Shôta Yasuda

Shôta Yasuda

出生 : 1984-09-11,


Yasuda entered Johnny & Associates in 1997 together with fellow members Ryo Nishikido and Tadayoshi Ōkura. Also at the audition was Ryūhei Maruyama. As a result, these members have been close friends for a long time during their Kansai Jr days even before Kanjani8 was formed. Yasuda's application had been sent in by his older sister. In it, she had written that Yasuda's specialty was that he could "do anything" (nandemo dekiru). In 1999, Yasuda was chosen to be a guitarist for V.WEST. The Kansai Jr band was popular among Jr fans and had its own show Shuukan V.WEST (Weekly V.WEST) on Kansai TV. On the show, the members usually take part in challenges where they have to pick up a new skill and exhibit it at the end of the show. During this time, true to his sister's claim, Yasuda excelled and first earned his nickname "Nandemo dekiru-ko" (The kid that can do anything). After V.WEST's first live at Zepp Osaka in 2001, Yasuda and fellow remaining members, Hiroki Uchi (vocalist) and Ryūhei Maruyama (bassist) were absorbed to form a new Kansai Jr unit Kanjani8 in 2002. The new unit took over An 8th member, Tadayoshi Ōkura, was added and assigned to the drums as V.WEST's drummer had left Johnny's.


Shôta Yasuda


嘘八百 なにわ夢の陣
スキャナー 記憶のカケラをよむ男
Satoru Sasabe
Blue Sentai Ranger
Set five years after first film "Eight Ranger". A new threat appears for Eight City and its protectors Eight Ranger.
Yoshimi tendo
一心不乱にシナリオ執筆に励むものの芽が出ない女と、あまりシナリオを書いたことがないのに他者の批評ばかりする男が、シナリオスクールで出会ったことから巻き起こる騒動と恋の行方を、笑いと涙を交えながら映し出す。 次々と脚本コンクールに応募するものの、一次審査すらも通らない34歳の馬淵みち代(麻生久美子)。そんな彼女と同じシナリオスクールに通う26歳の天童義美(安田章大)は、自分の作品をほとんど書いたことがない割には、常軌を逸した毒舌で他人のシナリオを酷評する。そんな彼らが出会ってしまい、何と天童がみち代にほれてしまう。嫌味な自信過剰男だと自分を嫌うみち代に認めてもらおうと、ついにシナリオを書くことを決意する天童。意外な彼の真摯な姿に、みち代も心を開き始めるが……。
Shiraishi Kota
Ohno plays the role of Tarui Shotaro, an ordinary guy who dreamed of becoming a hero when he was a child, but now gets by as a part-time worker. The unexpected story unfolds when one day, the daughter of a yakuza boss asks him to plan a make-believe kidnapping. Sato Ryuta plays Shotaro's co-worker who helps him with the kidnapping. Kanjiya Shihori plays Satsuki, the eldest daughter of the Hanazono yakuza clan, while Narimiya Hiroki plays Satsuki's college senpai who joined the Hanazono clan after graduation. Takahashi Katsumi plays the head of a rival organization who has fallen in love with Satsuki. Kitaoji Kinya plays Satsuki's father and the head of the Hanazono clan.
A rag tag group of cleaners unexpectedly 'adopt' a baby and search for the child's mother. Unfortunately, adopting this baby isn't as simple, especially when there's a group of hired assassins wanting to kill the child.
Countdown Eito 2009-2010
関ジャニ'sエイターテインメント GR8EST
From the 5 major dome tour "Kanjani's Eightertainment GR8EST", which is the first of the new system, the Fukuoka performance on September 16th, which became the final performance. The 6 people who showed many new performances that can only be done by 6 people "Don't start, start!! Don't move, move on!!"
The circle of Kanjani Eight has grown from 1,000 to 10 million. Filming the performance in Osaka, the birthplace of Eight, celebrating the "best and strongest 15 years" spun by the members and Eight! Kanjani Eight made their national debut in September 2004. This summer, the 15th anniversary of his CD debut, the annual Memorial Year event "Jugosai" will be held. The cumulative number of mobilization exceeded 10 million people in this 5 major dome tour, which is the 8th time in a row for the 7th consecutive year! Visualization of the memorial performance on July 28 (Naniwa Day) held in Osaka, the birthplace of Kanjani Eight!
From the stadium to the dome! The summer stadium LIVE DVD "KANJANI∞ STADIUM LIVE 18 Matsuri" will be released prior to the winter "18 Matsuri" dome tour. In commemoration of the release, a gift project from Kanjani Eight for fans has been urgently decided!
Road to Re:LIVE 8BEAT