Fernando Ramírez


Chapecoense: Las claves oscuras del siniestro
Art Direction
大統領の友人がクルーザーの中で一家皆殺しにされる。CIA情報担当副長官ジャック・ライアンは、被害者が麻薬組織の金の洗濯係だったことを突き止めた。大統領は密かに組織への攻撃を補佐官に命令する。 CIA作戦担当副長官は密かに特殊部隊をコロンビアに送り込む。麻薬王の情報係コルテズはボスの地位を乗っ取るため補佐官に取引を持ちかけ、攻撃の中止を約束させる。 それを知ったライアンは見殺しにされようとしている隊員たちを救うために現地に向かうが、全ては彼のせいだと聞かされているCIA工作員クラークが殺害命令を受けて待ち構えていた。
Art Direction
At only 19 years old, Vladimir Olhosvky, fleeing the Russian Revolution and going into exile in Mexico City, will have to make his way in a new country, totally unknown to him but that will bring him a new life.
Production Design
At only 19 years old, Vladimir Olhosvky, fleeing the Russian Revolution and going into exile in Mexico City, will have to make his way in a new country, totally unknown to him but that will bring him a new life.
Poison for the Fairies
Production Design
In 1965 Mexico City, Flavia, a wealthy yet lonely schoolgirl, befriends Veronica, a young orphan girl who has a fascination with witchcraft. Veronica convinces Flavia that she is a real witch and forces her to be her assistant. The children's games gradually become more serious and Veronica demands more from Flavia.
Murder in Three Acts
Production Design
In Acapulco, Hercule Poirot attends a dinner party in which one of the guests clutches his throat and suddenly dies. The causes seem to be natural until another party with most of the same guests produces another corpse.
El Chanfle
Art Direction
This movie is about a soccer team worker "Chanfle", who's in charge of having everything up to date for the team, soccer balls, uniforms, soccer shoes, you name it! Well he's been married for 10 years to a beautiful young girl but hasn't got the privilege of being a father! They are really poor and in the attempt to sell a gun that belonged to a diseased uncle, he's mistaken for a burglar by a drunk guy. From that moment on, he's contanstly harrassed by the drunk guy, who chases him everytime he can...
Production Design
While attending the birth of Isabel, the wife of foreigner Felipe, Mama Santos predicts that "something terrible is going to happen in the town." From this omen, calamities will torment the locals.
Those Years
Art Direction
President Juárez fights against the conservatives, who have ordered an emperor to be brought from France to govern Mexico
Aunt Isabel's Garden
Art Direction
A ship carrying Conquistadors is wrecked and the survivors are thrown ashore to struggle through the Yucatan jungle.