Yonezô Maeda

Yonezô Maeda

出生 : 1935-10-23, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 2021-07-06




Yonezô Maeda


ひまわり ~沖縄は忘れない、あの日の空を~
Director of Photography
After an American helicopter crashes into a classroom in Okinawa International University, student Ryuichi is compelled to write a report on a similar accident 52 years ago, in 1959, when an American jet fighter crashed into his grandfather's elementary school. He also plans to hold a peace concert.
蒼き狼 地果て海尽きるまで
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Young film star Ken Mihara is about to fall from stardom. His rise as a celebrity is solely credited to his onscreen counterpart, Keiko, who recently announced her retirement from acting in order to get married. Feeling frustrated and helpless, Ken turns to alcohol as he begins to provoke fights, attempts to lure a girl into bed, and argues with his wife, who came to visit him at the studio. All she says is thank you and leaves Ken puzzled. Ken Mihara, once a budding young star, takes a job as an extra. Although he's past his prime, he still manages to infuse a young filmmaker with the motivation to pursue her dreams as a director.
Director of Photography
An assassin fends off numerous attacks from her comrades, who are trying to move up in rank by killing off the competition.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
おかっぱ頭のスーパーマーケット大好き主婦・井上花子は、スーパー「安売り大魔王」の中で小学校時代の幼馴染・小林五郎と再会する。花子は「もう一つスーパーを見て欲しい」と五郎に言われついて行った先のスーパー「正直屋」のダメぶりを五郎に愚痴るのが、実は五郎がその「正直屋」のオーナーだった。 五郎は花子にスーパーの悪いところを直してくれと頼み、花子はレジチーフとして「正直屋」に勤務。近所で繁盛しているライバル店「安売り大魔王」と戦う事になる。 最初はスーパーのレジ係として勤務した花子だが、職人気質な人達がチーフに就いている各部門で問題が続発し、特に精肉部・鮮魚部とは事あるごとに対立する。やがて実績を買われて副店長に昇進した花子は顧客の意見を聞き反映する試みを行い、製品のリパック(店頭に置いてあった製品を回収し再度ラップし、また店頭に置く事)の禁止を店舗会議で直訴し五郎も承諾させ、正直屋の商売方針を改善。徐々に来る客も増えていくが・・
Melodrama about the life of a mentally handicapped young man and his devoted sister after their famous novelist father and housewife mother go to Australia on a business trip.
Director of Photography
A successful Japanese movie director in his sixties becomes increasingly ill while working on his latest film. Though his family, friends, and doctor try to keep the secret of his terminal cancer from him, Buhei gradually comes to realize the truth of his condition, leading him on a journey of despair, anger, and, ultimately, acceptance.
Director of Photography
A romantic tale from the team of Fujio F. Fujiko and director Yoshimitsu Morita. The two heroines are played by Shizuka Kudo and Misa Shimizu, and it co-stars Motoya Izumi, David Ito, Toshiaki Karasawa, Isao Hashizume, Kyoka Suzuki, et al. The soundtrack is packed with hit songs incouding Wham's "Last Christmas", Earth, Wind & Fire's "Let's Groove", Kome Kome Club's "Roman Hikou," Saki Kubota's "Ihoujin" among others.
