Ryûji Harada
出生 : 1970-10-26, Tokyo, Japan
Hokkaido, Japan: An old woman -- formerly a man -- lives by a lake in the northern reaches of Japan, gazing at Nakajima Island in its center where her daughter's body was found long ago. She hasn't been able to visit for almost 50 years. Tokyo: A middle-aged man lives on an island where criminals were once exiled in the past, earning a sparse living as a cattle herder. He is descended from such exiled criminals. He raised his only daughter by himself after losing his wife in an accident. One day, the daughter comes home from the mainland, seemingly pregnant but unwilling to explain.
原田龍二が義理人情に厚いヤクザを演じる、任侠人情ドラマ「虎の流儀」のシリーズ第2弾。 岐阜での10人斬りの一件で、名古屋の待田組にいられなくなった車田清は、北九州へと向かい、代々地元の船や漁師たちを守ってきた名門・富岡一家の親分の世話になることになった。平和に見えた港町だったが、その裏では南豊不動産開発社長による漁港を埋め立てて空港を建設する計画が密かに進行していた。 主人公・車田清役を原田が引き続き演じ、前作から出演する川野太郎、つまみ枝豆、薬師寺保栄のほか、森脇英理子、磯山さやか、木下隆行、はいだしょうこ、東根作寿英、宮川一朗太、石倉三郎らが顔をそろえる。監督は「修羅の群れ」「日本統一」シリーズの辻裕之。
原田龍二の主演で描く任侠人情ドラマ。 柴山一家本部長の車田清は、組同士の抗争により親分を殺されたことから仇を討ちにいくが、失敗したことで追われる身となってしまう。清の身を案じた二代目組長の笠寺は、名古屋で運送屋を営む待田組でおとなしくしているよう、清に命じる。しかし、待田組は岐阜から来た備後組からたびたび嫌がらせを受けていた。はじめはおとなしく耐えていた清だったが、堅気の運送屋の仲間が手を出されたことから、堪忍袋の緒が切れてしまう。 義理人情を重んじるあまり、厄介ごとに耐えていく主人公のヤクザ・車田清役を原田が演じる。共演は、駒木根隆介、川野太郎、石橋保、石垣佑磨、つまみ枝豆、薬師寺保栄ら。監督は「修羅の群れ」「日本統一」シリーズの辻裕之。
Musashi returns Japan's legendary swordsman and philosopher to the screen once again. In an original period drama based on the historical facts of the life and travels of the famous Miyamoto Musashi we find an apprentice, an instructor and the account of a famous battle in Japan of the Middle Ages where many questions will be answered.
Toshihiko Natsume
Saburo Kanai
A series of suspicious deaths, starting with that of her boyfriend Kawazu Masayuki, prompts mystery novelist Yuki Rikako to investigate. She discovers that all the victims were once passengers on the same cruise ship a year ago and involved in an accident that left one man dead. Rikako must find out what really happened during that outing before more casualties result.
Minoru Hasegawa
Kohei Jinkawa
謎の記号から始まる首都壊滅のカウントダウン 浮かび上がる巧妙に仕組まれた爆破計画!? 東京郊外の巨大なテレビ塔で元人気ニュースキャスターの仲島孝臣の死体が発見された。現場には「f6」という謎の記号が――。 警視庁特命係の杉下右京と亀山薫は、刑事部長らから、小包爆弾のターゲットとなった衆議院議員の片山雛子の護衛を命じられた。雛子は爆発物で襲われるも、無事に海外視察に出立。襲撃現場には「d4」の記号があった。 右京と薫は、会員制webサイトSNS内に「処刑リスト」と名づけられた掲示板があることを知り、仲島と雛子の事件が予告殺人だったことを突き止める。さらに、2週間前に交通事故死していた来生判事の名前もリストに連ねられ、その事故現場から「e4」の記号を発見した右京は、それらの暗号がチェスの手を示す棋譜の記号で、一連の事件は連続殺人であると確信する。 手詰まりとなった捜査一課をよそに、右京は「処刑リスト」サイトを管理者から乗っ取ったという正体不明の人物のアドレス「stalemate@hot-free.net」にあてて、次の一手をメールしていた。意外にも返事があり、そのまま真剣勝負の対局へ。薫らが見守る中、ついに右京が「チェックメイト」を告げる。そしてその投了図から驚愕の事実が発覚!それは未曾有の大事件の始まりだった。右京と薫が史上最大の難問に挑む!!
