの殺人事件を『特別捜査係』に持ち込んでくる。一見、まったく無関係に見えたこれらの殺人事件だったが、宅間はある法則を発見。宅間と千波はその推論をもとに、反発し合いながらも事件解決へと突き進んでいく!
Ouran Academy is a prestigious school with most students coming from wealthy families. One of the few students who comes from a modest background is Haruhi Fujioka (Haruna Kawaguchi). Through unexpected circumstances, Haruhi Fujioka ends up joining the male "host club," while hiding her gender. Friendship and love grows between Haruhi Fujioka and the male "host club" members.
日本警察の要所・警視庁本部内で、前代未聞の人質籠城事件が発生した!人質は、田丸警視総監、長谷川副総監をはじめとした各部の部長ら幹部12名。現場となった会議室は機動隊と特殊捜査班SITによって完全に包囲されるが、犯人の動機は不明。要求もないまま、いたずらに時間が過ぎていくのだった。 いち早く事件に気づいたのは、偶然にも犯人の男と遭遇した神戸尊とその連絡を受けた杉下右京。右京は会議室内の様子を把握することが肝心と、鑑識の米沢守や元特命係の陣川公平の協力を得て、誰も予想しなかった奇策に出た。 内村刑事部長ら幹部たちが囚われているため、実質的トップの立場になった中園参事官が捜査本部の指揮をとることになったが、一向に進展しない事態に、捜査一課の伊丹憲一、三浦信輔、芹沢慶二らは苛立ちを募らせるばかり。と、そこに右京が持ってきた情報によって、籠城犯が元警視庁刑事の八重樫哲也だと判明。にもかかわらず捜査の外に追いやられてしまう特命係の2人だったが、籠城前に尊が八重樫から助け出した女性が総務部装備課の朝比奈圭子だとつきとめた。 そんな時、緊迫する会議室内から2発の銃声が響いた!右京の強固な反対にも関わらず、中園らの指示で強行突入したSITと機動隊員たちが発見したのは何者かに撃たれて絶命している八重樫だった。無事に保護された人質全員には薬残渣があり、発砲犯は特定できない…。開放と同時に、12名の幹部たちは容疑者となってしまった。大河内監察官の事情聴取に12名は「もみあっている最中に拳銃が発射されたため、誰が撃ったのかはまったくわからない」と曖昧な証言をし、八重樫からの要求については、皆が一様に口を閉ざすことに疑問を持った右京と尊は、角田課長らの協力を得て、独自に幹部たちへの聞き込みをはじめる。 一方、事件の報告を受けた警察庁幹部の小野田官房室長は、金子警察庁長官とともに、不穏な動きを見せ始めていた…。 徐々に明らかになってくる事実。それは、八重樫や圭子が関わっていた過去の大きな事件に関する、衝撃の真相だった!
Eiko Tezuka
***Kyouko-san (Miss Kyouko)
A young therapist at a hospital investigates when a spirit appears and kills people who say "Kyouko-san, Kyouko-san, please make me pretty" to the bathroom mirror. ***Buchou OL (Manager-OL) [office lady]
An OL and her boss switch bodies. ***Kinou Kouen (Yesterday at the park)
Domoto Koichi plays a man who loses his friend due to a freak accident. He then finds that through a time slip, he can return to the previous day and save his friend. ***Neko ga Ongaeshi (Cat Repays a Favor)
Kashiwagi Emi (Uchiyama Rina) is unable to get over her grandmother's death. Her cat Kuro decides he will cure her loneliness. ***Kazoku Kaigi (Family Meeting)
A family of three meet with a car accident, but strangely wake up in their home the next morning. They are then told that they have to sacrifice one of them so two may live.
Kab-Soos Mutter
This movie is a political/espionage thriller, based on a real kidnapping incident of Korean politician, Kim Dae-Jun.
The Tailor's Wife
Fumiyo Takasugi
In the midst of a bad economy, Yokoyama, the vice president of Taiyo Real Estate, launches a plan to cut back on his labor force. Fifty employees are segregated into a special assignment division and given an ultimatum: meet a sales goal of 1.5 billion yen within three months or be fired. Spiteful of their unjust treatment, two men, Shinoda and Takigawa, take up the battle against the ruthless Yokoyama.
Matsuko Ogasawara, Head nurse
A drama about a nurse starring Hiroko Yakushimaru
In a maelstrom of evil, can a new magistrate, samurai Mochizuki Koheita, with a reputation like an alley cat, bring order to the town of Horisoto, or is he, too a corrupt villain looking to gain wealth from the oppressed people? From the pen of famed samurai author Yamamoto Shugoro, this exciting tale turns the tables on the standard samurai story with a unique lead character previously portrayed in Ichikawa Kon’s “Dora Heita.”