Director of Photography
ヤクザにゆすられ続けるホテル、ホテル・ヨーロッパ。ヤクザの脅しに屈して簡単に金を出してしまう体質から日本中のヤクザが引っ切り無しに訪れるようになり、危機管理の甘さを露呈し、サミットの招致も断られてしまう。この状況を打開すべく、総支配人の小林は経理部の鈴木勇気、ベルボーイの若杉太郎の二人をヤクザへの対応役として任命。しかし、何の知識もない二人はヤクザを追い出すどころか火に油を注ぐ結果となり、ますますヤクザの恐喝を悪化させてしまう。見かねたホテルの幹部はついに外部からプロを雇うことになる。それが民事介入暴力(民暴)を専門とする弁護士、井上まひるであった。 まひるはヤクザ相手に経験と法律の知識を武器に堂々と立ち向かい、鈴木と若杉に「ヤクザを怖がらない」ことを教え、二人は徐々に勇気を持つようになった。そんな中、小林はゴルフ場で知り合った入内島という男性に誘われるがまま賭けゴルフをしてしまう。しかし実は、入内島はヤクザ組織の中心人物であり、賭けゴルフをきっかけとして総支配人にスキャンダルの罠を仕掛ける。 なかなか脅迫に屈しないホテルに対して入内島は街宣車を送り込むなどの嫌がらせを行う。それに対してまひるは裁判所に不作為の申請をする等、一歩も引かず対処するが、ヤクザの「鉄砲玉」によって腹部を刺され重傷を負う。怒りに燃える若杉は鉄砲玉を打ちのめすが、まひるは出血多量で病院に担ぎ込まれる。
A human drama on the state of marriage today, following the battle between a mother and daughter over her marriage and humorous depictions of the people around them. When Mieko's husband passes away, she hopes to arrange a good marriage for her daughter Non, but things don't go as planned when Non reveals there's already a love interest in her life.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Despite his efforts of living a normal life as a banker, the life of Toru, the only son of the Yubari Family, becomes disrupted by trouble brought on by his father. When his father’s battle against his rival group the Miike Family ignites, Toru becomes more involved in the turf war than he wished for.
Director of Photography
地上げ屋同士の熾烈な攻防戦が吹き荒れるバブル期の東京。オフィスビルの建設ラッシュを機に、政治家・建設業者・商社・銀行が結託して巨額の利益を上げんと欲望を燃え上がらせていた。 そんな中、代議士の漆原は天の道教団の管長・鬼沢に目をつける。鬼沢は宗教を隠れ蓑に風俗業など数々の商売をし、さらにヤクザを操り地上げの嵐を吹き荒らしていた。しかもそれらの商売による収益を宗教法人に入金して課税を免れていた。 「宗教活動以外での所得は課税対象となる」という税法を盾に、やり手査察官・板倉亮子をはじめとする国税局査察部・通称マルサは鬼沢の内偵調査を行う。亮子は大蔵省のエリート官僚・三島を引きつれ鬼沢の身辺調査に入るが、教団信者やヤクザ達の妨害に遭い、調査は難航。ようやく脱税のシッポを掴んだマルサは強制調査に着手し、鬼沢の取調べが行われるが、鬼沢は頑として脱税を認めず、逆ギレして地上げの正当性を主張する。 そんな中、鬼沢の手下が射殺される。査察部は脱税を隠蔽するために鬼沢が「トカゲの尻尾」のように切り捨てたのではないかと疑うが、やがて鬼沢本人が狙撃される事件が発生。危うく難を逃れたが、鬼沢も「トカゲの尻尾」、つまり使い捨てられる駒でしかなかったのだ。 鬼沢の地上げした土地ではビルの着工を前に地鎮祭が行われる。鬼沢を背後で操って自らは手を汚すことなく利益を得た大臣・代議士・企業幹部が談笑する。その姿を少数の同僚とともにフェンス越しに隠れて見つめていた亮子は、やりきれなさに唇を噛む。 一方、鬼沢は自分の墓に巨額の財産を隠していた。最後に笑ったのは鬼沢であった。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Based on the comic by Mako Takami.
Director of Photography
港町税務署のやり手調査官・板倉亮子は、管内のパチンコ店の所得隠しを発見したり、老夫婦の経営する食品スーパーの売上計上漏れを指摘するなど、地味な仕事を続けている。そんなある日、実業家・権藤英樹の経営するラブホテルに脱税のにおいを感じ、調査を行うが、強制調査権限のない税務署の業務の限界もあり、巧妙に仕組まれた権藤の脱税を暴くことができずにいた。 そんな中、亮子は強制調査権限を持つ国税局査察官(通称「マルサ」)に抜擢される。着任早々に功績をあげ、やがて仲間からの信頼も得るようになった亮子。ある日、権藤に捨てられた愛人・剣持和江からマルサに密告の電話が入る。亮子は税務署員時代から目をつけていた権藤の調査を自ら進んで引き受ける。亮子の努力が実を結び、権藤に対する本格的な内偵調査が始まる事になった。暴力団、政治家、銀行がからんだ大型脱税との戦いが始まった。
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Daisuke is supposed to be out looking for a respectable job and equally respectable wife. He is 30 years old and devotes his attention to music and literature; his family is wealthy and can support his interests. When his friend Hiraoka returns with his wife Michiyo, problems arise.
