Bohumil Vích

出生 : 1912-03-10,

死亡 : 1975-07-02


Náš byteček
Director of Photography
Man in Outer Space
An upholsterer who is preparing a rocket for takeoff accidentally jettisons himself into space and returns to Earth 500 years later with an alien companion who wishes to learn more about the human race.
O lidech a tramvajích
Director of Photography
O lidech před pultem a za ním III.
Director of Photography
O lidech před pultem a za ním II.
Director of Photography
Tajemství Chetitů
Director of Photography
O lidech před pultem a za ním I.
Director of Photography
To jsou Bratři v triku
Director of Photography
Ladovi furianti
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Bill, Please
Director of Photography
The director of the company Restaurants and Canteens arrives to attend a screening of a film made in various restaurants. A group of villagers come in to one of the restaurants for their lunch. The two waiters carry on chatting and ignore their customers. The head waiter finally brings them a crumpled menu, but whatever they order, he crosses off the menu and urges them to order something they do not want. In another restaurant a customer complains he has found a button in his sauce. The waiter promises to get him another portion but, once out of sight, he simply takes the button out of the food and brings back the same plate on which he has carelessly rearranged the food. Other customers are trying to pay but the staff point to the waiter with the wallet; he, however, is absorbed in watching a chess game and is neglecting his duties.
Mistři zimních sportů
Camera Operator
Něco se tu změnilo
Director of Photography
Muži mě pronásledují
Director of Photography
Státní ústřední archiv
Director of Photography
Mistrovství světa v lyžování
Director of Photography
Volají spojaři
Director of Photography
Dům radostného mládí
Director of Photography
The battle of peace
Director of Photography
Hudební jaro
Director of Photography
Na soud lidstva
Director of Photography
VI. zimní olympijské hry v Oslo
Director of Photography
Na pomoc dolům
Director of Photography
Po boku mužů
Director of Photography
Píseň jižních Čech
Director of Photography
Soutěž tvořivosti mládeže 1950
Director of Photography
Skryté dějiny
Director of Photography
Navrácený zrak
Director of Photography
Kilometry práce
Director of Photography
VIII. světové akademické zimní hry
Director of Photography
Navrácené zdraví
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A glass blower imagines that his creations come to life. A story of love contained within a single drop of rain. A voyage into ethereal beauty.
Píseň o sletu – II. část – Bratři a sestry
Camera Operator
Píseň o sletu – I. část – Mládí
Camera Operator
Vzbouření na vsi
Director of Photography
Hlas země
Director of Photography
Slovenské ráno
Director of Photography
Tance slovanských národů
Director of Photography
Dovolená na sněhu
Director of Photography
Všechny vlajky světa
Director of Photography
Pojď s námi na palubu!
Director of Photography
Zámky se otvírají
Director of Photography
Taneční zeměpis III. – Mládež pěti kontinentů
Director of Photography
Taneční zeměpis II. – Z Balkánu do Prahy
Director of Photography
Taneční zeměpis I. – Z Moskvy do Prahy
Director of Photography
Jízda králů
Director of Photography
Veřejný nepřítel
Director of Photography
Společnou brázdou
Director of Photography
Poesie pouti
Director of Photography
Křižovatka života
Director of Photography
Lidé a párky
Director of Photography
Volání pastvin
Director of Photography
Bratrství v práci
Director of Photography
Skleněná suita
Director of Photography
Cesta k barikádám
Camera Operator
Frank mezi námi
Camera Operator
Nevíme dne...
Director of Photography
Vlast vítá
Camera Operator
Pod praporem svobody
Director of Photography
Svátek matek 1945
Director of Photography
Návrat presidenta dr. Edvarda Beneše do Prahy 16. května 1945
Camera Operator
Pražský flamendr
Director of Photography
Dům za městem
Director of Photography
Královna stříbrných hor
Director of Photography
Umlčené rty
Director of Photography
Bláhové děvče
Director of Photography
Manželka něco tuší
Director of Photography
Druhé mládí
Director of Photography
Ztratila se Bílá paní
Director of Photography
Lízin let do nebe
Director of Photography
Ze všech jediná
Director of Photography