Juan Fernández


Andres is a flamenco singer who has just gotten out of prison after being falsely convicted of the murder of Romero, a member of his band. As Andres tries to re-acclimate himself to freedom, he discovers things have not been going his way while he was up the river; his wife Lucia is having an affair with another man, while his bullying father Isidoro is obsessed with getting revenge against Don Manuel, who rules a local crime syndicate known as the Junco Family.
El bueno, la bomba y el malo
La plaça del diamant
Vell de la postal
Colometa is an average housewife with two children to care for in the late 1930's, as the Spanish Civil War is starting and her husband goes off to fight. She had been an ordinary woman working in a shop when she met the lively carpenter who married her, and their life together was without major problems. But now she is forced to raise her children under straitened circumstances, and after her husband dies, her life undergoes another major change as she marries for the second time. Underneath Colometa's acquiescent, forebearing exterior must lie just a few discontents, a few unrealized dreams - but they never surface as she blithely moves from one episode in her life to another.
Dos pillos y pico
Abuelo de Nati (uncredited)
La amante ingenua
Companys, procés a Catalunya
Senyor Cua (uncredited)
1939: The remains of the Spanish Republican Army crossed the French border. Among the exiles are Lluís Companys, President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and also Aguirre, President of the Basque Government. After the invasion of France by Nazi troops, Companys will be arrested by the Gestapo and handed over to the Francoist authorities. Led by the Count of Mayalde, he is transferred to Madrid and later to Barcelona. After a summary trial, Companys is condemned to death and shot.
Cuarenta años sin sexo
Padre de Agapito (uncredited)
Let's Go, Barbara
Tío de Ana (uncredited)
Ana is Catalan, daughter of a bourgeois family and works in a studio in advertising. She is 38 years old and has only lived with her husband, with whom she has a relationship cold but accepted by both. Although his family is opposed, decides to leave her husband and takes a vacation with her daughter Barbara, of 12 years, in order to leave behind all the past and start a freer life, with fewer ties, less conventional.
The Dawn Rapists
Hombre mayor en la comisaría (uncredited)
Crime drama centering on a gang of rapists, the aftermath of their crimes on the victims and the gang members being brought to justice.
The Andalusian Widow
Lozana, a young, beautiful and clever woman decides to move to the city after a tragic love story. There, she meets Rampin, a naughty rascal who soon finds out that her wit surpasses his own by a handful. When he falls in love with her, he can't help suffering as he sees how she plays not only with him, but with all of her lovers as well.
Fraude matrimonial
Crítico de arte
Las marginadas
Las alegres chicas de 'El Molino'
Barcelona in the seventies. Piper, comedian at the theater El Molino has specialized in effeminate roles, but in reality is a conqueror. His wife, Nita, sets a trap for him.
Libertad provisional
Abuelo catalán (uncredited)
A small-time delinquent young man and a book saleswoman at home delivery, who occasionally engage in prostitution as a derivative of her work, try a way of coexistence on the basis of mutual freedom schemes.
La nueva Marilyn
Antonio Gaudí, una visión inacabada
Aborto criminal
Busco tonta para fin de semana
Fat Brothers of Trinity
Pasajero de diligencia
The bizarre adventures of the three gunmen Western grosser, next to a delicate young.
Mortal Spring
Gost na zabavi (uncredited)
An adaptation of a well-known novel by Hungarian writer Lajos Zilahy.
Fabulous Trinity
Secretario de Jiménez
In a Wild West town, Miss Nora, a beautiful smuggler, meets Scott, a bounty hunter that goes to Mexico with her for work issues. While they are in Mexico, three smugglers arrested by the military are released by the girl, who used all her seduction skills to get what she wants. But the guerrilla leader realizes the trap and the three smugglers are considered fugitives pursued by the Mexican revolutionaries and by Scott, as the law has put a price on their heads.
The Little Triangle
Curioso (uncredited)
Lázaro and Sabino, employees of a large furniture store, fall in love with Laura, a new young and naive employee, who accepts their love. The trio lives a happy engagement. In the big store is planned a sensational advertising campaign with the bed "Eternal happiness," to be launched on New Year's Day. Lázaro and Sabino have to give the last touches on New Year's Eve. When they leave, they enter the exhibition truck and lie down on the bed. When they wake up in the morning, they are surrounded by a crowd and a scandal is organized.
Mexican Buyer
Old Mexican-American sheriff Bob Valdez has always been a haven of sanity in a land of madmen when it came to defending law and order. But the weapon smuggler Frank Tanner is greedy and impulsive. When Tanner provokes a shooting that causes the death of an innocent man and Valdez asks him to financially compensate the widow, Tanner refuses to do so and severely humiliates Valdez, who will do justice and avenge his honor, no matter what it takes.
Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata's Coming
Steve McGowan has proposed to avenge the death of his father, murdered by one of the followers of Chief Miller. This engages the services of a famous gunslinger called Sabata and instructs him to kill Steve. The fate joins Steve and the Mexican bandit Leon Pompero, and together they decide to defeat the murderous gunman.
El señorito y las seductoras
Antonio is a millionaire who spends his time conquering beautiful women aided by his faithful butler, Pablol. He tries to seduce the beautiful Marta, but when he realizes that she prepares a trap to force him to marry, Antonio disappears.
La banda de los tres crisantemos
Telegrafista (uncredited)
Amor y medias
En Baldiri de la costa
La viudita ye-ye
El castigador
Man from Canyon City
Telegraphist (uncredited)
Red and Carraucho, after escaping from jail, reach the border to Mexico and are hired by Morgan, a rich silvermine owner. Disgusted by the latter's cruelty, especially against the local peones, the two support a revolt organized with the aid of Mrs. Vivian, wife of the ruthless tyrant.
El mujeriego
Muere una mujer
Coreógrafo (uncredited)
Detective con faldas
Monsieur Legrand (uncredited)