Sho Aikawa

Sho Aikawa

出生 : 1965-08-09, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan


Sho Aikawa, born Noboru Aikawa is a Japanese screenwriter specializing in anime and tokusatsu works.


Sho Aikawa


炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャー 10 YEARS GRANDPRIX
走輔たちゴーオンジャーがガイアークとの激闘を制してから、10年。 その間、ヒューマンワールドにはかつてない平和が訪れていた。防衛大臣・野泉進一郎は“鎖国バリア”を発動し、他のブレーンワールドからの侵略を完全に遮断。さらに“Nチップ”と呼ばれる、財布・携帯・身分証を兼ねるチップを国民に無料配布し、エコで便利な社会を作り上げていた。一方、ゴーオンジャーは鎖国バリアにより、炎神たちと離れ離れになり力を失っていた。さらに、大翔が野泉に自爆テロを仕掛けたとして“戦隊 活動禁止法”が可決される。ゴーオンジャーは正義の味方から一転、悪のテロリストとして世間から恐れられる存在になってしまった……! そんな折、彼らの前に謎の少年・走児が現れる。彼は懐にベアールVの炎神キャストを隠し持っており、そのことで特別警察に追われていた。走児を助け出した走輔たちは、国家を敵に回しての逃走劇を繰り広げる。しかし彼らの前に立ちはだかったのは、なんと、早輝だった。早輝はゴーオンジャーと決別し、政府の広報官として野泉に仕えていたのだ! 特別警察の手を逃れたゴーオンジャーの面々は、走児がベアールVを拾ったという場所へ急行する。そこは、Nチップ研究所の目の前で……。 果たして早輝はなぜ袂を分かったのか?野泉大臣に隠された秘密とは? 世界を巻き込む大事件を前に、すべてを奪われたゴーオンジャーの運命はいかに!?
行って帰ってきた烈車戦隊トッキュウジャー 夢の超トッキュウ7号
The year is 2025, 10 years after the fight against Z. The ToQgers are all grown up and have now entered life. But one day, the Shadow Line reappears and the fight must resume. Right and his friends try to repel them but they can’t transform because they lack imagination. Fortunately for them, a mysterious purple warrior appears to save them. Will they be able to defeat the Evil Army Shadow Line once and for all? Will they find the ultimate imagination?
UN-GO episode:0 因果論
炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャー BUNBUN!BANBAN!劇場BANG!!
炎神戦隊ゴーオンジャー BONBON!BONBON!ネットでBONG!!
轟轟戦隊ボウケンジャーTHE MOVIE 最強のプレシャス
劇場版 鋼の錬金術師 シャンバラを征く者
舞台は1923年のドイツ(ワイマール共和国)にあるミュンヘン。この頃のドイツでは、第一次世界大戦敗戦後の、インフレに伴う貧困に喘ぎながら、それでも人々は懸命に生きていた。 アニメ最終話で錬金術世界から現実世界へと飛ばされたエドワードは18歳になり、元の世界に戻る為にロケット工学を研究していたが、先の見えない現実に焦燥していた。その頃、エドの同居人で「自らの手でロケットを作りたい」と夢見るアルフォンス・ハイデリヒは、パトロンを得て念願のロケット製作に着手する。しかしその裏には謎の組織・トゥーレ協会の陰謀が隠されていた。 あるとき、街で行われたカーニバルに来ていたエドワードは一人の女性に出会った。彼女の名は「ノーア」。彼女には、自分が触った相手の心の中や記憶を観る事ができるという不思議な力があった。彼女は「ジプシー」と呼ばれる被差別民族で、自分たちのことは「ロマ」と呼んでいた。そんな彼女と出会ったエドワードは、次第にドイツで起ころうとしている壮大な計画へと巻き込まれてゆく。そしてそれは同時に、錬金術世界の破滅の危機をも意味していた。 一方、アメストリスで13歳に成長したアルフォンスは兄を探す旅に出る。アルはエドとともに旅した4年間の記憶を失くしていたのだった。そして大切な思い出とともに、希望が時に予想だにしない悲劇を引き起こすことになるということも忘れていた。「兄さんに会いたい」その純粋な想いの果てに悲劇が待っているとは知らずに…。 引き裂かれた兄弟、シャンバラを求める者。門の鍵を為す者、様々な人間の思惑と欲望を孕んで物語の幕は再び上がる。
ラブひな クリスマススペシャル 〜サイレント・イヴ〜
As another round of preliminary tests approach for Keitarō, so does Christmas. And as the first Christmas of the millennium, there is a rumor that if one confesses his love on this special eve it will come true. Keitarō has decided what he needs to do on this Christmas eve. But being a retaker, can he afford taking attention away from the tests on the same day?
ウルトラニャン2 ハッピー大作戦
Ultra-Nyan's adventures continue. This time, he is tasked with finding the cause of the crows' sudden declaration of war upon the cats.
超神伝説うろつき童子 完結編
Only one episode of this was partially completed, the released version containing numerous examples of animation that is missing in-between frames. The story as such concerned the arrival of the real Chojin as he/she (a hermaphrodite) makes moves to wipe out all life on Earth. Interestingly, the setup for the show was far more heavily connected with the first two, more popular, chapters in the Urotsukidoji saga, with appearances by Nagumo and Akemi (unseen since the early episodes of Part III), and redesigned character models that more closely resembled the earlier episodes. Some of the less popular characters introduced in chapters III and IV, particularly Buju, were nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, such strategies did little to get this final saga off the ground and the story was shelved.