This is a series of three short supernatural-themed movies. The first tells the story of a teen girl who dreams of haunted doll. In the second movie, a widowed mother brings her children to a house in the woods to help them forget the death of their father. While in the woods one of the children meets a ghost that wants more than just to be friends. The last movie tells the story of three teen-aged girls who go on vacation, only to find themselves at a haunted inn.
Based on the comic by Hidenori Hara.
Despite his efforts of living a normal life as a banker, the life of Toru, the only son of the Yubari Family, becomes disrupted by trouble brought on by his father. When his father’s battle against his rival group the Miike Family ignites, Toru becomes more involved in the turf war than he wished for.
Yayoko Kure
Kiku Akimoto
Okera no Roku
Remake of classic samurai film of 1932
A man who lost his wife and a woman whose husband died have a fateful meeting in connection with a double suicide and fall madly in love.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Keiko Yazawa
After Emiko, a bookstore owner, is driven to suicide by loan sharks, her orphaned son Eisuke decides to take his revenge on them. As Eisuke has no relatives, he is taken in by Keiko, who keeps an eye out for him due to his unusual behavior. One day, Eisuke breaks into the loan company with an improvised gun. In the moment, Keiko ends up becoming Eisuke's accomplice and helps him succeed in the robbery. However, the two are surprised when they hear something on the TV news that differs from the truth.
Sayo has just celebrated her sixteenth birthday when she attends a temple festival. On her way back she sees a large cherry tree which is infamous for the legend of dead white horse. When her fiancé returns from war and visits her he comes across a white horse which he takes in. The man also does not see himself engaged anymore as his family has lost its wealth.
Adaptation of a 1956 novel by Yukio Mishima.
Political fixer Homei Yamaoka's misdeeds come to light, throwing Japanese politics into deadly confusion. But he's not going down without a fight.
「柳生一族の陰謀」の深作欣二と萬屋錦之介が忠臣蔵に挑んだ大型時代劇。様式美にとらわれないドキュメンタリータッチの作風で描く。 吉良上野介に対し刃傷に及んだ浅野内匠頭が切腹させられ、赤穂はお家断絶となり、領地を召し上げられてしまう。大石内蔵助は家臣たちから誓紙血判を集め、仇討ちの準備を始める。
Kayo Senbou
A model must cope with the stress of fame after a marketing executive transforms her into a sports celebrity.
Ryu, a low life thug, along with his mother, steals a shipment of drugs. Now with his machine gun and a gang of hoodlums, he must face the yakuza and the mafia.
Ken's older sister Yoko, who has raised Ken like a mother, decides to move to Brazil with an older man.
Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Isako Nakazato
A young girl is being asked about a man with whom she was keeping company, as her grandmother plays a lament on a shamisen. Then the focus changes to a couple arriving from Tokyo - the woman returning to her home, the man an escapee from the yakuza. The man doesn't seem to mind when the woman sells her favours to tourists at the local bar, just as she seems to take his attentions to Yuki, a blind girl, with equanimity.
Oyu (Yuu-san)
Kogarashi Monjiro is a lone samurai who agrees to take responsibility for a murder that his friend committed so that he can stay with his dying mother, with the expectation that his friend will confess and get him pardoned once she dies. Monjiro is sentenced to an island for prisoners. When he discovers that his friend's mother has died over a year ago, Monjiro seeks to escape with a group of prisoners in order to get his revenge.
Fujiko wanders aimlessly through the country, seeking vengence on the man she onced loved, who betrayed her, and destroying her family and her life. When she discovers that man had already died, she loses her will to live. But in a twist of fate, she meets Tatsumi, a raising star in the Horikawa Family. She quickly falls in love with him and his yakuza lifstyle. But when Tatsumi is chosen to but the next Boss of the family, his jealous sworn brother Morito kills him with the help of a mysterious man behind the scenes. Now Fujiko becomes a Bakuto, a wandering yakuza gambler, and once again, walks the bloody path of vengence...
After going to prison for killing the boss of the Kanno gang, Seji Iwahashi (Tatsuya Nakadai) gets released early -- only to find that his former gang has merged with the Kannos. But with bitter resentments lingering on both sides, how long will it be before the bloodshed begins anew? Set in 1926 Japan, this serpentine crime thriller from director Hideo Gosha also stars Toshio Kurosawa and Isao Natsuyagi as Iwahashi's closest ally.
The woman gambler Ginko risks her life for her brother-in-law.
Japanese crime film
16th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
15th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
14th in the 17 film Daiei "Woman Gambler" series
Kayo Fukuzawa
Japanese crime film.
Twelfth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Eleventh film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Tenth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Eighth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Seventh film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Ninth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Sixth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Fifth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Third film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Fourth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Second film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Quick Drawer Dog (早射ち犬 Hayauchi inu) is a 1967 film directed by Tetsutarō Murano. It is the eighth film in the Inu series.
After a random encounter at a bar, two couples collide. Two men, two women, embroiled in a love-and-hate drama that threatens to engulf them. The sexual anxiety between the interwoven couples tautens right up to the nearly unbearable tension of the climax...
