Nicola Scott


When the charismatic and eccentric art teacher Tatty falls in love with Amy, one of his students, he believes he has met the love of his life. Unfortunately Amy dies in an accident. Distraught and blaming himself, Tatty loses all focus on his own life and drinks heavily. In a state of delirium he creates a statue of Amy that he places in the dark interior of a haunted, burnt-out church. Tatty lives there, protecting his creation, and devoted to her for the next 13 years. On New Year s Eve, a magical night with the sky lit with fireworks, a clubhouse burns. Cal is on the run and takes refuge in the church and accidentally breaks the statue. The magic of the night and the mystery of the church combine to cast a spell and Amy comes alive. However, in order to remain alive, Amy must kiss the first man she sees.
When the charismatic and eccentric art teacher Tatty falls in love with Amy, one of his students, he believes he has met the love of his life. Unfortunately Amy dies in an accident. Distraught and blaming himself, Tatty loses all focus on his own life and drinks heavily. In a state of delirium he creates a statue of Amy that he places in the dark interior of a haunted, burnt-out church. Tatty lives there, protecting his creation, and devoted to her for the next 13 years. On New Year s Eve, a magical night with the sky lit with fireworks, a clubhouse burns. Cal is on the run and takes refuge in the church and accidentally breaks the statue. The magic of the night and the mystery of the church combine to cast a spell and Amy comes alive. However, in order to remain alive, Amy must kiss the first man she sees.
Duel of Hearts
Lady St. Clare
Lady Caroline Faye meets Lord Vane Brecon and is attracted to him. When she finds out that he is being accused of a murder he did not commit, she sets out to prove him innocent
Female Officer at Castle
舞台は1938年。冒険家として、また考古学教授として多忙な日々を過ごすインディ・ジョーンズに、大富豪ドノヴァンから相談が持ちかけられる。イエス・キリストの聖杯の所在を示す重大な遺物を手に入れたが、調査隊の隊長が行方不明になり、それを探して欲しいというのだ。 最初は渋っていたインディだったが、その行方不明になった隊長というのが自分の父、ヘンリー・ジョーンズであると聞き、仕方なく依頼を承諾。父が最後に消息を絶ったヴェネツィアに向かった。