Lin Qiang

Lin Qiang

出生 : 1982-09-05,


Lin Qiang
Lin Qiang


New Gods: Yang Jian
Thirteen years after Yang Jian (known to some as Erlang Shen) imprisoned his sister beneath a mountain, the once powerful god now scrapes by as a penniless bounty hunter. When a mysterious woman hires him for a new job, Yang Jian soon finds himself chasing down a familiar figure. He must stop Chenxiang, his long-lost nephew, who is in search of the magical lotus lantern that will free his mother, even if it will bring catastrophe. As Yang Jian confronts the actions of his past, he must face a host of dangerous vigilantes seeking the same treasure with the power to alter the balance of their worlds.
白蛇2: 青蛇興起
While trying to free her sister from Fahai's clutches, Xiao Qing winds up in a dystopian city and meets a mysterious man who can't recall his past life.
The Monkey King: Reborn
At the beginning of chaos, the first demon in the world was born, named Yuandi, and it was worshipped as the ancestor of demons. Thousands of years later, the former demon king Sun Wukong is rescued from the Five Elements Mountain by Monk Tang, who promises to protect him and go to the West to get the scriptures.
Lie Yang Tiandao II
Lie Yang Tiandao I
Mr. Miao
Liang Yan (voice)
The feature introduces a fictional golden-colored flower, which possesses the magical ability to debauch humans who get too close to it. As the flower only chooses kindhearted people as hosts, a group of martial artists who want to eradicate the plants face a dilemma: should one kill good people for rescuing men from sin?
Dante Falls
Executive Producer
With her parents away, spunky ghost caretaker Nova Dante must balance her work and personal life as she and her inattentive Shinto priest boyfriend accidentally release evil ghosts that threaten to take over the world.
Boatman (voice)
『白蛇:縁起』は中国の四大民間説話の一つ『白蛇伝』の前世の話。 晩唐の時代、国師が民間人に蛇を大量に捕獲させていた。 白蛇の妖怪「白」(見た目は人間の美少女)が国師を刺殺しようとしたが失敗。 少女は逃亡の末、記憶をなくしてしまったが捕蛇村の少年「宣」に救われる。 「白」の記憶を取り戻すため二人は冒険の旅に出る。 その旅の中で二人は恋に落ちるが、少女が白蛇の妖怪ということも明らかになってしまう。 一方、国師と蛇族との間に激しい戦いが始まろうとしていた。二人の恋に大きな試練が待ち受ける。