Alexandr Kononets

Alexandr Kononets

出生 : 1992-02-14, Moscow, Russia


Alexandr Kononets


14+: Continued
The story of the growing up of Lyosha, who turned 18 years old. Life asks him more and more difficult questions about love, family, duty and his path than it did at 14. And he, just as then, must answer them himself.
The story unfolds somewhere on the shore of the North Sea. Velga and Kirill grew up together, have known each other since childhood. But their feeling of falling in love has matured and fully revealed itself not so long ago. It seems that nothing is able to overshadow their carefree, happy existence, until Velga's older sister, Snow, arrives from the city on the anniversary of her mother's death.
A Siege Diary
World War II. In autumn 1941 the German troops completely surrounded one of the biggest Russian cities — Leningrad. 2,5 million civilians got trapped in the city. The German commandment decided to destroy the city with bombings, artillery attacks and, most importantly, with hunger. The most difficult first winter of the siege (1941 — 1942). A young woman Olga is walking through the whole city to her father. She wants to see him one last time to say goodbye and to ask for his forgiveness.
The Conscience
Lyonka Panteleev
Petrograd, Soviet Union, 1920s. Boris Letush, devastated by a personal tragedy, feels the need to put his conscience and his principles before the demands of the cruel system he serves, where law and justice are systematically ignored.
アンノウン・バトル 独ソ・ルジェフ東部戦線
魔界探偵ゴーゴリⅡ 魔女の呪いと妖怪ヴィーの召喚
グローが残した推理メモを頼りに殺人が起こる日の法則を突き止めたゴーゴリは、リザにも危険が及ぶことを察知する。 村では連続殺人鬼が正体不明の“黒騎士” だという噂で恐怖が広がっている。 次なる犠牲者を防ぐ為に、ディカーニカとその近くに住む若い女性を全員監視下に置くが、その頃、村では魔女ハンターによって捕えられた魔女が凶悪なクリーチャーである妖怪ヴィーを呼び寄せようとする。ゴーゴリは魔女ハンターと共に古い教会にとどまるが…
フューリアス 双剣の戦士
A story of a legendary battle, where seventeen fearless warriors defend their land against an army of thousands well-trained soldiers. In 13th-century Mongol warrior hordes and their leader, Batu Khan, control most of the known world. As the Mongols move towards Europe they invade the last Russian principality standing in their way. Little do they know, their plans are about to be ruined by a small detachment of heroic strong men led by a mysterious brave warrior. This is a story about courage, endurance and self-sacrifice for the sake of one's country. This is the story of Evpaty the Furious.
Rag Union
The life of the ordinary teenager Vania changes when he makes the acquaintance of three strange guys. Sportsmen, hooligans, dreamers – they call themselves “Rag Union” and believe that they can change the world. Enchanted by his new friendship, Vania puts them up at his dacha and tries to become part of their grand organization. But the neighbour girl Sasha has her own plans with this company.
слепой рыбак
Khuligan (Hooligan)
Alex glides his mouse tenderly over online images of Vika. He has been smitten ever since he saw her with her friends and cannot get her out of his head. Unfortunately, Vika is beyond Alex’s reach because he's not welcome in her neighborhood. Nonetheless, Alex sneaks into a disco at her school and finds up the courage to ask her to dance. Moments are intense as Alex feels infatuation for the first time.
The Awakening
A successful lawyer drives recklessly and runs down a young man. He wants to escape punishment, so decides to drive the boy to a hospital and try to negotiate a deal. Their trip becomes a real test for the lawyer's consciousness.