A young American is trying to find a man from her past, but he is never to be found, during the largest conflict on European soil since World War II – the battle of Vukovar. It is a search of identity and truth at a place where truth is selective, elusive, and even feared. A quest for faith, connection, and redemption simmers beneath the search.
Anamarija starts her job as a counsellor at a new school. Together with her, the viewers begin to appreciate what kind of people the staffroom teachers are, they witness the petty conflicts and also uncover the power games that go on behind the scenes. This self-assured debut from Sonja Tarokić about the individual's struggle within the system and the sheer effort required to preserve one’s integrity, also presents a complex study of an institution whose employees have taken on one of the most responsible roles an adult can have – to educate future generations.
Laszlo Horvath
Inspired by true events from the spring of 1944 when the Nazis organized a football match between a team of camp inmates and an elite Nazi team on Adolf Hitler's birthday. A match the prisoners are determined to win, no matter what happens.
Serb Guard #1
1995年、紛争末期のサラエボ。強引かつ大胆な戦略で敵の将軍を拉致、敵に囲まれたら戦車で大暴走とやりたい放題のマット率いる5人のネイビーシールズ。 上官のレヴィン少将も手を焼く毎日。そんな中、メンバーの一人が恋に落ちたウェイトレスから聞いた、湖に沈んだナチスの金塊・総額3億ドルの話。それさえあれば、戦争に苦しむ避難民を救うことが出来ると懇願され、5人も作戦を立てることに。 タイムリミットはわずか8時間。敵陣真っただ中にある湖の水深45mの湖底から、重さ27トンの金塊をどう運び出すのか? 彼らのとんでもない奇策とは!? 史上最強のアウトサイダーたちが挑む、前代未聞の奪還作戦、遂に始動!!
Haunted by his dark past, a labourer in a small Croatian village has a series of fateful encounters over the course of a single night.
Tetoviran dečko
At the beginning of the war in Croatia, Vjera refuses to leave the ruins of her home on the front line . Her husband flees town while their son goes to battlefield. Working as an interpreter she starts her path of self-discovery.