An adaptation of the Shotaro Ikenami novels, set in the historical Edo period, and centered on Fujieda Bayan, a medicine man and doctor by day, but ruthless killer for hire by night. His tools of the trade are the same in either job: acupuncture needles that leave no trace.
After serving a term in prison because of shooting the leader of the rival group, Goro finds out that his fellow Yakuza Shiroyama, left the group and living as a normal people.
Christmas Special following the series.
Izo is an assassin in the service of a Tosa lord and Imperial supporter. After killing dozens of the Shogun's men, Izo is captured and crucified. Instead of being extinguished, his rage propels him through the space-time continuum to present-day Tokyo. Here Izo transforms himself into a new, improved killing machine.
A werewolf samurai walks the countryside, finding himself in the middle of a village of monsters who feed on human flesh.
"GHOST HOUSE" Cast: Jinpachi Nezu ("Castle of the Owls", "Red Shadow"), Natsuo Ishido, Masako Izumi Synopsis: A young girl is forbidden by her parents to marry and decides to elope. "WHISPERS" Cast: Ryuji Harada ("Ka-chan", "Firefly"), Eisuke Tsunoda, Kimi Mizuhashi SynopsisTakuya (Ryuji Harada), a broadcast journalist, is asked by a program director to investigate a strange tree that is located in the area where he was brought up. "WORLD OF INIFINITY" Cast: Ikkei Watanabe ("Muscle Heat", "Gamera 3"), Yumi Aso ("Bond", "Last Scene") Synopsis: For 20 years, Takei (Ikkei Watanabe) devoted his life to his company and family. Using his weak heart as an excuse, he avoided involvement in social activities.
物語の時期は明確ではないが、朝倉いずみ5年目途中から6年目途中の間に物語が始まったと考えられる。 根本が看護部長専任になっており、新婦長の矢口が着任している。大島が第2子を妊娠中で産休前であった。 劇中でかなりの期間が経過している。ラストで翔子が婦長に、産休から復帰した大島が主任に昇進している。 病院側スタッフの出演者から見ると、パート3の後日談であるが、このすぐ後に放映されたパート4にも尾崎婦長・大島主任の設定がそのまま引き継がれたり、一部の患者が引き続き入院しているところから、パート4の、そう離れていない時期の前日談にも相当している。処置室、ICUは救命病棟24時第二シリーズのセットが使われている。
Yasuaki Makihara
Produced for Fuji TV in 2000, the film reinterprets the story of a special samurai force - the Shinsengumi - at the end of the Edo period.
Koji Mibu
Takanosuke Ushio and Tae Horikawa are unable to forget each other, even though they met and fell in love 20 years ago. They had promised each other that they would build a retreat in Shiguretei, but Ushio was hospitalized after a stroke a few days later, and when his wife, Takako, rushed to the hospital, she discovered their love affair, which in reality had not gone beyond kissing. Now, 20 years later, against the advice of her ikebana mentor, Tae rushes to meet Ushio at Shiguretei, only to see him clutching his chest in pain. Eventually, the design and plans for the dream retreat are seen by Tae, but she has to visit Kyoto alone... or maybe she's heading for somewhere else.
Seiroku Miyazawa
“Night Train to the Stars” is a biography of the fascinating life of Kenji Miyazawa, one of Japan's most beloved fantasy novelists. Miyazawa is an idealist pledging with his friend Kanai to work for the improved life of farmers. Troubled by his family’s interest in money making and social status, he leaves home after graduating high school to join a Buddhist sect in Tokyo. After falling out with a friend, and receiving news about his sister re-emerging pneumonia, he decides to return home where starts his own experimental school, teaching new farming methods to young local farmers while also instructing them in music and arts. It was only after his death, through the help of his brother Seiroku, that his writings became widely read.
A hard-boiled touch love story that depicts the momentary love between a hitman and a woman who had a dangerous escape together.
Based on the comic by Satosumi Takaguchi.