As the nations of the world begin to merge, world peace is threatened by the private armies of individual corporations. The Kuryu Group has just discovered a weapon that will tip world power in their favor. The Genocyber: a nightmarish combination of cybernetics and psychic potential. Many desire to control this monstrosity, but can its hatred be contained... Battle erupts, and the cyberpunk world of the future is about to explode with violence.
Ultraman - The Alien Invasion
Original Story
Jack Shindo and Stanley Haggard are astronauts doing research on the planet Mars. On a routine mission to survey the desolate landscape, they found out that there are other living creatures on the planet! Their biggest threat is Goudis, whose monsters have been ordered to kill all life on earth. Returning from a mission on Mars, the Ultraman has to take on Goudis to save the planet and all the human beings on Earth!
超神伝説うろつき童子 魔胎伝
In this sequel to Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend, the unbelievable sexual violence of the Overfiend and his cohorts from Hell continues to wreak havoc on the earth. Who can stop this relentless onslaught?
13 scientists seek to tap genetic powers by creating a hybrid of man and beast. Years later, 13 of their children are embroiled in a battle to undo their handiwork, while Shinichi, the son of one of the scientists, teams up with Christian super-beings to save the world.
女戦士エフェ&ジーラ グーデの紋章
When an American scientist carrying a cure for the AIDS virus is kidnapped by an arms merchant, John Kyosuke is forced back from retirement. He accepts the challenge to regain pocession of the anti-serum. He finds out that some of the people he is after are closely related, which gives his conquest a whole new meaning.
戦国奇譚 妖刀伝 総集編
The year is 1580, and the unholy armies of Lord Nobunaga Oda spread across Japan, murdering all who oppose them. Narrowly escaping the slaughter of her clan, a young ninja steals into the shadows. She is the last of her kind, and the dagger she wields is one of three mystical blades that can end Lord Oda's rule. On her quest to overthrow the tyrant, she is joined by two other renegade ninja, possessors of the sacred sword and spear. Together, these shadow warriors must unite their weapons and skills to fulfill the Prophesy of the Enchanted Swords... or die trying.
Chôjin densetsu 3: Kanketsu jigoku hen
超神伝説 うろつき童子
バイオレンスジャック / 地獄街編
After disasters have all but destroyed the Earth, leaving entire cities buried, one man named Violence Jack tries to avert a civil war brewing among the wretched inhabitants of a subterranean metropolis called Evil Town. The known world is now a nightmare after a series of natural disasters. Survivors struggle to survive the harsh conditions. Evil Town is divided into three warring factions each fighting for supremacy.
Kaze wo Nuke!
In the world of motocross, 16-year-old Satoshi Ichimonji fights his way from the novice grade up to Junior Cross championship.
Its central characters are a vampire girl named Miyu and her demonic companion Larva. Miyu is the daughter of both a human and a shinma (demon) and as such she was awakened as the guardian whose destiny is to hunt down all stray shinma and send them back to the darkness.