Per Sjöstrand
出生 : 1930-07-29, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden
死亡 : 2008-10-25
Committee member, Centre Party
Carl Hamilton (Coq Rouge, Swedens James Bond) is called before KU (Swedens answer to the American congressional hearing) to answer questions about a spy war between Sweden and the Soviet Union.
Gösta Bagge
At dawn on June 22, 1941, Germany invaded the Soviet Union. On the same morning, Germany demanded permission from the Swedish government to transport 18,000 German soldiers from Norway to Finland across Sweden by railway. This was a difficult problem for the Swedish government. On one hand remaining friendly with Germany at the height of its power, on the other maintaining a strict neutrality. The Swedish cabinet meet in Stockholm to decide upon the best reply to the German demands.
The story, as the title suggests is about the loves of three young women, the youngest of whom has yet to learn the joy of lovemaking.
Short based on Stig 'Slas' Claesson's three Stockholm stories.
Mosca / McSnuff (voice)
Two villains escape from jail in London. They are planning an attack on Agaton Sax. Inspector Lispington and Sax are chasing the two bad guys, but the hunt is hampered by the villains have lookalikes.
Based on play by famous swedish author/playwright August Strindberg adapted for swedish TV in 70's. It's about the real life assassination on swedish king Gustav III who was killed by a lieutenant Jacob Johan Anckarström who acted on behalf of a group conspirators.
A little rogue piece about the paths of fate.
A Swedish housewife begins an adulterous affair with a foreign archaeologist. But he is an emotionally scarred man, a Jewish survivor from a concentration camp, consequently, their relationship will be painfully difficult.
Television adaptation of Ibsen's play about woman's role in society and marriage.
Television adaptation of Ibsen's play about woman's role in society and marriage.
Magnus, an old man sleeplessly sneaks around at night in barns and fields at the farm his son Lennart has taken over. Magnus is anxious and impatient facing the next day.
Count Albrekt
A Swedish couple are trapped in their marriage and way of life. Locked up in their bourgeois inferno.
August Strindberg's "The Red Room" recreated to a science fiction world in Stockholm, a brutal, guarded and controlled existence under a total supremacy. Like in Metropolis or Airstrip One the citizens are directed to align themselves in the direction of what the higher power thinks is to their advantage. The government offices takes care of your every need.
Sören Mårtensson is a middle school teacher. His classroom occupied by half-grown children. His work is tormenting him and at night he is haunted by nightmares.
Assistant Director
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
Unit manager
An agent on the brink of bankruptcy finds a reluctant singing talent on a TV quiz show.
Sigfrid Borg
医学の研究に生涯を捧げ、その長年の功績を認められ名誉学位を受けることになった老教授イサク。その授与式は栄光に満ちた日になるはずだったが、前夜に自身の死を暗示する悪夢を見たためか、彼の心は晴れない。イサクは授与式当日に当初の予定を変更して、現在の住まいであるストックホルムから式の行われるルンドまで車で向かおうとする。そんな彼に、義理の娘であるマリアンヌも同行を願い出る。 半日程度の小旅行はイサクにとって、これまでの自分の人生を顧みるまたとない機会となった。青年時代に婚約者を弟に奪われたこと、妻がイサクの無関心に耐えられず不貞を働いたことなどを思い出し煩悶するイサク。そしてマリアンヌに、イサクの息子エヴァルドと彼女の間に子供が居ないのは、イサクを見て育ったエヴァルドが家庭というものに絶望しているからだと告げられる。研究者としての輝かしい名声とは裏腹に、イサクの人生は空虚なものだった。 また、イサクはルンドへ向かう途中様々な人物に出会う。奔放なヒッチハイカーの少女とその二人のボーイフレンド、不毛な夫婦喧嘩を繰り返す男女、引越していったイサクを今でも慕うガソリンスタンドの店主とその妻、そしてイサクの老いた母親。彼らとの出会いと過去への後悔が、徐々にイサクを変えていく。 無事に授与式を終えたイサクはその夜、エヴァルドと家族のことについて誠実に話し合う。寝室の外では昼間に出会ったヒッチハイカーたちが、イサクの栄誉を心から祝福していた。満ち足りた気持ちで眠りにつくイサク。彼が見る夢は前夜の悪夢と違い、不思議な充足感を伴うものだった。
A day in the life of a theater ensemble. The acting students are struggling to get one foot ahead of the others and the regular cast is fighting for the good parts.
"Love on Tour" - A traveling theatre company has arrived at an outdoor stage. They are ready for the rehearsal. But one of the actors is missing.
It is 1940. A young man is facing court martial on charges of conscientious objection. He admits the crime. The prosecutor demands a most severe punishment. While waiting for the verdict, the young man think back of his past. How could this happen?
Art student
"Lunch- Break Café" - A café in the old Klara district in Stockholm attracts an offbeat clientel. Among those who gather at the café is a prisoner on the run, a prostitute, a journalist and a student who is having an affair with the cafe's waitress. Naturalism.
Erik Eliasson
At a summer-evening dance a young girl meets a man who tells her he is a doctor. They go off together, and after that she never sees him again. She learns that she is pregnant and inquires about him at various hospitals, with no success. She reads of his engagement and becomes acquainted with another girl with a situation like her own.