Director of Photography
Alex doesn't have much work to do at his father's video store. But when the likewise film-loving Fátima enters the shop, his boredom is suddenly over.
Director of Photography
Rosa, is a prostitute who inherited the profession from Antonia, her mother, who thinks she is Sara Montiel and turns her daily life in a hell. Rosa does not know how to be happy. She just can not. But the unexpected arrival of a new member to her particular (and absurd) family will give her a unique opportunity to achieve happiness
First Assistant Camera
1980年、スペインのアンダルシア。湿地帯にある小さな町で、2人の少女の行方がわからなくなる。やがて彼女らは激しい拷問を加えられた果てに殺される。ベテラン刑事のフアンとマドリードから左遷されてきたペドロは、これまでにも似た事件が起きていたことを知る。調べを進めていくうちに、貧困、汚職、麻薬密売、小児性愛といった町と住人が抱える闇を目の当たりにするフアンたち。そんな中、新たな少女失踪事件が起きてしまう。<スペインの映画賞の最高峰であるゴヤ賞で、作品賞や監督賞などを受賞したミステリー。1980年のスペインを舞台に、少女強姦殺人事件を追い掛ける2人の刑事が事件の背後にあるさまざまな闇を目の当たりにする。メガホンを取るのは、『UNIT 7 ユニット7/麻薬取締第七班』のアルベルト・ロドリゲス。『アイム・ソー・エキサイテッド!』などのラウール・アレバロとアントニオ・デ・ラ・トレらが結集する。緊張感に満ちあふれた物語とタッチに圧倒される。>
Martin is a finished actor, both professionally and personally. He is divorced, has no friends and a son he has not talked to for more than a year. But one fine day he will get a working offer his agent will not let him pass: to be companion of a 5 years old boy in a costume contest at the Amusement Park.
Director of Photography
Mirta is Cuban and lives in Madrid. As many others immigrants she works in cleaning industry. Today at six o'clock p.m. her daughter is going to marry. But nothing turns out as she hopes, and to reach this wedding is more difficult than it appeared at first sight.
First Assistant Camera
First Assistant Camera
Halfway between a sports documentary and an conceptual art installation, "Zidane" consists in a full-length soccer game (Real Madrid vs. Villareal, April 23, 2005) entirely filmed from the perspective of soccer superstar Zinedine Zidane.