Onna no Toba, is the first film in long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin. The series gets cited on lists of action yakuza films or woman avenger films, but once the films are actually viewed, it is quickly obvious they are not generally about action except in the nominal sense of acts of gambling. And while Ogin is in fact sometimes motivated by revenge, she is not as a rule a martial artist or a killer, & this series tends to place its female hero as far away from the "action babe" method as she can get. Ogin is an honest dealer in the criminal underworld of yakuza-run gambling. She is samurai-like in that she sets out to become Japan's number one dealer, much as a samurai might go on his "warrior's pilgrimage" to become Japan's number one swordsman.
Carmen Oharu
Film by director Kenji Misumi
ガメラシリーズ第2作。 前作「大怪獣ガメラ」から半年後。ガメラを宇宙に追放したZプランのロケットが隕石と衝突。自由の身となったガメラは地球に戻り黒部ダムを襲撃、電気エネルギーを吸収するとさらに別の熱エネルギーを求めて何処かへ去って行った。一方、ニューギニアの奥地にある禁忌の地「虹の谷」から日本に持ち帰られたオパールへ、不注意から赤外線が照射され続けたことにより、オパールの中から虹色の光線を出す伝説の怪獣バルゴンが出現。神戸港に上陸して港を破壊、大阪へと東進したバラゴンは冷凍液により大阪各地を破壊していく。 そこへ出現したガメラと激しい戦闘が繰り広げられるが、バラゴンによりガメラは凍結されてしまう。 水に弱いことが判明したバラゴンを琵琶湖へ誘導する作戦が開始されるが、あと一歩のとのところで作戦は失敗。しかし作戦の影響により凍結から復活したガメラが再度出現。二大怪獣による琵琶湖を挟んだ決闘が繰り広げられる…。
A young man is determined to have as many affairs as possible but not to get married. One of his conquests is of a different mind however. For she is pregnant and so he agrees to live with her. But he misses very much the other younger girl whom he saw a lot of, and with the older woman's consent, sees the younger one and on her request, asks her to move in with them. This is the beginning of a very strange triangle which they all live through to a not unhappy ending.
Adaptation of Seicho Matsumoto's novel of the same name.
Mayumi Shibata
Third film in the "Inu" series.
First movie of the Inu series directed by Tokuzō Tanaka
Emi Aoyama
Namiko gets a crush on Ishizuka, a young CEO of a nightclub, but he was plotting to destroy her husband’s company by greenmail.
A detective investigates a criminal organization's involvement in real estate.
Junko Hamanaka
Ide of the Kokusai Rayon Company visits a supermarket and finds cheap shirts being passed off as his company's products. But a closer look reveals that the last letter of "Kokusai" has been changed to "n" and reads "Kokusan." The buyers, however, are all under the impression that they are buying Kokusai shirts. Ide begins an investigation to find out where the shirts are being made, but before he is able to uncover anything, he is killed on a train and his little black book, filled with secret data, is stolen. Sugino then starts a one-man search for both the killer and the factory turning out the cheap shirts.
Megumi Tokumaru
Three stories about the relationship between men and women: "Playgirl" (Masumura/Shirasaka), "Company No. 2" (Yoshimura/Kasahara), and "San Nyotai" (Kinugasa/Shindô).
父は停年期、 娘は適齢期、息子は反抗期、部下は失恋期、内外そろって繁忙期!
Seventeen years after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a newspaper reporter looks for the bomb's effects, but everyone seems to have forgotten. He meets a woman who was there when it happened but when they fall in love she isn't able to move on.
Sayuri Maki
Masumi Domoto
A love melodrama.
1962 Japanese movie
Naoko Yamamura
Obscure Masamura film shot in 1961
Yamawaki Satoko
A young girl is rigorously trained in the feminine arts so that she can become a geisha. As she struggles through life, she learns to live not just as a woman but as a complete person.
During Japan's Warring States period three young Tokugawa vassals head their separate ways after Takeda Shingen's forces overran their castle. When they next meet they have all joined opposing sides.
Mikoto Fuji
Contemporary musical drama film by Yasuzo Masumura.
Nurse Miyata
Set in 1926 when Japanese tradition was much stronger, this drama looks at the inner workings of a small family, especially the relationship between a sister and brother.
Ko Tanomura, who was ordered to study abroad in the United States for two years as a youth executive at Haneda Airport and a royal industry, was looking for the appearance of Sako Ozegawa from a large number of see-offs. --Kou's father, Cheongju, is an authority on religious studies, and Orie is his third wife. Eiko, who is a distant relative of Orie, came to Tokyo to care for her sick. Two months ago, Ko, who first met Eiko, was deeply moved...
Japanese "kayo" film centered around the song "Dare yori mo kimi wo aisu" by Kazuko Matsuo.