Sigurbjörn Búi Baldvinsson


Production Manager
約1000年前、天竺(インド)と唐(中国)の間に起きた混乱の中、ある財宝が消えた。 時は現代―、考古学者にしてカンフーの達人ジャック(ジャッキー・チェン)は、失われた財宝を探すため、同じく考古学者にしてヨガの達人のインド美女・アスミタと共に大冒険へ出る。手がかりはたった1枚の古い地図…、財宝の秘密を握る「シヴァの目」とは…、アスミタの驚くべき真の正体…予想だにしない真実が次々と明らかになっていく中、果たしてジャックたちは無事財宝にたどり着くことができるのか!? 中国、インド、アイスランド、ドバイで敢行された壮大なロケ、ランボルギーニなど超高級車70台を使用した映画史上最も豪華なカーチェイス、氷洞窟での大バトルにド派手アクション、そして何より歌って踊る!?何でもありの全ての要素でハイレベルの興奮を誘う、王道のエンターテインメント。2017年の締めくくりに、そして来るべき新年に向けて最高にハッピーな一作がここに誕生した!
Location Manager
A young couple, physiologist Agla and filmmaker Gunnar, wake up at a glacier drilling camp only to find the camp mysteriously abandoned and their co-workers gone. When searching for the lost team they realize they’re up against an unknown deadly force.
John and Reverend John
Director of Photography
He is accused of a good deal; collecting all kinds of rubbish around the refectory farm, allowing the place to deteriorate and general incompetence as a farmer. In addition, he is said not being able to control his temper, to have isolated himself from his flock and because of his oddness and idiosyncrasies his sanity has also been questioned. Is Reverend Jón an incompetent priest? If so, why isn’t he allowed to stay at his farm? Is it because he underfeeds his sheep? Or is it because members of the congregation want to get their hands on his eider down farm for themselves? Or is it simply his appearance, contradicting the accepted notions of what a pastor should be, that has triggered the hostilities towards him.
The Button
Young man faces a small change in his life. The forbidden fruit is always desirable.
The Button
Young man faces a small change in his life. The forbidden fruit is always desirable.
Act Normal
Prop Designer
Robert T. Edison was born and raised in Nottingham, England. When he was fourteen years old he began to practice Buddhism. Eighteen years old he became a monk and went to Thailand where, for a decade, he spent his time in monasteries around the country. He became the first Buddhist monk in Iceland when he moved here in 1994 and founded a Buddhist sect. Five years later Robert decided to "derobe" and get married. After sixteen years of celibacy Robert had to deal with being "normal" - getting employment, paying his bills and dealing with the needs of his partner. After four years in "the real world" Robert travelled back to Thailand to become a monk again. Act Normal is filmed from 1994 to 2006 and is a unique exploration of one man´s twelve-year search for some kind of love.
The Magician
Assistant Director
The Magician is a strong and personal story, about how one‘s imagination can help make unbearable situation bearable.
Áramótaskaup: 2002
Man Under Interrogation
2002's Áramótaskaup, an annual 50-minute TV movie, satirizing the events of the past year.
Charming desperado Ossy, carrying a deadly secret, tracks down his childhood pal Jimmy in Iceland. But Jimmy, now with a family and a regular job, will do anything to hide his past.