Kazuko Ogura
Slice of life film centered around a couple of years in the life of a rural high school girl.
1947 Toho film directed by Tadashi Imai
After learning that he has accidentally killed a man in a fight, Unokichi must look after the man's pregnant widow.
Aono's middle daughter, Yasuko
A comedy about two salarymen who routinely degrade themselves for their boss.
Fumie, Actress
Two sisters, one a dancer and the other a script supervisor at a big movie studio, become embroiled in union activities when a strike is called in sympathy with striking railroad workers, one of whom boards with the sisters and their parents. The girls' father argues with them about their strike, but finds his views changing when he himself loses his job.
Sue Okabe
The stories of several young women who work in a 'precision optical instruments' factory during the second World War. Despite illness, injury, and tremendous personal hardship, the women persevere in their tasks, devoted to their work and their country's cause.
A sixteen-year-old who had been living on her own since her mother died, frequently gets in trouble with the police. She gets sent to an "institute" for young girls in the countryside. There the residents grow their own food, cook and clean for themselves, and are taught language, music, and sewing. While there the young girl slowly begins to form friendships and come out of her shell.
What is marriage? Young couple in match-making wanted to know before they decide. They visited married couples of sisters and brothers. Love comedy in 1942.
Ayako Saeki
A "slice-of life" film about a group of high school girls in 1940s Japan.