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
ある日、俳優の井上侘助(山崎努)と妻で女優の雨宮千鶴子(宮本信子)は夫婦共演のCM撮影を行っていたが、そこに突然連絡が入る。千鶴子の父・真吉(奥村公延)が亡くなったのだ。親族代表として葬式を出さなくてはならなくなった侘助はマネージャー里見(財津一郎)の助けを借りつつも途方に暮れる。 千鶴子の母・きく江(菅井きん)や千鶴子の妹・綾子(友里千賀子)夫婦、そして真吉の兄・正吉(大滝秀治)とともに遺体を伊豆の別荘に運び、お通夜の準備に取り掛かる。葬儀屋・海老原(江戸家猫八)とともに、お通夜当日の朝を迎える侘助達。だがそこには、喪服を着た侘助の愛人・良子(高瀬春奈)がいた。
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1984.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
An office lady joins a "mistress bank", starts falling in love with her client and gets involved in a murder case.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A young couple with marital problems are beset by an office lady temptress, amorous paramours and the swingers next door.
セーラー服 百合族
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
On her wedding day, Makiko is stabbed by a woman in wedding dress. The wound isn't serious but the attacker blows herself up and can't be identified. The attacker is thought to be an ex-girlfriend of Tsutomu, the groom. He gives two names to the police but these two are still alive. But there is still one woman in Tsutomu's mind...
Director of Photography
A moonlight skinny-dipping session between two carefree high schoolers leads to a young boy being accused of a violent assault on his female classmate. After throwing a teacher to the ground, he stomps out of the school gates and spends his summer break roaming a beachside town. Falling down a rabbit hole into a dark, oppressive world of sex and violence, he is taken in by a bar-owner and his libidinous mistress. Meanwhile, the teacher he assaulted hunkers down in a rented villa in the same coastal resort, awaiting a secret tryst with her married lover. What will happen when the student and teacher meet again?
The film takes place in the popular tourist spot of Karuizawa. A working class student named Junichi becomes a waiter there in order to mix in with the upper classes. A stylish Roman Porno directed by Konuma, commemorating Nikkatsu's 70th anniversary.
The story of lovers in "Miss Nippon" cabaret in Kabukicho, Shinjuku, where a strict, almost martial, code is followed among employees to bring the business to the top. Workers must follow the rules and a "no relations between workers" policy that's tightly enforced.
奴隷契約書 鞭とハイヒール
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
運命の殺意 北信濃母子心中
Director of Photography
In the past, a woman was raped by her brother-in-law. Keeping this dark secret, she lives a seemingly happy life with her husband and son, but the son, shocked to find out his real father is the brother-in-law, sets out to do something. The downfall of a mother and her child starts there...
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Yoshiko Ariake, a mainstream Toei actress lured to Nikkatsu, plays career lady Hineko who works for an interior design company. She's a confident woman, dedicated to business politics, but has never been willing to give herself to romance. In fact, it's easy for this fashionably bitter woman to be unfaithful in a relationship. Sparks fly when she meets a handsome rival (Yoshimitsu Onimaru).
Director of Photography
A wife and her husband make an agreement where the wife become the slave of him. A couple rent Nami for three months from a supplier who "trains" women to be slaves and submit to everything no matter how degrading, humiliating or painful.
天使のはらわた 赤い淫画
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1980.
