Police Kwak
「ただ悪より救いたまえ」「新しき世界」などで知られる韓国の俳優ファン・ジョンミンが実名で主演を務め、誘拐・監禁されたトップスターの決死の脱出劇を描いたサスペンス。 記者会見から帰宅の途についた国民的スター俳優ファン・ジョンミンが、ひと気のない路地で何者かに連れ去られた。警察や関係者は必死で行方を捜すが、証拠も目撃情報もない。一方、パイプ椅子に縛りつけられた状態で意識を取り戻したファン・ジョンミンは、自分が身代金目的で誘拐されたことを知る。まるでゲームのように犯行を楽しむ若者たちは、ソウルを震撼させている猟奇殺人事件の犯人だった。唯一の武器である卓越した演技力で犯人たちに対峙するファン・ジョンミンだったが……。 共演はドラマ「イカゲーム」のイ・ユミ、ドラマ「梨泰院クラス」のリュ・ギョンス。
Joong-ho's Father-in-law
Hyo-jeong, a 69-year-old woman, is raped—but few people, including the police, are willing to believe what she says.
Dr. Woo
Hyun-soo is a skillful individual stock investor, so-called ‘ant’. One day, he cashes in up seventy thousand dollars through stock trading and this jackpot gets him implicated in a $60 million stock manipulation by scam artists from various fields. With a huge pot of money before their eyes, the scam seems to be perfectly unfolding. But another scam is emerging underneath team as the scammers chase each other and are being chased at the end.
Mr. Yoon's Friend (uncredited)
Seong-wu's Brother-in-Law
Actor Gyung-soo is passed over and decides to leave Seoul and visit a friend. His friend tells him that the Turning Gate legend foreshadows future events. During his visit, Gyung-soo meets Myung-sook, who quickly falls for him. After a night of passion, he boards the train back to Seoul and meets a married woman who claims to know him. Gyung-soo thinks he may love her, but perhaps he’s chosen the wrong woman.