Ghorban Najafi

Ghorban Najafi


Ghorban Najafi


The Pig's Gene
Mam Bagher
Two detainees are planning to flee from jail.
The Lost Strait
The resistance of Ammar battalion in Abughoraib strait at the last days of Iran-Iraq war.
Modest Reception
This twisted Iranian narrative follows a mysterious couple from Tehran as they distribute large bags of money in an impoverished mountain border town. Beginning as a black comedy, the film's mood transforms as the games played by Kaveh (director Mani Haghighi) and Leyla (Taraneh Alidoosti) become increasingly perverse, as they find inventive ways of humiliating the recipients of the cash. The immorality of the central characters is at times sickening, and their chain of lies is often as puzzling to us as they are to the townsfolk depicted onscreen. What is the relationship between the pair and why are they giving away money to the needy? Modest Reception has no easy answers nor pat resolutions - instead Haghighi takes the viewer on an intriguing ride into the dark recesses of the human spirit.
Aseman-e Mahboob
The Last Queen of the Earth
Leaving his family in Afghanistan to find work in Iran, Ali Bakhsh returns home to Afghanistan in search of his family in the wake of the 9/11 attacks and the following U.S. invasion.
Parental Farm
When Mamhoud is invited to a conference to speak about his new war novel, 'Parental farm,' his aim to discuss war literature in general turns into a much more personal journey. Having lost ...
The Fifth Season
The fight for power in an isolated village. Two families have been enemies for so long they cannot even remember why. The only hope for peace between the feuding families is lost when an arranged marriage agreement is broken. Some days later, the groom, Karamat, returns with a brand new minibus. But a fierce competition for passengers break out when the bride, Mehrbanou, decides to do the same.