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Masaru is freed from a juvenile detention center. Filled with rage and frustration he rapes a woman (Yuki Kazamatsuri) in the woods. She then meets his older brother, a deliveryman and tells him her story, and they soon become good friends, which will lead to a sexual relationship. Later, she finds out the two men are brothers and files a police report against the older one, accusing him of raping her. It seems she couldn't forget that night in the woods...
桃尻娘 プロポーズ大作戦
Director of Photography
Rena and Yuko are at it again.
おんなの細道 濡れた海峡
Director of Photography
A man travels with his pill-popping girlfriend to the headquarters of her yakuza boss husband, in order to claim her for himself.
Director of Photography
In a rural town, ex-members of a motorcycle gang become sporadic victims of a vigilante attack. A group of high school boys are responsible for the various assaults because they're upset that the motorcycle gang had disbanded. Seemingly, these kids idolized the rebel gang and harbored dreams of joining them after graduation. Female student Miku (Megumi Saki) happens to see one of the vengeance assaults, and is threat-ened by the high school thugs. After getting raped, she soon develops a compassion for the wild boys.
修道女 黒衣の中のうずき
Director of Photography
Nunsploitation from Japan. Part of the Shûdôjo series.
Mr.ジレンマン 色情狂い
Director of Photography
Kantaro Iwata's life is not a happy one, neither at the office where he is looked down upon, nor at home where he has a nagging wife and children who treat him with scorn. All these things pile up until he takes things into his own hands.
ズームアップ 暴行現場
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno from 1979
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A sexually frustrated office worker hit his boss in the night club. The next day he is told he's to be demoted to a different position in the company. He gets so disturbed and thus begins his rape rampage. He rapes a number of hard-to-get ladies in his company. Surprisingly, the ladies are stimulated by his assault and finally help him in getting promoted.
Director of Photography
Junko Miyashita plays a mysterious hitchhiker picked up by a brute of a construction worker named Kenzo who takes her back to his run-down and cramped apartment in a not so good part of town. Claiming that she is running away from an abusive husband, she shacks up with him. In a futile attempt to escape the bleak working class surroundings, the pair engage in an obsessive erotic relationship.
団鬼六 縄化粧
Director of Photography
Kanako meets a BDSM artist, who teaches women an extreme form of erotic submission - how to act like a dog. It's rough and he even brings a real dog for her, but she goes with it. This improves her and her geeky husband's marriage.
Director of Photography
A woman on her way to Tokyo is repeatedly raped by various men she encounters on the highway.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Saori is the wealthy, unfaithful wife of the impotent Kosaku. When she returns from a trip abroad, Tsumura, Kosaku's assistant, meets her and takes Saori to an apartment. There, Tsumura rapes her and submits her to various sexual tortures while she is photographed by photo-journalist Tayama. Saori's husband Kosaku uses the photographs to blackmail her into giving him control of the family estate. Saori is returned to her mansion, but kept in a cage in the basement where she is subjected to regular bouts of abuse from Tsumura. Besides rape, other indignities endured by Lady Saori include breast bondage, enemas and the insertion of hen's eggs into her vagina. After Kosaku dies from a stroke, Saori realizes that she has come to enjoy Tsumura's treatment.
Director of Photography
Masao is falsely accused and jailed for the murder of a loanshark to whom he owed a lot of money. His sister Kiriko makes the long trip to Tokyo, specifically to accost Otsuka, Japan's top criminal defence lawyer, and plead with him to take her brother's case. They live in Kitakyushu which, though a city, she contends that the local lawyers are not up to the job. Otsuka contemptuously brushes her off. A year passes. Masao has suicided in jail, his appeal having failed due to the lack of interest and competence of the local defence lawyer. Kiriko returns to Tokyo, planning revenge on Otsuka for refusing the case and causing her brother's death.
Director of Photography
A young teacher (Eiko Nagashima) is raped by students. She tries to resign but then decides to return and face the class.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Teenage cousins Masao and Tamiko fall in love when she comes to his riverside brewery house to take care of his sickly mother. Family objections ensue as Tamiko is older than Masao, and the two cannot marry in peace.
