Park Hyoung-soo

Park Hyoung-soo

出生 : 1980-12-03,


Park Hyoung-soo


元警護員のオクジュが、親友ミニのために実行する美しくも冷酷な復讐を描いた作品。チョン・ジョンソ、キム・ジフン、パク・ ユリムという新鮮なキャスト陣と、ミュージシャンのGRAYが音楽監督として参加し魅力的な世界を創り出す。
The Point Men
A story about a diplomat and a national intelligence service agent who struggle and risk their lives on foreign soil to save Korean hostages that have been abducted in the Middle East.
NIS agent
Dreaming of changing the world, SEO Chang-dae takes part in KIM Woon-bum’s political campaign. To resist the current dictatorial ruling party, SEO adopts a very aggressive propaganda campaign, and it makes KIM become the strongest candidate in the opposition party. When ambitious SEO believes that unjustified means is necessary for politics, KIM has a firm belief that it is not real politics. While their conflict deepens, the ruling party secretly contacts SEO to win the next presidential election.
Perhaps Love
Kim Hyun is a best-selling author who has been experiencing a writer's block for seven years. He keeps an amicable relationship with his ex-wife Mi-ae, who is now dating his best friend and publisher, as they take care of their oversensitive teenage son. To get back on his feet with his career, he decides to work on a new novel with an aspiring writer, his student, Yoo-jin, only to get his life more complicated when Yoo-jin comes out as gay and confesses his love for him.
Man who picked up a phone (voice)
2011年の映画『恐怖の黒電話』(原題:The Caller/マシュー・パークヒル)を原案とし、大胆に脚色。 ワイヤレス電話により20年の時空を超えて繋がった2人の女性が運命の駆け引きをするミステリー・スリラー作品。 監督を務めたのは新鋭イ・チュンヒョン。パク・シネ、チョン・ジョンソのW主演作。
Lawyer Song
Park Sung-tae
護送車が武装集団に襲われ、多数の凶悪犯罪者たちが市中に散った。彼らを捉えるため、伝説の特殊捜査班「バッドガイズ」が再び結成される・・・。 凶悪犯罪者たちがチームを組んで事件を追うという人気TVシリーズの続編映画。豪腕マ・ドンソクの鉄拳アクションが冴え渡る。
Hit-and-Run Squad
Choi Gyeong-jun
Min-jae, a rookie police officer with a natural born talent for driving, is assigned to the perfect team: the Hit-and-Run Squad. But at the same time, for police detective Si-yeon, it is a place she is unjustly demoted to for doing her job. The two team up to arrest the rich and powerful speed maniac Jae-chul who is suspected of committing crimes for his obsession for speed.
Rebellious Ki-soo from North Korea is mesmerized by tap dance in prison camps. Ki-soo joins as a team member of a dance team named ‘Swing Kids’. Yet suddenly, their dreams about dancing in prison camps are put in danger.
Bae Du-shik
After people in his town start turning up dead, a grumpy landlord is visited by a man who recounts an unsolved serial murder case from 30 years ago that may hold the clue to what is happening now.
Fourth Grade Official Han
Ordinary Person
Major crimes unit detective Seong-jin arrests Tae-sung for petty crimes, but shocked to find out that he is the notorious serial killer. However, Seong-jin becomes doubtful of his identity as the serial murder case is investigated.
NIS agent
「王の涙 イ・サンの決断」のヒョンビンと「ベテラン」「極秘捜査」のユ・ヘジンが、韓国と北朝鮮の刑事を演じたアクションエンタテインメント。アメリカドルの偽札を作成する犯罪組織の捜査にあたっていた北朝鮮の刑事イム・チョルリョンは、上司の裏切りにより仲間と妻を殺されてしまう。偽札作成の銅版を奪って韓国へ逃亡した組織から秘密裏に銅版を取り返すべく、北朝鮮はチョルリョンをソウルに派遣。北朝鮮から国際犯罪者の逮捕要請を受けた韓国は、歴史上初となる南北共助捜査を極秘に契約する。しかし、韓国サイドは北朝鮮の本当の思惑を探るため、担当刑事のカン・ジンテに偽装捜査を指令。ジンテはチョルリョンの監視任務を遂行する。ヒョンビンが北朝鮮サイドの刑事チョルリョン役を、ヘジンが韓国サイドの庶民派熱血刑事ジンテ役を演じるほか、「ビューティー・インサイド」などで知られ、2017年10月に事故で他界したキム・ジュヒョク、アイドルグループ「少女時代」のユナらが出演。
Middle-aged Man
A middle-aged man takes a high school girl to a motel room and bargains with her about the payment for sex. He argues for a discount on the grounds that she is not a virgin. At a loss, the girl agrees.
He heard a baby cry
Kyuman, who was delivered to the house where the murder took place. He hear a child crying deep inside the house.
Seoul Searching
gangster #3
In the 1980s a group of foreign-born Korean teenagers who meet at a Seoul summer camp to learn what it means to be Korean. The three boys, from the U.S., Mexico, and Germany, then meet three girls who rock their world.
There is No Forest
The man suddenly encounters a mysterious woman and has to fight against her. After two times of fight, he gains enlightenment. 'Everything is changed by the way of thinking. 'Mind' determines between fortune and misfortune.' This is a genre-mixed film, French Nouveau roman and Martial Arts. Narrative progresses with the man's inner mind statement. When he feels sorrow and anger, the day changes into the night and suddenly rain comes. And vice versa.