Liza de Weerd


Additional Voice (voice)
歌のオーディションを開催し、取り壊し寸前の劇場を見事に復活させたニュー・ムーン劇場の支配人バスター・ムーン。だが、彼の夢はそれで終わらない。次に目指したのは、エンターテインメントの聖地“レッドショア・シティ”での公演だった! バスターは仲間たちを引き連れてショービズ界の超大物、ジミー・クリスタルのところへオーディションに行き、斬新なアイデアと持ち前のハッタリで超一流劇場であるクリスタル・タワー劇場での公演の契約を取り付ける!でも、その契約には15年間、人前から姿を消している伝説のロック歌手・クレイ・キャロウェイをキャストに迎えるという条件があった。 地元の小劇場を飛び出し、途方もなく大きな舞台に立つチャンスを手にしたバスターたち。 それは、数々の困難のはじまりだった――。いま、ネクストステージに挑む彼らの、笑いと感動の物語が始まる!
Night Eyes
When Linda tries to escape her abusive relationship, she discovers unexpected resources that she could never have imagined... Professional illustrator Linda Raines has been feeling off kilter since her break-up. Her ex-boyfriend Michael, a respected psychotherapist and author, has just been cleared of accusations of murdering his ex-wife, leaving Linda unsure of what to believe. As she is recovering she begins to hear voices and experience visions, only furthering her anxiety and confusion. Her boss Paul urges her to escape the city and stay at his secluded vacation house while she recovers. Once there Linda's struggle with reality intensifies, and the intensity of her visions force her to question everything she sees and hears. Yet one voice is so real that it's becoming too loud to ignore... Linda is losing her grip. If she can not learn to trust her Night Eyes, her past may catch up and destroy her mind, body, and spirit.
ガーディアンズ 伝説の勇者たち
ADR Voice Casting
Salvation Road
Eileen Moorland
Business becomes unusual for an unsuspecting hitman who senses that he's been witnessed murdering his traitorous mentor by a 9 year old boy.