Director of Photography
Japanese drama film.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
色情妻 肉の誘惑
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
国際線スチュワーデス 官能飛行
Director of Photography
Many are the romantic stories of beautiful stewardesses who have dreamed and become modern Cinderellas. Yumi, though, has no such dreams. She loves Shimada, a very ordinary, young man and hopes to marry him one day. However, during the flight to Tokyo, the Petroleum Minister of a certain country sets eyes on Yumi, the loveliest girl ever hired by JAL, and is more than pleased with what he sees. When Yumi is approached, she declines instantly but everyone seems to gang up to bend her will to theirs and soon the newspapers report that Yumi has accepted the Petroleum Minister's proposal.
Director of Photography
When a stuck-up and privileged lady of a wealthy family is left to fend for herself, her butler decides to teach her some overdue humility through BDSM. His spiral of debauchery is soon overtaken by madness, and his sex games threaten to harm more than just her social standing and pride.
ルナの告白 私に群がった男たち
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1976
濡れた欲情 ひらけ!チューリップ
Director of Photography
Akira and Hiroshi are two lowlives who hang around pachinko parlours. Hiroshi is a ladies' man but always loses at pachinko. Akira is a virgin at 25 but always wins. Hiroshi tries to get Akira laid with little success but things change when Akira is informed of a 88 million yen inheritance.
東京エマニエル夫人 個人教授
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1975.
看護婦(秘)カルテ 白い制服の悶え
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
女教師 少年狩り
Director of Photography
Miss Yamagami is beautiful with a willowy figure and slender legs. She seems out of place teaching in an all boys school. The young school marm is fully aware of her power over the impressionable boys in school and it satisfies her vanity. She stirs up their nameless longings until they are carried away and resort to acts on which Miss Yamagami had not counted on.
実録おんな鑑別所 性地獄
Director of Photography
When a group of young women is thrown into juvenile hall, they will soon realize how bad their lives are about to become.
制服の処女 男狂い
Director of Photography
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1974.
現代娼婦考 制服の下のうずき
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1974.
Director of Photography
Pinku from 1974.
ロスト・ラブ あぶら地獄
Director of Photography
OL日記 ちぎれた愛欲
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
OL日記 密猟
Director of Photography
A young office worker grows up to become an insatiable sexual deviant thanks to her mother's "lusty blood". She can't control her abnormal desire, which flares up at the mere sight of a man. The blood of debauchery hidden in the seemingly ordinary and healthy body of an office worker delights and confounds men.
人妻 残り火
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
大江戸性盗伝 女斬り
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
女子大生 SEX夏期ゼミナール
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
不良少女 野良猫の性春
Director of Photography
A teenage runaway (Yuko Katagiri) goes to Tokyo.
女地獄 森は濡れた
Director of Photography
昼下りの情事 古都曼陀羅
Director of Photography
An upwardly-mobile banker's boss introduces him to the adopted daughter of a wealthy client. He falls in love with the girl and wants to marry her, not knowing that she is involved in a kinky sadomasochistic relationship with her artist father.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1973.
Director of Photography
江戸小町 淫の宴
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1972.
色暦大奥秘話 刺青百人競べ
Director of Photography
The sixth year of Hōei. In the sixth year of the reign of Tokugawa Ienobu (Hiroyuki Mikawa), the sixth shogun, Kayo (Yumi Nakano), a maid in the O-oku (inner sanctum) of Edo Castle, was beaten. The incident is buried in the dark, and the closet where Kayo was beaten becomes an "unopened room. One day, after four years had passed, Echizen no Mori (Toshihiko Oda), on a hawking trip with Ienobu, presented Ienobu with a beautiful tattoo of Oma (Maya Kitami) on his back. Ienobu is overjoyed and becomes completely captivated by O-Man's body...
団地妻 忘れ得ぬ夜
Director of Photography
ラブハンター 熱い肌
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1972.
Director of Photography
Roman Porno from 1972.
Director of Photography
Reiko is an adulterous housewife whose lover is a foul-tempered yakuza gangster. After one of her husband's friends spies the amorous duo at a no-tell motel, the stage is set for murder.