Jaro Ruk
Ten years after the starship Voyager's return from the Delta Quadrant, the Federation is in a crisis. The Federation's main suppliers of dilithium crystals (the primary catalyst for the fuel used in faster-than-light travel) are disappearing. Space and time have folded around several planets, isolating them from outside contact. The phenomenon is unnatural – someone or something is causing it to happen. The need to stop this necessitates drastic measures, some of which are outside the Federation’s normal jurisdiction.
Bodyguard Many
Old friends reunite to accompany a friend on a road trip to rehab.
Lascivious Greek
前作で100万もの兵を率いてギリシャ侵攻を図るペルシャ帝国を相手に、300人の精鋭と共に戦いを繰り広げた果てに命を落としたスパルタのレオニダス王。今回の物語は灼熱の門で全滅したレオニダス達と同じ時間の別の戦い、エーゲ海での海戦を軸にしている。 アテナイのテミストクレス将軍は、パン屋、陶工、詩人といった一般市民から成るギリシャ連合軍を率いてペルシャ帝国海軍に立ち向かっていく。 ペルシャ帝国の海軍指揮官アルテミシアらと拮抗する中、ついに大海原を舞台にした最終決戦を迎えることに。
A young boy whose parents are going through a bitter divorce, is given hope and courage through the powerful stories embellished by his grandfather. The stories give the boy the inner strength and resolve to confront the inevitable challenges which lie ahead.
Officer Clemens
America's best player is being pulled in to the ultimate cyber-terror. The game's mastermind has stolen his identity, put him on the FBI's Most Wanted List, and is blackmailing him to take a part in a real twisted plan of world destruction. With just hours left, can the code be broken to save the world from total annihilation?
Joe West
A female parole officer unwittingly gets involved with a handsome photographer who might be a serial killer.
Dock Guard
Professional assassin Drew Fontaine puts her talents to her own ends to pay off those involved in killing her Buddhist mentor and maybe in the disappearance of her father. Amongst those in the frame are a crowd of somewhat dysfunctional lesbian-led Nazis, an energetic Chinatown gang, and an overly laid-back porn-king playboy. Could be pretty messy.